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11 Cards in this Set

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Beta-adrenergic agonists

Proventil (albuterol) - short acting
Xopenex (levalbuterol) - short acting
Serevent (salmeterol) - long acting
Epinephrine - nonselective alpha and beta
Relaxes bronchiole smooth muscle causing bronchodilation. Used for bronchoconstriction, asthma, and control/rescue situations. Contraindicated in patients with cardiac dysrhythmias. AEs include tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety, and tremors. NAs include monitoring for therapeutic and AEs, and HR and rhythm. Also educate the pt on proper dosing and the difference between control v. rescue.
Leukotriene inhibitors

Singulair (montelukast)
Blocks the mediator of inflammation, bronchoconstriction, and mucous membranes. Used for control with chronic asthma. Caution with liver dysfunction. Some AEs include headache, cough and GI upset. NAs for this drug include monitoring for therapeutic effects, AEs, and liver function. Patient education is important with medication dosing and controller.
Glucocorticoid steriods

Prednisone -oral
Decadron (dexamethasone) - oral
Flovent (fluticasone ) - inhaled
Solu-Medrol (methylprednisolone) - Parenteral (IV)
Decadron - parenteral (IV)
Inhibits mediators causing a potent anti-inflammatory affect. These are the "Big Guns" for asthmatics. Used for control of chronic inflammation / asthma - oral and inhaled. High dose IV aids rescue. Is contraindicated with psychosis, fungal infections, HIV/AIDS, TB, and caution is needed when giving to diabetics, peptic ulcer disease, and osteoporosis. AEs include hyperglycemia, gastric ulceration, hunger, insomnia, anxiety (mood swings) and osteoporosis with long term use. NAs - monitor for therapeutic and AEs; follow glucose levels; must have GI protection; pt education - do not stop abruptly (need to wheene off so adrenal glands start producing steroids for body again)
Mast cells stabilizers

Intal (cromolyn)
blocks release of histamine. Indicated for control of inflammatory response and seasonal/excercise induced bronchoconstriction. Contraindicated with acute asthma attacks. Caution with heart disease. AEs include a cough, sore throat, headache and dizziness. NAs - monitor for T and AEs; Patient education: rinse mouth after use, controller.

Benadryl (diphenhydramin) - 1st gen.
Claritin (loratadin) - 2nd gen.
Blocks histamine 1 receptors, decreases secretions (drying eyes, nose and mouth), and causes sedation. Used for allergies and sleep disorders. Contraindicated with acute asthma attacks and lower respiratory disease. AEs include drying of mucous membranes and sedation. NAs - monitor for T and AEs, thickening of nasal secretions, patient education - sedative side effects.
Nasal decongestants

Sudafed (pseudoephedrine) - oral
Afrin (oxymetazoline) - inhaled
Flonase (fluticasone propionate) - nasal
Dec. swelling of blood vessels in nose = dec. congestion. Used for allergies, sinusitis and the common cold. Contraindicated with hypertension. Caution with heart disease, dysrhythmias. AEs - nervousness, insomnia, palpitations, elevated BP, and with nasal route: drying, rebound vasodilation. NAs include monitoring for T and AEs, BP, nasal mucosa and educating patient about the correct use and potential rebound effects.

Atrovent (ipratropium)
Parasympathetic nervous system predominately controls airway diameter - blocking produces bronchodilation. A controller. Used prophylacticly for asthma exacerbation and COPD. Contraindicated with peanut allergy - Adrovent. AE's include dry mouth/throat, headache, GI upset. NAs - monitor for T and AEs. Pt edu - control v. rescue (if getting no relie from recommended dose, call 911)

Theo-Dur (theophylline)
Direct bronchodilation. Used for mild asthma and adjunct therapy in COPD. Contraindicated in peptic ulder disease, hyperthyroidism. Caution with cardiovascular disease b/c it increases HR. AEs - tachycardia, palpitations, headache. NAs - monitor for T and AEs. Therapeutic drug level - theophylline 10-20 mcg/ml.
Anti - tussives: narcotic, non-narcotic

Codeine - narcotic
Tessalon (benzonatate)
Narcotic and dextromethorphan decrease cough reflex on cough center in medulla. Tessalon numbs stretch receptors in respiratory tract = dec. stimulation. Used with nonproductive cough and inhibits cough reflex. Caution with chronic lung conditions. AEs - sedation and constipation (with narcotic) NAs - monitor T and AEs, pat. edu. - caution with narcotic use, see health care provider for cough > 1 week (possible infection or something else going on such as TB, cancer or valley fever.

Robitussin (guaifenesin)
Thins bronchial secretions to make mobilization easier. Used for common cold, bronchitiis, phyaryngitis, and influenza. Contraindicated with allergy. AEs N/V. NAs - Monitor for T and AEs, increase fluid intake as tolerated, pt edu. - see health care provider for cough > 1 wk.

Mucomyst (acetylcysteine)
Loosens / breaks down pulmonary / bronchial secretions. Used for thick pulmonary secretions, pulmonary infections, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, antidote for Tylenol (acetaminophen) overdose, off label: renal protetion with IV contrast (helps remove iodine out of system). Contraindicated with allergy. AEs N/V. NAs - monitor for T and AEs, pt edu- taste and smell (like rotten eggs)