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15 Cards in this Set

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During embryonic development, from what outpocketing does the lower respiratory system grow out?

cranial foregut

What forms in the floor of the primitive pharynx that develops into the lungs?

laryngotracheal diverticulum

From what embryonic origin is the laryngotracheal diverticulum derived?


What is the embryonic origin of cartilage, muscle, and connective tissue of the lungs?

splanchnic mesoderm

What is the purpose of the transesophogeal folds?

To separate the respiratory and digestive systems

What opening connects the laryngotracheal tube to the pharynx?

laryngeal inlet

What indication on prenatal ultrasound can suggest a possible esophageal atresia?


After birth, what signs suggest esophageal atresia? (4)

- saliva accumulation

- cyanosis after drinking

- abdominal distension from crying

- pneumonitis

What group of anomalies is associated with tracheoesophageal atresia?

Vertebral anomalies

Anal atresia

Cardiovascular anomalies

Tracheoesophageal fistulas

Esophageal atresia

Renal anomalies

Limb defects

What is the embryonic origin of visceral pleura?


visceral - splanchnic mesoderm

parietal - somatic mesoderm

How many orders of branching occurs in bronchial development?


What purpose does breathing amniotic fluid into lungs have? (2)

- Lung development

- Conditioning breathing muscles

What do neonatal lungs look like on an x-ray compared to older patients?

Denser bc fewer alveoli

With what is respiratory distress syndrome in neonates associated?

Deficiency in surfactant

What is the damage caused by RDS called?

Hyaline membrane disease