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32 Cards in this Set

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What respiratory disorder only seen at birth is the result of primary absence, deficiency, or alteration in the production of pulmonary surfactant?
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
What is the primary mgmt of RDS?
1. Adequate ventilation (ET tube)
2. Surfactant replacement therapy
3. Monitor for complications (pneumonia, lung collapse)
4. DO NOT hyperextend the neck AT ANY TIME (may close glottis)...infant should be in 'sniff neck' position to maintain open airway
Croup can be either viral or bacterial and most often occurs at night. What is the purpose of placing this child in a cool mist tent?
To liquefy and loosen bronchial secretions
What is the most common form of croup usually caused by Influenza type B?
Laryngotracheobronchitis (LTB)
Describe the care of a child in a mist tent:
1. Monitor temp
2. Keep tent edges tucked in
3. Keep clothing dry
4. Assess respiratory status
5. Keep tent sides free of moisture to visualize the child
How is epiglottitis dx confirmed?
Lateral neck film
What are the cardinal s/s of epiglottitis?
1. Intense sore throat indicated by not wanting to eat or, if old enough, pointing to the throat
2. Difficulty swallowing --> drooling
3. Tripod position (upright, chin out, tongue protruding, hands on floor)
Which respiratory disorder is always considered a medical emergency?
Which respiratory disorder is characterized by thick secretions, usually caused by RSV?
When suctioning a new tracheostomy, what is a priority nursing plan?
Keep oxygen at bedside
Which chronic lung disease manifests hyperexpansion, atelectasis, interstitial thickening, and 'barrel chest'...similar to COPD patients...and can be the result of an infant on long-term O2 therapy?
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
When caring for a neonate the nurse monitors oxygen concentration to prevent which of the following?
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
What are the controllable risk factors for developing otitis media?
1. Smoking (2nd hand)
2. Feeding in a supine position
What is imporant to teach parents of a child w/ otitis media?
Keep temp below 101*F w/ acetaminophen (Tylenol) and tepid baths...risk for febrile seizure
A method of tx for otitis media is a myringotomy, a parent asks the nurse if the child will have permanent hearing loss, what is the best response?
The tubes do not affect hearing, however, the child should not swim or be submerged in water w/o ear plugs
Which respiratory disorder, if RT strep infection, tx is crucial due to risk of rheumatic heart disease/
Post-op nursing care for T&A:
1. Push ice cream, popsicles, jell-o, pudding...nothing red...mimics bleeding
2. No straws
3. Ice collar
4. Side-lying w HOB elevated
5. Observe for s/s of hemorrhage: frequent swallowing, vomiting fresh blood, clearing throat
Which chronic inflammatory disorder of the airway is a reactive airway response in which an antigen binds to the specific IgbE surface of the mucosal mast cell?
What is the process of an asthmatic reaction?
1. Airway edema
2. Mucus congestion
3. Constriction of the bronchi and bronchioles
4. Airway trapping in the alveoli
What is the best form of exercise for the client w/ asthma?
Corticosteroids are useful in the tx of acute respiratory disorders secondary to their ability to:
Decrease inflammation
The nurse knows that teaching has been successful if the patient, who is using the antichholinergic inhaler ipratropium bromide (Atrovent), states:
This inhaler is not to be used alone to tx an asthma attack
Discharge teaching to a pt receiving a beta-agonist bronchodilator should emphasize reporting which of the following SE?
Tachycardia...dose may need to be decreased
Which respiratory disorder is a dysfunction of the exocrine glands?
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
Cystic fibrosis has 3 presentations, what are these?
1. Meconium ileus
2. Malabsorption
3. Chronic recurrent respiratory infections
What is the first sign of an infant w/ CF?
Meconium ileus
What would you teach the parents of a child w/ CF about nutrition?
1. They must administer pancreatic enzymes w/ EVERY meal or large snack
2. Capsules can be sprinkled on a small amt of soft food
3. High cal, high protein
4. Need to administer water-soluble form of Vit A, D, K, and E
What is a patient w/ an increased temp and RR at risk for?
Hypoxia...administer O2
Describe the purpose of bronchiodilators:
To reverse bronchospasm
What are the physical assessment findings for a child w/ asthma?
1. Expiratory wheezing
2. Rales
3. Tight cough
4. s/s of altered blood gases
Why is genetic counseling important for the family of a child w/ cystic fibrosis?
b/c it is an autosomal recessive disease
List 7 s/s of respiratory distress in a pediatric client:
1. Restlessness
2. Tachycardia
3. Tachypnea
4. Diaphoresis
5. Nasal flaring
6. Retractions
7. Grunting