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24 Cards in this Set

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At what vertebral level does the aorta pass through the diaphragm? The IVC? The esophagus?
T10: esophagus
T12: aorta
"I ate ten eggs at twelve"
What is the vital capacity defined as?
Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume + expiratory reserve volume
(= total lung capacity minus the residual volume)
R (relaxed) form of Hb... high or low affinity for O2?
High affinity for O2 (think: when you're relaxed, you do your job better--carry O2)
Pt with excess of oxidized form of hemoglobin (contains Fe3+ instead of Fe2+)... what is it called, what causes it, and how would you treat it?
- Results from exposure to drugs (dapsone, nitrites), enzyme deficiencies, or hemoglobinopathies
- Treat with methylene blue
What happens in cyanide poisoning, and how would you treat it?
Cyanide binds cytochrome C in mitochondria
Treat by giving:
1. Nitrites: oxidize hemoglobin --> methemoglobin, which will bind cyanide, freeing cytochrome C
2. Thiosulfate: binds cyanide --> renal excretion
What is the definition of pulmonary hypertension?
>= 25 mmHg
> 35 mmHg during exercise
What is primary pulmonary HTN caused by?
Inactivating mutation in the BMPR2 gene (normally inhibits vascular smooth muscle proliferation)
- Pts have poor prognosis
What is the most common cause of secondary pulmonary HTN?
- Leads to cor pulmonale
How would you calculate pulmonary vascular resistance?
Remember P = IR, or, P = QR
P = change in pressure (difference between left atrial P and pulm arterial P)
Q = flow (cardiac output)
When can you see cyanosis?
When deoxygenated Hb >5 g/dL
- Less likely to see cyanosis in pts w/ anemia and left shifts of O2 dissociation curve
- More likely to see cyanosis in pts w/ right shift of O2 dissociation curve (acidosis, fever)
Where does CO2 bind to Hb?
At the N terminus of globin
- Binding favors the taut form of Hb (O2 unloaded)
- 5% of CO2 is transported this way (90% transported as HCO3)
What is the Reid index, and what happens to it in COPD?
Reid index = gland depth / total thickness of bronchial wall
- In COPD, Reid index is >50%
Young, otherwise healthy man who gets a spontaneous pneumothorax... what is the likely underlying cause?
Paraseptal emphysema: affects distal part of acinus, and localizes to pleura and interlobar septa; associated with bullae, which can rupture --> pneumothorax
Restrictive lung disease with eggshell calcification of hilar lymph nodes and increased susceptibility to TB... what is it?
- Affects upper lobes; assoc. with foundries, sandblasting, mines
- Silica may disrupt phagolysosomes and impair macrophages
Restrictive lung disease with ferruginous bodies inside macrophages... what is it?
- Assoc. with shipbuilding, roofing, plumbing
- Affects lower lobes
How do you asses lung maturity in a fetus?
Lecithin-to-sphingomyelin ratio of >2 in amniotic fluid indicates lung maturity
- Usually <1.5 in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome
What is dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine?
The major component of surfactant
What are the risk factors for neonatal respiratory distress syndrome?
- Prematurity
- Maternal diabetes (due to elevated insulin)
- Cesarean delivery (due to decreased release of fetal glucocorticoids)
How would you treat neonatal respiratory distress syndrome?
- Maternal steroids before birth
- Artificial surfactant for infant
- Thyroxine
Lung cancer with hemorrhagic pleural effusions, pleural thickening, and psammoma bodies... what is it?
- Assoc. with asbestosis
Pleural effusion that's milky with increased triglycerides... what kind of effusion is it?
Pleural effusion that's cloudy with increased protein content... what kind of effusion is it?
- Seen in states of increased vascular permeability (malignancy, pneumonia, collagen vascular disease, trauma)
What is theophylline and what are its major toxicities?
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitor--leads to increased cAMP --> bronchodilation
- Narrow therapeutic index --> cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity (seizures)
- Lots of DDIs; blocks action of adenosine
What is N-acetylcysteine and what is it used for?
- Mucolytic --> loosens mucous plugs in CF pts
- Antidote for acetaminophen overdose