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330 Cards in this Set

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respiration - 'internal'
ATP making process that occurs in the mitochondria. Requires O2 as final electron acceptor
respiration - 'external'
processes that enable O2 supply to the lung. Involves the processes of Ventilation, perfusion, diffusion
air moves into/out of lung to remove CO2 and replenish O2. Bulk flow. Inflation and deflation
blood flow around body carries O2 to the alveoli and picks up CO2 from alveoli. Bulk flow.
gas exchange through cellular membrane. Depends on partial pressure differences at the interfaces.
composition of dry air
21% O2, 79 % N2, 0 CO2, 0 H2O
Which processes are responisble for existence and maintenance of partial pressure differences at the blood-cell interfaces?
perfusion and ventilation maintain large PP gradient for fast rate of transfer
PO2 in atmosphere
159 mmHg
PO2 in trachea
149 mmHg
PO2 in alveoli
100 mmHg
PO2 in oxygenated blood (arteries)
96 mmHg
PO2 in ISF
20 mmHG
PO2 in cell
4 mmHg
PO2 in venous blood
40 mmHg
PCO2 in trachea
0 mmHg
PCO2 in alveoli
40 mmHg (coming from the systemic circ)
PCO2 in arteries
40 mmHg
PCO2 in veins
46 mmHg
Dalton's law
the partial pressure of a gas in a gas mixture is the pressure the gas would exert if it occupied to the total volume of mixture alone.
PH2O in body at 37 degrees C
47 mmHg
What contributes to inspired air that is not present in dry air?
Water vapor = 47 mmHg. Must be accounted for in calculating inspired PO2 (PI O2)
Partial pressure in a solution is
partial pressure of a gas that is in euqilibrium with the solution
Lungs receive what percentage of Cardiac output?
what is the path of O2 to the blood?
surfactant, alveolar epithelium, interstitium, capillary endothelium, plasma, RBC. All is 1 micron thick.
which components of the lung increase the surface area?
branching of airways, alveoli
the lung and chest are elastic structures that ______ expansion.
what process allows lung and chest distention?
inspiratory muscle contraction
what process allows expiration?
relaxing the inspiratory muscles
the _____ is the primary muscle of inspiration, aided by the _____.
diaphragm, external intercostals
abdominal muscle contraction does what to the shape of the diaphragm?
allows it to return to its dome shape (aids in forced expiration by increasing intraabdominal pressure)
what happens to the lungs an chest wall in pneumothorax?
lungs collapse inward and chest wall moves outward
the pressure of the intrapleural fluid is (+ or -)
spirometer measures
flow of air into and out of lung (does NOT measure amount of air already in lungs)
Tidal Volume (VT)
volume of air leaving lungs during a single breath (only a fraction of air in the lungs)
Functional Residual capacity (FRC)
volume of air remaining in lungs at the end of a normal tidal volume. FRC = RV + ERV.
Residual volume (RV)
volume of air remaining in lungs at the end of a maximal expiration
Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
maximum volume of air at the end of a maximum inspiration (6L)
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
maximum volume of air expelled at the end of a normal tidal volume
Inspiratory capacity (IC)
maximum amount of air inhaled following a normal expiration
Vital Capacity (VC)
maximum volume of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiration
Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
maximum volume of air inhaled at the end of a normal inspiraiton
when lungs and chest wall separate, chest wants to move out, lungs want to move in. Chest wall vol increases, lung volume decreases
intrapleural pressure (increases/decreases) in inspiration
decreases. This increases lung volume and decreases alveolar pressure, air rushes into lungs
Inward and outward forces balance at an equilibrium position called the
FRC - functional residual capacity
these lung volumes cannot be measured using spirometry alone
in Emphysema, lung compliance is (increased/decreased)
in pulmonary fibrosis, lung compliance is (increased/decreased)
in alveolar edema, lung compliance is (increased/decreased)
surfactant (increases/decreases) lung compliance
What effect does increased surface tension have on the alveoli?
draws fluid out of pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli
reduced lung compliance results in (more/less) elastic recoil and renders lung (easier/harder) to inflate
more, harder
increased lung compliance results in (more/less) elastic recoil and makes the lung (easier/harder) to inflate
less, easier
emphysema is an example of (increased/decreased) lung compliance
fibrosis and alveolar edema demonstrate (increased/decreased) lung compliance
what factors control lung compliance?
1. amount elastin and collagen 2. ease of rib movment 3. surface tension of alveoli
surface tension
the force that attempts to decrease the surface area of the alveoli. Attractive force between the liquid molecules of the alveoli. Makes lungs more difficult to inflate.
less elastic tissue results in
increased compliance (emphysema)
more elastic tissue results in
decreased compliance (fibrosis - more elastin and collagen fibers)
alveolar collapse
laplace's law
surface tension generates pressure - greater pressure with a smaller sphere. P = 2T/r
effects of surfactant
increases compliance, increases alveolar stability (prevents actelactasis), keeps lungs dry
ease of inflation
tissue resistance
friction between the pleura and between the diaphragm and abdominal contents
airway resistance
80% of overall resistance to air movement, friction causes a drop in pressure of gas flowing through airways
turbulent air flow
creates more resistance than laminar flow
pattern of air flow in the trachea
turbulence (high air flow, large diameter)
2 forces that oppose air movement
compliance, frictional resistance (air mvmt and tissue)
calculating airway resistance
R = change in pressure/ air flow
pattern of air flow in the terminal bronchiole
pattern of air flow in most of lung between trachea and terminal bronchioles - air flow splits down branches
poiseuille's law
R = 8 nl/ pi r^ 4, thus flow of gas - V= change in P*pi*r^4/8nl
turbulence creates (more/less) air resistance than laminar flow
probability of turbulence is increased by
high air flow and large airway diameter
The main site of reistance
Medium-sized bronchi, low total CSA, high velocity.
The lowest resistance is found in
respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs. Like capillaries they're arranged in parallel, small resistance in airways.
the difference between flow and velocity
flow = volume/s, velocity = distance/s
radial traction
lung parenchyma pulls on airway, opens it more. Connective tissue stretching with inflation decreases resistance with an increase in lung volume
obstructive disease of lung
has higher airway resistance- compensates for it at higher volumes. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma
during forced expiration,
compression of peripheral airways limits air flow. Decrease in flow is the same despite volume or effort.
what determines airway patency?
transairway pressure (must be positive)
transairway pressure (Pta)
Pta= Paw-Ppl (pressure in airway (trachea) -intrapleural pressure)
transairway pressure is positive during
inhalation and passive exhalation
Pta becomes negative in
forced expiration
alveolar pressure
intrapleural pressure + elastic recoil pressure (PA= PPL + Pel)
increased airway resistance causes airway pressure to decrease more quickly. Thus ____ _____ happens more quickly
airway collapse. (Ppl becomes greater than Paw more easily)
a spirometer measures
airflow into and out of lungs. Cannot measure air already in lungs (RV, TLC, FRC)
total ventilation depends on
tidal volume and respiratory frequency.
frictional work
energy required to overcome friction. Increased frequency of resp, increased friction
elastic work
energy to expand the chest and overcome compliance. Increases at high Tidal Volume
total work
vary the combination of frictional and elastic work to get the same total ventilation and a decreased total work.
dead space
the volume of tidal volume that does not reach the alveoli. Stuck in conducting portion of resp system.
alveolar volume
the amount of air reaching the alveoli. Tv- Vd. (tidal volume - dead space volume)
alveolar ventilation
total flow to alveoli. = (tidal volume - dead space volume)* frequency
how can alveolar ventilation be increased?
increased tidal volume, increased resp. freq. Increasing tidal volume is more effective.
what is the relationship between PCO2 and alveolar ventilation?
they are inversely proportional.
alveolar ventilation reflects the rate of removal of what?
in hyperventilation, what happens to PaCO2?
it decreases - you're removing it faster
physiologic dead space
volume of airways not involved in gas exchange. Equals anatomic + alveolar dead space
alveolar dead space
the number of alveoli not perfused. May be indicative of a disease process that wrecks the pulmonary capillaries
anatomic dead space
the amount of air left in conducting portions
in normal individuals, physiologic dead space is equal to
anatomic dead space
mixed expired CO2. Measures CO2 diluted by O2 from the dead air space.
the difference in CO2 between the arterial CO2 and the mixed expired CO2 calculates
the dilution by physiologic dead space. Unperfused alveoli contain no CO2
PE CO2 normal value
30 mmHg
PaCO2 normal value
40 mmHg
tidal volume (VT) normal volume
500 ml
ventilation is (higher/lower) at the base of the lung than at the apex
intrapleural pressure is (more/less) negative at the base than at the apex
less negative (lungs= supported by diaphragm)
for a given change in intrapleural pressure, the (apex/base) has a greater increase in volume
the base. Less negative - more of a pressure difference
the diffusion constant, D
proportional to the solubility of gas, inversely proportional to the molecular weight
diffusion across a barrier equation
surf area*D*(P1-P2) / thickness
during rest, diffusion occurs across what fraction of the capillary?
during exercise, what happens to the amount of time an RBC spends in the capillary?
it decreases. Need entire length of capillary for diffusion
what simultaneous conditions allow diffusion impairment to be problematic?
exercise or alveolar hypoxia (at high altitudes)
which is more affected by thickening of the blood-gas barrier, CO2 or O2?
O2. CO2 diffuses more easily
physiologic dead space normal values
125-175 mL
the pulmonary circulation is (high/low) flow and (high/low) pressure
high flow, low pressure
little smooth muscle in pulmonary circulation
pulmonary capillaries are exposed to alveolar pressure
inspiration pulls open pulmonary arteris and veins by
radial traction. NOTE - only "extra alveolar" vessels, no capillaries
pulmonary vascular resistance is what fraction of systemic resistance
what determines the caliber of alveolar vessels?
balance between internal and alveolar pressure
When arterial or venous pressure increases in the lung, pulmonary vascular resistance _____.
what allows reduced pulmonary vascular resistance at high pressures?
recruitment and distension
when does pulmonary vascular resistance increase?
low and high lung volumes
at low and ligh lung volumes, pulmonary vascular resistance
hypoxia causes
pulmonary vasoconstriction
K+ channels in arteries are sensitive to
O2. channels close in resp. to low O2, causes vasoconstriction
what characteristic of pulmonary circulation contributes to low resistance?
little smooth muscle
mean pulmonary arterial pressure
pulmonary resistance is typically
2 mmHg
systemic resistance is usually
19.6 mmHg
flow rate is equal to
cardiac output
decreased arterial or venous pressure causes
increased pulmonary vascular resistance
increased cardiac output causes
decreased pulmonary resistance
where in the lung is the blood flow the greatest?
the base
why is pulmonary vascular resistance increased in low lung volume?
alveolus, thus the capillary around it, is unstretched. Capillary smooth muscle tone causes increased resistance.
what force draws fluid from the capillaries into the alveoli?
surface tension and hydrostatic pressure from capillary
what forces oppose fluid movement into the capillary?
air pressure in alveolus, osmotic pressure in capillary
what drains fluid in the interstitium?
lymphatics in perivascular space
what are the 2 stages of edema?
early - increased fluid in interstitial spaces, late - fluid in alveoli
Pulse oximetry
measures bound Hb - does not distinguish between oxy- and deoxy- forms
in anemia, why is the HB saturation % misleading?
pt. has less hgb, thus lower capacity for storing O2 in the blood. The saturation will be the same, but there will be less O2 due to fewer hgb
in carbon monoxide poisoning, why is Hgb saturation a misleading measurement?
hgb can be bound to CO (it has a higher affinity for it), but the CO takes the place of O2, causing a reduced blood O2 content
the PO2 at which Hgb is 50% saturated
left shifted O2 dissociation curves indicate
the hb holds onto the O2 more tightly. More hgb saturation for a given O2
right shifted O2 dissociation curve indicates
lower Hb saturation for a given PO2. Hb gives up O2 more easily
Bohr effect
a right shifted O2-dissociation curve
what factors cause a right shift O2 diss.curve?
increased H+, Increased PCO2, increased 2,3 BPG
what factors cause a left shift of O2 diss.curve?
decreased H+, decreased PCO2, decreased 2,3 BPG
P50 in a left shifted curve is ____ than normal?
P50 in a right-shifted curve is ____ than normal?
in venous blood, the curve is shifted (left/right) compared to arterial blood
what are the PO2 and saturation % in venous blood?
40 mmHg, 75%
what are the PO2 and saturation % in arterial blood?
100 mmHg, 97.5 %
where is carbonic anhydrase located?
in the RBC
what does carbonic anydrase do?
H20 + CO2 --> H2CO3
how is CO2 transported in the blood?
dissolved (10%), HCO3 (60%), carbamino (30%) - CO2 bound to Hb
how does the CO2 dissociation curve compare to the O2 dissociation curve?
it's steeper and more linear. A smaller change in PCO2 will lead to a greater change in CO2 content.
How does Hb that is not carrying O2 (reduced Hb) facilitate HCO3- concentration?
reduced Hb binds H+ ions produced in RBC by H2CO3 dissociation. Thish facilitates HCO3- formation by pulling the dissociation rxn to the right.
carbamino compound
CO2 bound to Hb
respiratory alkalosis/acidosis involves changes in
PCO2 - reflecting hypo or hyperventilation
metabolic alkalosis/acidosis involves changes in
[HCO3-] conc. (ingestion of alkalis, loss of H+ from vomiting)
hyperventilation causes
low PCO2, respiratory alkalosis
hypoventilation causes
high PCO2, respiratory acidosis
the body compensates for metabolic acidosis by
hyperventilating to reduce PCO2
the body compensates for respiratory alkalosis by
by excreting more HCO3-
Hering-Breuer reflex
lung stretch receptors= stimulated with inspiration - they trigger the offswitch neurons to stop inspiration (begin expiration). This reflex only operates at tidal volumes greater than 1 L
integrator neurons
"juxtacapillary" - in alveolar walls. Stimulated by interstitial edema or vagus. Cause rapid, shallow breathing
in bronchial walls. Sensitive to chemicals in blood (e.g. inflammation), cause broncho constriction.
central chemoreceptors
located in medulla. CO2 in vessels in the brain diffuses to CSF, dissociates to form H+. Lower pH (increased H+) activates chemoreceptor.
peripheral chemoreceptors
located in carotid bodies (@ bifurcation) and in aortic arch. Primarily respond to low PO2, also respond to high PCO2, low pH
increased CO2
what are the effectors in the respiratory feedback loop?
muscles of inspiration
pattern generators activate ____, and are regulated by the _____
the diaphragm, integrator neurons
the integrator receives information from
chemoreceptors, lung receptors, and the cortex (and limbic system)
which collections of neurons control inspiration and expiration?
pneumotaxic center, apneustic area, medullary respiratory center
pneumotaxic center
when stimulated, turns off inspiration so you can breathe out
apneustic area
prolongs inspiration (gasps) when stimulated
medullary respiratory center
pattern generators responsible for triggering inspiration and expiration. Receive input from the integrator neurons, projects to lungs.
which 2 groups make up the medullary respiratory center?
dorsal respiratory group (inspiration) and the ventral respiratory group (expiration)
dorsal respiratory center
part of medullary respiratory center, controls inspiration. Turn these off for expiration
ventral respiratory center
part of medullary respiratory center, triggers expiration (exp. Is generally passive at rest)
what activates neurons of the medullary respiratory center?
integrator neurons
integrator neurons activate these 2 groups of neurons:
DRG (or VRG) in medullary respiratory center and "off-switch" neurons (self-limiting!)
lung irritant receptors
when stimulated, promote inspiration (cough). Triggered by cold air, cigarette smoke
stretch receptors in lung
when triggered, promote expiration (activate the off-switch neurons)
which receptors are more important for regulating minute-by-minute respiration?
central chemoreceptors
what effect does increased PaCO2 in brain have on chemoreceptors?
triggers chemoreceptors in the medulla by diffusing from capillaries to CSF and increasing [H+] in CSF.
low pH in CSF causes (increased/decreased) ventilation
What is the most important parameter in controling respiration?
what factors decrease sensitivity to arterial PCO2?
sleep, COPD, depressant drugs (barbituates, anesthetics)
which receptors drive breathing in someone with COPD?
peripheral chemoreceptors. In COPD, CSF pH is consistently low, causes the central chemoreceptors to become insensitive.
why is giving someone with COPD O2 a bad idea?
The peripheral chemoreceptors read the increased PaO2. This may inhibit the signal to breathe, since COPD patients are only relying on their peripheral chemoreceptors.
COPD patients are (overventilated/underventilated)
underventilated (and hypoxic)
increased arterial PCO2 is detected by which chemoreceptors?
central chemoreceptors (80% of response), peripheral chemoreceptors (20% of response)
decreased areterial PO2 is detected by which chemoreceptors?
peripheral chemoreceptors.
Which chemoreceptors respond more quickly to increased PaCO2?
Peripheral. However, Central chemoreceptors are slower but responsible for 80% of response
which factors result in Cheyne-Stokes respiration?
hypoxemia, J receptor stimulation, slowed circulation time
how does ventilation vary in the lung?
greater at apex than at base
how does perfusion vary in the lung?
greater at base than at apex
V/Q ratio in upright lung (increases/decreases) from apex to base?
perfusion without ventilation. V/Q approaches 0. Adds deoxy blood to arterial system
true or false: V/Q ratios are uniform from apex to base
false, V/Q is higher at apex and lower at base
can hypoxemia resulting from shunt be reversed by administering pure O2?
The relative CO2/O2 composition at the base of the lung
high PCO2, low O2
the relative CO2/O2 composition at the apex
low PCO2, high O2
Why does V/Q inequality depress blood PO2?
1. blood flows through regions of base where PO2 is low, 2. due to the shape of the O2 dissociation curve
Why does the O2 dissociation curve respond to V/Q inequality?
high V/Q regions don't add as much O2 to the blood as low V/Q regions remove from the blood. (high V/Q regions = toward top of the plateau)
true or false: V/Q inequality affects PaCO2
false. High V/Q regions can't add much more O2 to blood (location on plateau of S curve), but low V/Q regions can still remove CO2 from blood
V/Q inequality (can/can't) be corrected with pure O2
physiological adaptations to low availability of oxygen in the inspired air
what are the effects of polycythemia?
increased RBC increases blood O2 for a given PO2. Also increases blood viscosity
how is the dissociation curve shifted at a moderate altitude?
to the right
how is the dissociation curve shifted at a high altitude?
to the left. Alkalosis causes L shift
hypoxic vasoconstriction can lead to
pulmonary edema. It increases the work of the right ventricle
what helps to splint the alveolus to keep it open?
Nitrogen (due to its low solubility)
at birth, pulmonary resistance (increases/decreases)
acclimatization involves which mechanisms
polycythemia, hyperventilation, shift of O2 dissociation curve, circulatory changes
what effect does hyperventilation have on alveolar O2?
decreases PCO2, thus increasing PO2
does hyperventilating increase or decrease blood pH
increases - more alkaline
what is the body's initial response to hyperventilation?
activating the central chemoreceptors (detect high pH CSF) and slow breathing
what allows ventilation to increase further after the initial inhibition?
correction of arterial and CSF pH
what changes in the systemic circulation increase O2?
increase capillary formation (decreases distance of O2 diffusion), increase mitochondrial expression (rapidly consumes O2, keeps PP high)
what pulmonary circulation changes occur at high altitude?
generalized hypoxia causes high altitude pulmonary edema, increases the work of the right ventricle
absorption atelactasis
collapse of portions of the lung
what are side effects of breathing pure O2?
pulmonary edema (increased leakiness of capillaries), convulsions, decreased vital capacity due to absorption atelactasis (collapse of regions of lungs)
what causes absorption atelectasis?
pure O2 washes out the N2 in the blood, which reduces blood's total P. Alveolar contents get pushed into blood and the alveolus collapses.
what is used for carbon monoxide poisoning?
hyperbaric therapy - forces O2 into plasma to compensate for the carboxyhemoglobin until the blood can produce more hgb.
how does deposition of aerosols vary?
according to particle size.
large aerosols deposit in the
nasopharynx (absorbed in swallowed mucus)
medium particles deposit in the ____ via a process called ____
bronchioles, sedimentation
small aerosols deposit in the __
coal miner's "black lung". Deposition of coal dust in the respiratory bronchioles.
is the placenta in parallel or in series with other fetal organs?
which fetal adaptation allows partially oxygenated blood to access the brain more quickly?
foramen ovale
which fetal adaptation allows partially oxygenated blood to bypass the lung circulation?
ductus arteriosus
VO2 reflects
metabolic rate. It is determined by tissues
VO2 rate increases _______ up to ______
linearly up to VO2max
at VO2 max, cah work rate increase?
yes, using anaerobic metabolism
what happens to lung blood flow in exercise?
it becomes more uniform. Decreased V/Q inequality
Which way does the O2 dissociation curve shift in exercise?
right. Increased PCO2, [H+], temperature
how does CO change in response to exercise?
increases 4-5x
What increases HR initially?
1. decreased parasympathetic tone 2. increased sympathetic tone (heavy exercise)
What increases SV?
1. increased EDV 2. sympathetic activation
what increases venous return in exercise?
muscle contraction and breathing <-- vacuum pulls blood into heart (decreased thoracic pressure creates vacuum)
what happens to the a-v O2 difference in exercise?
it increases, increasing muscle O2 extraction
which area(s) receive less bloodflow in response to exercise
splanchnic circulation
which area(s) receive more bloodflow in exercise?
skeletal muscle, coronary
which organs autoregulate their bloodflow?
brain and kidney
what are some causes of local dilation?
bradykinin, lactic acid, adenosine, NO, CO2
2 categories for pulmonary function test
test for hypoxemia, test for ventilatory capacity
forced expiration test can identify
obstructive or restrictive disease
obstructive disease involves
increased resistance, larger lung volumes
restrictive disease involves
low lung volumes, resistance is unchanged or lower
forced expiratory volume. Usually measured as FEV1 - volume expired after 1 sec
forced vital capacity
FEV/FVC ratio in obstructive disease
low. (less than 0.8)
FEV/FVC ratio in restrictive disease
high or normal (greater than 0.8)
Forced expiratory flow (FEF)
another measure of airway resistance. Measure time at 25% of expiration and 75% expiration (where it's linear)
forced expiration tests are depicted in
flow-volume curves. Shows rate of flow compared with change in volume
what method measures functional reserve capacity?
Helium dilution. Increased vol of lungs increased dilution
normal FEV/FVC ratio
what factors determine FEV1?
lung volume (higher lung vol, higher FEV), airway resistance (affects velocity of airflow out), airway collapse (increased pleural pressure)
2 categories for pulmonary function test
test for hypoxemia, test for ventilatory capacity
2 categories for pulmonary function test
test for hypoxemia, test for ventilatory capacity
why is FEV1 reduced in restrictive disease?
low lung volume
forced expiration test can identify
obstructive or restrictive disease
forced expiration test can identify
obstructive or restrictive disease
why is FEV1 reduced in obstructive disease?
slow flow, higher airway resistance
obstructive disease involves
increased resistance, larger lung volumes
obstructive disease involves
increased resistance, larger lung volumes
why is FVC decreased in obstructive disease?
earlier airway collapse
restrictive disease involves
low lung volumes, resistance is unchanged or lower
restrictive disease involves
low lung volumes, resistance is unchanged or lower
forced expiratory volume. Usually measured as FEV1 - volume expired after 1 sec
why is FVC decreased in restrictive disease?
low lung volume, low TLC
forced vital capacity
reductions in ventilation or perfusion can be measured using
V/Q scan. Uses radioactive gas to check absorption pattern in lung
forced expiratory volume. Usually measured as FEV1 - volume expired after 1 sec
FEV/FVC ratio in obstructive disease
low. (less than 0.8)
CO measures
diffusion capacity
FEV/FVC ratio in restrictive disease
high or normal (greater than 0.8)
Forced expiratory flow (FEF)
another measure of airway resistance. Measure time at 25% of expiration and 75% expiration (where it's linear)
diffusion capacity measures
impairment due to decreased diffusion. Uses expired CO levels to measure how much blood is taken into capillaries. Looking for DL.
forced vital capacity
DLCO gives information about
the diffusion barrier - thickness, surface area (as well as solubility and MW of the gas). Can also be reduced in cases of ventilation inequality
forced expiration tests are depicted in
flow-volume curves. Shows rate of flow compared with change in volume
FEV/FVC ratio in obstructive disease
low. (less than 0.8)
how can ventilation inequality be measured?
expired N2 conc following a single breath of pure O2. equal ventilation --> equal N2 dilution in alveoli by the O2.
FEV/FVC ratio in restrictive disease
high or normal (greater than 0.8)
what method measures functional reserve capacity?
Helium dilution. Increased vol of lungs increased dilution
Forced expiratory flow (FEF)
another measure of airway resistance. Measure time at 25% of expiration and 75% expiration (where it's linear)
normal FEV/FVC ratio
obstructive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
forced expiration tests are depicted in
flow-volume curves. Shows rate of flow compared with change in volume
what factors determine FEV1?
lung volume (higher lung vol, higher FEV), airway resistance (affects velocity of airflow out), airway collapse (increased pleural pressure)
restrictive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
what method measures functional reserve capacity?
Helium dilution. Increased vol of lungs increased dilution
why is FEV1 reduced in restrictive disease?
low lung volume
unequal ventilation will show
a steady increase in nitrogen conc. during exhalation to residual volume
normal FEV/FVC ratio
why is FEV1 reduced in obstructive disease?
slow flow, higher airway resistance
blood gas measurements use ________ to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion inequalities
PAO2 and PaO2
what factors determine FEV1?
lung volume (higher lung vol, higher FEV), airway resistance (affects velocity of airflow out), airway collapse (increased pleural pressure)
why is FVC decreased in obstructive disease?
earlier airway collapse
why is FEV1 reduced in restrictive disease?
low lung volume
why is FEV1 reduced in obstructive disease?
slow flow, higher airway resistance
why is FVC decreased in restrictive disease?
low lung volume, low TLC
why is FVC decreased in obstructive disease?
earlier airway collapse
reductions in ventilation or perfusion can be measured using
V/Q scan. Uses radioactive gas to check absorption pattern in lung
why is FVC decreased in restrictive disease?
low lung volume, low TLC
CO measures
diffusion capacity
reductions in ventilation or perfusion can be measured using
V/Q scan. Uses radioactive gas to check absorption pattern in lung
CO measures
diffusion capacity
diffusion capacity measures
impairment due to decreased diffusion. Uses expired CO levels to measure how much blood is taken into capillaries. Looking for DL.
diffusion capacity measures
impairment due to decreased diffusion. Uses expired CO levels to measure how much blood is taken into capillaries. Looking for DL.
DLCO gives information about
the diffusion barrier - thickness, surface area (as well as solubility and MW of the gas). Can also be reduced in cases of ventilation inequality
how can ventilation inequality be measured?
expired N2 conc following a single breath of pure O2. equal ventilation --> equal N2 dilution in alveoli by the O2.
DLCO gives information about
the diffusion barrier - thickness, surface area (as well as solubility and MW of the gas). Can also be reduced in cases of ventilation inequality
obstructive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
how can ventilation inequality be measured?
expired N2 conc following a single breath of pure O2. equal ventilation --> equal N2 dilution in alveoli by the O2.
restrictive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
obstructive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
unequal ventilation will show
a steady increase in nitrogen conc. during exhalation to residual volume
blood gas measurements use ________ to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion inequalities
PAO2 and PaO2
restrictive disease and decreased DLCO indicate
unequal ventilation will show
a steady increase in nitrogen conc. during exhalation to residual volume
blood gas measurements use ________ to demonstrate ventilation-perfusion inequalities
PAO2 and PaO2. Calculate PAO2 by PIO2 - (PaCO2/R).