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213 Cards in this Set

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These move mucus back to the larynx
A pt with sinus congestion points to the area on the inside of the eye as the point of pain. The nurse knows that the pt is referring to which sinus
The lungs are enclosed in a serous membrane called the
The left lung in contrast to the right lung has
One less lobe
The alveolar cells that secrete surfactant are
Type II cells
Gas exchange between the lungs and blood and between the blood and tissues is called
When taking a resp. hx the nurse should assess?
Previous Hx of lung disease
Occupational/environmental influences
Smoking and exposure to allergies
Bacterial pneumonia can be indicated by the presence of
Green purulent sputum
Thick yellow sputum or
rusty sputum
Chest pain described as knifelike on inspiration would most likely indicate
Hemoptysis a sx of cardiopulmonary disorders is characterized by
An alkaline pH, sudden onset, bright red bleeding mixed w/sputum
The nurse inspects the thorax of a pt with advanced emphysema. The nurse expects chest configuration change consistent w a deformity known as
Barrel chest
Breath sounds that originate in the smaller bronchi and bronchioles and are high pitched, sibilant and musical are called
Crackles, noncontinuous breath sounds, would be assessed for a pt with
Collapsed alveoli
When gathering a sputum sample from a pt you would direct them to
Initially clear nose and throat
Take a few deep breaths before coughing
Use diaphragmatic contractions to aid in the expulsion of sputum
A physician wants a study of diaphragmatic motion because of suspected pathology; he would most likely order a
A pt getting ready for a lung scan would need to know
A mask will be placed over his nose and mouth during test.
The imaging time will amt to 20-40 min.
He will be expected to lie under the camera
The nurse should advise the pt who is scheduled for bronchoscopy that he or she will
Have his/her nose sprayed with a toical anesthetic.
Be required to fast before the procedure
Receive preop meds
Because a bronchoscopy was ordered the nurse knows that the suspected lesion was not in the
Nursing measures before the bronchoscopy include
Obtaining an informed consent
Supplying info about procedure
Withholding food/fluids for 6hrs prior to test
Possible complications of broncoscopy (3)
After a broncoscopy pt must be monitored for (3)
After broncoscopy pt may be given
Ice chips and fluids after he demonstrates that he can perform the gag reflex
Nursing responsibilities for the thoracenteses include (3)
Inform the pt about pressure sensations that will be experienced during procedure. Making sure consent has been signed. Making sure chest xrays ordered in advance have been completed
For thoracentesis the pt is assisted to what positions
Lying on unaffected side with HOB elevated 30-40 deg.
Sitting on edge of bed with feet supported and arms and head on padded overbed table. Straddling a chair with arms and head resting on back of chair
The thoracentesis site is normally located in
the second and third intercostal spaces
Nursing observations after the thoracentesis include assessment for (3)
Blood tinged mucus
Sx of hypoxemia
A CXR film is usually ordered after the thoracentesis to R/O ?
Pt teaching for the uncomplicated common cold include (3)
Informing pt about sx of secondary infection.
Suggesting fluid intake and rest.
Teaching that the virus is contagious for 2 days before sx appear and during the 1st part of the symptomatic phase
The herpes virus which remains latent in cells of the lips or nose usually subsides spontaneously in?
10 to 14 days
Acyclovir and antiviral agent is recommended for
Herpes simplex infection
About 60% of cases of acute sinusitis are caused by bacterial organisms. A second line antibiotic used is?
Nursing suggestions for a pt with acute or chronic sinusitis include (3)
Adequate fluid intake
Increased humidity
Local heat applications to promote drainage
An antibiotic that decreases nasal secretions and polyp size in chronic sinusitis is?
Acute pharyngitis of a bacterial nature is most commonly caused by
Group A beta hemolytic streptococci
A complication of acute pharyngitis can be
Otitis media
Peritonsillar abcess
Nursing mgmt for acute pharyngitis includes
Applying ice collar for relief of sore throat
Encouraging bed rest during febrile stage of illness
Suggesting liquid or soft diet during the acute stage of disease
The most common organism associated with tonsillitis and adenoiditis is
Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus
Potential complications of enlarged adenoids include
Nasal obstruction
Acute otitis media
To assess for URI the nurse should palpate
The frontal and maxillary sinuses
The trachea
The neck and lymph nodes
To assess for URI the nurse should inspect the
nasal mucosa
Surgical reduction of nasal fractures is usually performed how long after the fx
7-10 days
Angioedema as a risk factor that leads to laryngeal obstruction is ususally caused by
Hx of airway problems
An early sx of cancer of the larynx in the glottic area (61% of cases) is
Affected voice sounds
A pt with a total laryngectomy would no longer have
Natural vocalization
Normal effective cough
Protection of the lower airway from foreign particles
Pt education for laryngectomy includes
Advising that lg amts of mucus can be coughed up thru stoma
Caution to prevent water from entering stoma
Telling the pt to expect diminished taste and smell
Emergency tx for epistaxis may include
cotton pledget moistened with aqueous epinephrine
Nasal packing used to control nose bleed can be left in place for
anywhere from 2 to 6 days
Position for epistaxis
keep upright with head tilted forward to prevent swallowing and aspiration of blood
The most common form of cancer of the larynx is
Squamous cell carcinoma
Pt teaching for laryngectomy
There will be ways to communicate without voice
Pt will require permanent tracheal stoma
Pt will not be able to sing, whistle or laugh
Oral feedings will begin when after laryngectomy?
1 week
Aspergillis is the causitive fungi in
Acute tracheobronchitis
Nursing mgmt for acute tracheobronchitis includes (3)
Increase fluid to remove secretions
Encourage bedrest
Using cool vapor therapy to relieve laryngeal and tracheal irritation
In the US the most common cause of death from infectious disease is
S.pneumoniae is the organism most commonly responsible for
Community acquired pneumonia
This is acid fast
affects about 35% of the worlds population
Is able to lie dormant within the body for years
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
A mantoux skin test is considered to be NOT significant if the size of the induration is
3-4 MM
Prophylactic INH drug tx is necessary for about how many months?
Dx confirmation of a lung abcess is made by
Chest radiograph
Sputum culture
The most dx clinical symptoms of pleurisy is?
Stabbing pain during respiratory movement
Pleural effusion results when fluid accumulation in the pleural space is greater than
Auscultation can be used to dx the presence of pulmonary edema when what adventitous breath sounds are present
Crackels in the posterior bases
ARF is directly related to three things
Decreased respiratory drive
Chest wall abnormalities
Dysfunction of lung parenchyma
A key characteristic feature of ARDS is
Arterial hypoxemia
A nurse knows to assess a pt with pulmonary arterial hypertension for the primary symptom of
Clinical manifestations directly related to cor pulmonale include three things
Dyspnea and cough
Distended neck veins
Edema of the feet and legs
The nurse assesses a pt for possible pulmonary embolism. The nurse looks for the most freq sx which is?
As a cause of death among men in the US lung cancer ranks?
More than 80% of all lung cancers are primarily caused by?
Cigarette smoking
The most prevalent lung ca that is peripherally located and freq metastasizes is?
The most freq symptom of lung cancer is?
The nurse is aware that the most common surgical procedure for a small apparently curable tumor of the lung is a?
Paradoxical chest movement is associated with?
Flail chest
An initial characteristic symptom of a simple pneumothorax is?
Sudden onset of chest pain
This refers to a closure or collapse of alveoli
Three severe complications of pneumonia are?
Respiratory failure
Three common paathogens that can cause aspiration pneumonia are
streptococcus pneumoniae
hameohilus influenzae
staphlococcus aureus
The mortality rate of ARDS is as high as ______% The cause of death is usually from
mutli system organ failure
A characteristic and dx feature of ARDS is
hypoxemia that does not respond to supplemental oxygen
The cause of cor pulmonale
enlargement of the right ventricle of the heart
Manifestations of bacterial pneumonia include these three things
Stabbing or pleuritic chest pain
The antibiotic of choice for community acquired s. pneumoniae is?
Penicillin G
COPD ranks _____ in the cause of death in the US
The current definition of COPD leaves only one disorder under its classification and that disorder is?
The underlying patho of COPD is?
Inflamed airways that obstruct airflow
Mucus secretions that block airways
Overinflated alveoli that impair gas exchange
Two diseases common to the etiology of COPD are
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema
For a pt with chronic bronchitis the nurse expects to see the major clinical symptom of
sputum and a productive cough
The major cause of emphysema is?
The primary presenting symptom of emphysema is?
Bronchodilators are prescribed in emphysema primarily because they?
reverse bronchospasm
A nursing assessment of a pt with bronchospasm assoc with COPD would include assessment for three things
Compromised gas exchange
Decreased airflow
A commonly prescribed methylxanthine used as a bronchodilator is
The physician orders a common bronchodilator that is only admin by inhaler, the nurse knows this would be
The nurse should be alert for complication of bronchiectasis that results from a combination of retained secretions and obstruction. This complication is known as
Histamine a mediator that supports the inflammatory process in asthma is secreted by
Mast cells
Obstruction of the airway in the pt with asthma is caused by ?
Thick mucus
Swelling of bronchial membranes
Contraction of muscles surrounding the bronchi
A commonly prescribed mast cell stabilizer used for asthma is
cromolyn sodium
The nurse understands that the pt with status asthmaticus will likely initially evidence symptoms of
Respiratory alkalosis
The nurse knows that the presence of a barrel chest is caused by?
air trapping in the lungs
The method of oxygen admin primarily used for COPD pt is
Venturi mask
To help a pt to use a mini nebulizer the nurse should encourage the pt to do what 3 things?
Hold his breath at the end of inspiration for a few seconds
Cough frequently
To assist a pt with the use of an IS the nurse should?
Encourage the pt to take approximately 10 breaths per hour between tx while awake
When vibrating the pts chest the nurse applies vibration when?
the pt is exhaling
The purpose of pursed lips during exhalation is to
prolong exhalation
When suctioning secretions from a trach tube it is helpful to first instill
3 to 5 mL of SS
When suctioning a trach tube the nurse needs to remember that each aspiration should not exceed
15 seconds
When an entire lung is removed it is called a
This trach tube protect the lower airway by producing a seal between the upper and lower airway,freq used for clients receiving mechanical ventilation
This type of trach tube is used when the pt can protect the airway from aspiration and in children under 8 years old
This type of trach tube is used for pts with extra thick necks
Single lumen tube
This type of trach tube distributes low pressure hign vol over a large area min pressure on trachea wall
Trach tube with cuff and pilot balloon
This trach tube has openings on the surface of the outer cannula that permit air from the lungs to flow over vocal cords
Uncuffed fenestrated
This trach tube is often used for pts w spinal cord injury or neuromuscular disease who require ventilation at all times
Cuffed fenestrated trach tube
This trach tube is used for a permanent tracheostomy
Metal trach tube
This trach tube has 2 pigtail tubings one is used to inflate and the other is connected to low air that moves up over the vocal cords to permit speech
Talking/speaking trach tube
This trach tube has a cuff filled with plastic foam
Foam filled cuff
Common cold also referred to as a
Manifestations of a cold
nasal drainage
sore throat
Interventions for a cold
warm salt water gargles
cover mouth
apply local heat
What is the prominent symptom of sinusitis
Nasal congestion
Interventions for acute/chronic sinusitis
increase fluids
local heat
info on sx of sinus infection
info on SE of nasal sprays(rebound congestion)
Chronic sinusitis is defined as
inflammation of sinuses more than 8 weeks
Sinusitis caused by
chronic nasal obstruction
Assessment for chronic sinusitis
decrease in smell and taste
Interventions for chronic sinusitis
Warm soaks to face
eat proper diet
antimicrobial for 21 days (ceftin)
Rhinitis is defined as
Group of disorders that cause inflammation and irritation of the mucus membranes of the nose
Rhinitis is classified as 3 things
Non allergic
Interventions for rhinitis
avoid allergens/irritants
Saline nasal spray
Provide instructions for proper use of nasal sprays and aerosols
Instructed to blow nose prior to admin meds in nose
Acute pharyngitis is defined as
Febrile inflammation of the throat
Pharyngitis causitive agent
Group A strep
Tx for acute pharyngitis
How is acute pharyngitis dx
Strep test
Pts with pneumonia need to stop smoking because
Smoking destroys tracheobronchial ciliary action which is the 1st line of defense in the lungs
Interventions for pneumonia
stop smoking
pt education
This disease is a world wide health disorder and the mortality and morbidity rates continue to increase
pulmonary tb
TB is transmitted how
Airborne droplets person to person
Agent in TB is
After TB is inhaled the body tries to destroy it by
walling it off with fibrous tissue
if unsuccessful it becomes a cheesy mass that softens and flows into the bronchi causing a prod. cough
TB is usually in the lung parenchyma but can be transmitted to where else in the body
lymph nodes
TB assessment would reveal
loss of strength, appetite and weight
productive cough
more weak as day goes on
Dx of TB 3 things
TB skin test
Sputum studies
Does a positive tb skin test mean that the person has active tb?
Mantoux test how to admin
Bevel up
0.1 of PPD injected (bleb,wheal)
What two things are indicators of a positive tb test
TB is primarily tx with what class of drugs and for how long
6-12 months
This TB drug is bacteriocidal
Isoniazid (INH)
This TB drug turns tears,urine, sweat orange/red
Rifampin (RIF)
With this TB drug you want pt to have eye exams
Ethambutol (EMB)
This TB drug can cause hepatotoxicity monitor LFT's
Pyrazinamide (PZA)
This TB drug is for multi drug resistant TB
MDR-TB (Cipro)
The tx for TB initially starts out.....
INH,RIF and EMB for 8 weeks
and INH,RIF for 4-7 more weeks
Pt education for TB
Cover mouth
Correct disposal of tissues
Proper cleaning of eating utensils
Avoid mouth to mouth contact
A pt with TB gets what kind of room
This is defined as inflammation of both layers of the pleural (parietal and visceral pleura)
Clinical manifestations of plurisy
Severe sharp knife like pain on inspiration
Initially hear a pleural rub on assessment
Nursing mgmt for pleurisy
Relieve pain
Chest splinting
Turn to affected side( relieves pain)
This is a collection of fluid 5-15mL in the pleural space, usually a secondary disease from CHF,TB, pneumonia
Pleural effusion
Assessment for pleural effusion
Areas that contain fluid will have NO breath sounds
Pleural effusion is confirmed with
CXR or thoracentesis
Tx for pleural effusion
Tx underlying cause
Prevent reaccumulation of fluid
Relieve discomfort and dyspnea
Prepare pt for thoracentsis
This is a collection of purulent liquid (pus) in the pleural cavity
Characteristics of emphyema
initially fluid is thin
Progresses to fibropurulent
Then encloses lung with thick exudative membrane
Symptoms of emphyema
night sweats
pleural pain
absence of breath sounds
flatness of chest percussion
Tests to dx emphyema
Medical mgmt of emphyema
Drain pleural cavity
Full expansion of the lung
Lg doses of antibiotics
Care of the chest tube
This is defined as excessive secretions of mucous that block the airway
This is impaired gas exch from destruction of the walls of the over extended alveoli
This is inflammed and constricted airwars that obstruct the airflow
Diet for COPD
High fat, low carb
Medical mgmt of COPD
Resp tx
Breathing exercises pursed lip
Pacing activity
Performing ADL's
Physical conditioning
Coping measures
Complications of COPD
Respiratory insufficiency
Respiratory failure
Pt teaching for COPD
Set realistic goals
Avoid extreme temps
No smoking
Lifestyle changes
Chronic bronchitis is defined as?
Productive cough lasting 3mo, a year for 2 consecutive years
Assoc with smoking, air pollution
In time irreversable lung changes, leads to emphysema and bronchiectasis
Chronic bronchitis
Assessment findings in chronic bronchitis
Chronic prod cough in winter
occurs in 5th decade
Hx of cigarette smoking
Dx of bronchitis
H and P
smoking habits
ABG's, CXR, PFT's H and H
Medical mgmt for bronchitis
Keep bronchioles open
Facilitate removal of secretions
To prevent infection and disability
Tx for chronic bronchitis
Postural drainage
With chronic bronchitis you want to continuously monitor
changes in sputum
THis is defined as distention of the air spaces beyond the bronchioles with destruction of the wall of the alveoli. Secretions are increased and fluid retained so pt cant expel them
Pulmonary emphysema
Major cause of pulmonary emphysema
Pulmonary emphysema is classified two ways
Pink Puffers (pantilobular)
Pt remains pink until disease becomes terminal
Blue bloaters (centrilobular)
pt has cyanosis, peripheral edema and resp failure
Prolonged respirations are a sx in
pulmonary emphysema
Assessment findings in pulmonary emphysema
clubbed fingers
exp wheezes
wt loss
resp infections
Medical mgmt of pulmonary emphysema
Improving quality of life
Slow progression
Relieve hypoxia
Nursing interventions for pulmonary emphysema
Aerosol tx
Continuous low flow o2
This is described as intermittent reversible airway obstruction, caused by narrowing of airways swelling of bronchi
Extrinsic asthma means
caused by known allergen
family hx of allergies
exposure to allergen
Intrinsic asthma means
Not R/T specific allergens
Factors such as cold, resp infections, exercise, emotion and environmental pollutants
Mixed asthma
Most common form
characteristics of both extrinsic and intrinsic
Three common symptoms for asthma
For asthma beta agonists bronchodilators
For asthma methylxanthines
For asthma anticholinergics
Mast cell inhibitor med
Chromolyn sodium
This is a chronic dilation of the bronchi and the bronchioles
Bronchiectasis sputum has?
Three layers
Top layer is frothy
Middle is clear
Bottom is dense with particles
THis is freq mistaken for chronic bronchitis not readily diagnosed
Mgmt of bronchiectasis
Postural drainage
Increased fluids
No smoking
face tent
possible OR to remove segment or lobe
This is a collapse of the alveolus caused by and obstruction of a bronchus
Dyspnea, cyanosis, cough, sputum prod., pleural pain, fever and difficulty breathing are all assoc with
Is the escape of air from an injured lung into the pleural cavity
Three types of pneumothorax are
Pain is sudden and pleuritic, resp distress is minimal to severe
Open pneumothorax
Air hunger, hypotension, hypoxemia, central cyanosis, tachycardia
Tension pneumothorax
Calls for emergency interventions. Stopping the air flow through chest
Open pneumothorax
Requires a chest tube
Open pneumothorax
If this is suspected the pt should immediately be given a high concentration of O2 to tx the hypoxia
Tension pneumothorax
Can be decompressed by inserting a lg bore needle at the 2nd intercostal space, midclavicular line on the affected side
Tension pneumothorax
Severe asthma that is unresponsive to conventional therapy w epi and theophylline and lasts longer than 24 hrs
status asthmaticus
This is known as self-perpetuating
Status asthmaticus
Decrease in the diameter of the bronchi
ventilation-perfusion abnormality from hypoxemia and resp alkalosis, followed by resp acidosis, death possible from resp failure
Status asthmaticus
Tx for status asthmaticus
Short acting beta agonists such as albuterol and corticosteroids
O2 and IVF
Mechanical vent is used when ot is in resp failure and cant breathe