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82 Cards in this Set

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Pulmonary Embolism
occlusion of a portion of the pulmonary vascular bed by an embolism: thrombus, tissue fragment, lipids, or air
Verchow's Triad
risk factors for pulmonary embolism:
1. Venous stasis
2. Vessel injury
3. Hypercoagulability
Pulmonary embolism can occur in the following 4 ways
1. Massive occlusion
2. Embolism with Infarction
3. Embolism without Infarction
4. Multiple Pulmonary Emboli
Neurohumoral substances released d/t Pulmonary Emboli
1. Histamine
2. Thromboxane
3. Seratonin
3 major S/S of pt with PE
1. Hypoxemic
2. Hyperventilation
3. Tachypnic
5 effects of Occlusion of part of pulm. circulation
1. Hypoxic vasoconstriction
2. decreased surfactant
3. release of neurohumoral substances
4. Pulmonary edema
5. Atelectasis
What is the repercussion of Pulmonary HTN?
Acute Right Ventricular Heart Failure
Pleuritic Pain
pain on deep inspiration
PE Triad
1. Cough
2. Hemoptosis
3. Pleuritic chest pain
- All on Inspiration
- takes hours to days for triad to manifest
Why is pt hyperventilating with a
b/c J Receptors sense engorged capillaries which makes them dyspnic
How to diagnose a PE
1. V/Q scan or Pulmonary Angiogram: (most common)

- can also diagnose with CT or MRI
Ideal treatment for PE
#1 Anticoagulant therapy with IV Heparin or Low Molec Weight Heparin

- Ideal to prevent PE
- Surgical tx: Vena Cava Filter
- Fibrinolytic agent (Streptokinase) for life threatening emboli
4 Types of Emboli
1. Air
2. Thrombus
3. Fat
4. Amniotic fluid
How does a pt get an Air Emboli
if the surgical field is 5cm or more above the Right Atrium
(ex. craniotomy)
Treatment for Air Embolism
Evacuate air from central line
Right side up
5 Changes suggestive of PE during anesthesia to look for
1. Unexplained arterial hypoemia
2. Hypotension (b/c flow blocked)
3. Tachycardia (decreased preload, C.O. and increased HR)
4. Bronchospasm (b/c release of neurohumoral substances)
5. Decreased End Tidal CO2 with increased arterial CO2
Pulmonary Hypertension
A rise in pulmonary artery pressure of 5-10mmHg above normal
(mean pressure norm = 15-17mmHg)
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
The small arteries (arterioles) become narrow or obliterated as a result of hypertrophy of smooth muscle in the vessel walls and formation of fibrous lesions around the vessels. Thus increases resistance and causes pulm HTN
Cor Pulmonale
Right Ventricular Disease resulting from pulmonary hypertension
Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension can occur d/t any resp. or cardio disorder that:
1. Increases the volume or pressure of blood entering the pulm arteries or
2. Narrows of obstructs the pulm arteries
4 Causes of Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension
1. elevated left ventricular filling pressures, as occur in coronary artery disease and mitral valve disease
2. Increased blood flow through the pulm circulation (L to R shunt) as occur with a VSD or PDA
3. Obliteration or destruction of the pulmonary vascular bed by a pulmonary emboli or chronic destruction of the alveolar wall and capillaries (emphysema)
4. Vasoconstriction of the vascular bed, as occurs with hypoxemia, acidosis, or a combo (most common)
What is the treatment for Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension past the point of: Increased pulm artery pressure
Once there is Hypertrophy of the smooth muscle of pulm arteries the disease is chronic and permanent
3 most common pulm obstructive diseases
1. Asthma
3. Cystic Fibrosis
Clinical features of Asthma
1. recurrent episodes of chest tightness
2. wheezing
3. breathlessness
4. coughing

-asthma is acute not chronic
3 Phase of Asthma
1. Early phase: Bronchospasm
2. Late phase rxn: inflammation
3. Airway hyperrespoinsiveness: can last as long as 4 weeks
4 Cellular Mechanisms of Asthma
1. Mast Cell Activation: cause release of Arachodinic Acid
2. Degranulation with discharge of mediators: degranulation and discharge of mast cells
3. Synthesis of Arachidonic Acid derivatives
4. Release of cytokines
Arachadonic Acid is mediated by what?
5 Causes of Airway Obstruction in Asthma
1. Contraction of bronchial smooth muscle
2. Inflammation of airway
3. Cytokines: released and cause further inflammation
4. Protease Enzymes: brk up epithelia cells
5. Hypersecretion of mucus

- result in V/Q mismatch and hypoxemia
3 mechanisms of uneven ventilation
1. Parallel = Obstructive Ventilation (ex. Bronchitis)
2. Series (dilation of sml airway) (ex. Emphysema)
3. Collateral (lung units behind completely obstructed airways may receive inspired gas from neighboring units
What is a common cause of Asthma in 25% of asthmatics
GI Reflux
Principle treatments of Asthma
1. Bronchodilators
2. Corticosteroids
3. Allergen Avoidance
Anesthetic drug associated with Histamine Release
Volatile Anesthetics have what effect that are advantageous to Asthmatics
Bronchodilating Properties
Most important thing prior to Intubation
DEEP ANESTHESIA during intubation and Lidocaine IV will help
Biggest danger for Asthmatics
(especially if have GI reflux)
characterized by progressive air flow limitaion
clinical features of COPD
1. Wheezing
2. Coughing
3. Dyspnea
Clinical features of Bronchitis
1. Increased mucus production and increase in size and number of mucous glands and goblet cells in airway epithelium
2. mucus produced is thicker and more tneacious than normal
3. Ciliary fxn is impaired, further reducing mucus clearance
4. Bronchial walls become thickened and inflamed
5. Airway collapse occurs early in expiration, gas trapping occurs, leading to V/Q mismatch, hypercapnia, and hypoxemia
an abnormal permanent enlargement of gas exchanging airways (resp zone) accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls
Major Mechanism of airflow limitation in Emphysema is:
Loss of Elastic Recoil
(floppy lung)
Primary Emphysema is linked to inherited deficiency of
Alpha-1 Antitrypsin
Antitrypsin: normally prevents elastic brk down and without it elastin brks down and is replaced with collagen which has less elasticity and recoil which is why small airways close
Type A COPD is:
(pink puffers)
do not retain CO2
Type B COPD is:
(blue bloaters)
Do retain CO2
Respiratory Failure in COPD
a failure of maintenance of normal arterial blood gas tensions
Mechanisms that contribute to respiratory failure
1. Ventilatory failure (reduced alveolar ventilation)
2. Venous admixture as a result of pure intrapulmonary shunt or V/Q mismatch
Why does administering O2 to a COPD pt cause hypercapnia
1. Ventilatory depression by O2 b/c they loose their sensitivity to CO2 and have only a Hypoxic drive
2. Altered V/Q relationship: O2 opens alveoli preventing HPV but also have a low PO2 in vessels causing low V/Q
Treatment for COPD
1. Stop Smoking
2. Inhaled Bronchodilators
3. Corticosteroids
4. Active management of infective exacerbations
5. Oxygen, Ventilation if required (O2 post-op)
Anesthesia Effects on Respiration
1. affects the muscles assoc. with resp
2. usually causes obstruction of pharyngeal airway unless measures are taken to keep it open (mask, ETT)
3. interference with normal action of pharyngeal muscles causes obstruction of the pharynx similar to that seen in sleep apnea
4. soft palate falls against the posterior pharyngeal wall, occluding nasopharynx
5. considerable posterior movement of the tongue and epiglottis
6. selective depression of the intercostal muscles
7. diaphragmatic fxn well preserved
8. disturbed resp. muscle action commonly gives rise to paradoxical inspiratory movements (abd muscles tighten during inspiration which inhibits diaphragm from moving down
Change in FRC d/t Anesthesia
there is 16-20% decrease in FRC during anesthesia with all anesthetics no matter if pt is paralyzed or awake (when supine)
- obese pt's have an even larger decrease in FRC
- FRC immediately reduced on induction, reaches its final value within min, and does not return to normal until hours after anesthetic
Causes of Atelectasis during Anesthesia
1. Airway closure as a result of decreased FRC
2. Compression Atelectasis (compressing lung)
3. Absorption Atelectasis: (with 100% O2 causes rapid uptake of O2 into blood causing alveoli collapse and in low lung vol.)
Anesthesia Effects of Resp Mechanics
1. Arterial O2 is impaired in most pt's during general anesthesia with either spontaneous or controlled ventilation
2. degree of impairment is most severe in the elderly, the obese, smokers, and pt's with lung dx
3. the average degree of venous admixture (shunt) under gen anesthesia is 10% (normally = less than 5%)
Dead space and shunt in Anesthetized pt
Increase in dead space and shunt with anesthesia

- Alveolar dead space of pt under anesthesia is the Total Dead space of an awake pt
Physiologic Dead Space (Total dead space) in Awake vs. Anesthetized pt
Awake pt = 30% of tidal volume = dead space

Anesthetized pt = 2/3 (66%) of tidal volume = dead space
The effects of anesthesia on gas exchange include
1. uniformity of vent and perfusion are decreased
2. increased dead space
3. venous admixture is increased (10%)
4. the major differences are btwn the awake and anesthetized state
5. Both PEEP and CPAP reduce shunt but also decrease C.O which reduces mixed venous O2 content
(norm venous O2 = 40%, anesth. venous O2 = 20%)
Effects of LIGHT Anesthesia on Breathing
Light anesthesia resp pattern may vary from excessive hypervent to breath holding
Effects of MODERATE (or increased depth of anesthesia) on breathing
increasing depth of anesthesia cause more regular respirations
Effects of DEEP Anesthesia on Breathing
Out of phase depression of chest wall during inspiration (see-saw) (paroxysmal)

- the deeper the anesthetic or narcotic the less sensitive the pt is to CO2
At what level does is the CO2 to activate a stimulus to breath
CO2 = 30 cause stimulus to breath
Apneic Threshold
the PCO2 at which respiration ceases.
- there needs to be a higher CO2 to stimulate breathing with deeper anesthetic levels
Control of breathing under Anesthesia and with Surgical Stimulation
Surgical stimulation antagonizes the effects of anesthesia on ventilation
- Increase RR with surgical stimulation even if the pt was fully anesthetized prior to stimulation
- CO2 increases and Min. Vent increases with surgical stimulation
Effects of SUPINE position and under anesthesia
decreases the FRC by 0.5-1 Liter
Effects of LATERAL position and under anesthesia
1. Better VENTILATION on non-dependent (UPPER) lung
2. Better PERFUSION of the dependent (LOWER) lung
Effects of PRONE position and under anesthesia
- if the upper chest and pelvis are supported to allow for free movement of the abd. Respiratory Mechanics are MINIMALLY AFFECTED
(V/Q scatter is minimized)
Effects of REGIONAL Anesthesia on Pulmonary System
1. Effects of RR and O2 level depend on hight of block and degree of sedation
2. No decrease in FRC (except with OB): decrease in Vital Capacity in OB b/c need for accessory muscles
Resp Fxn in early postanesthesia
1. first few min. of recovery, aleveolar PO2 may be reduced by the elimination of N2O, which dilutes alveolar O2 (diffusion hypoxia) Lasts 5-7 minutes

2. Airway obstruction common potential cause of hypoxia and may be compounded by residual effects of anesthetic agents on vent. control
Diffusion Hypoxia
when N2O is excreted it leaves the blood and moves into the alveoli competing for room with O2 thus no room for O2 causing a decrease in O2 levels for the first 5-7 min post-anesthesia
Late Postop Resp changes
1. low lung vol and increased atelectasis
2. effort-dependent lung fxn test
3. sleepy (tend to obstruct)
4. Resp muscle use
5. sputum retention
6. Ineffective cough and deep breathing

- all these contribute to post-op pneumonia
- Resp changes last 2-3 days after Major surgery
Decreased FRC is greatest reduced in what type of surgery?
Surgery near the diaphragm
- FRC reaches lowest value 1-2 days post-op
- diaphragm changes only improved by thoracic epidural anesthesia which blocks inhibitory reflex of diaphragm
What Effects FRC
Lung disease
What Effects Closing Capacity
Lung Disease
3 Principles for Induction of an Asthmatic
1. block airway reflexes
2. relaxation of airway smooth muscle
3. prevent release of biochemical mediators
Why would a post-op pt be hypoxic
1. depression of CO2 and O2 drive
2. residual neuromuscular blockade
3. splinting
4. decreased resp rate d/t opiod
5. airway obstruction d/t muscle relaxation
Factors assoc with increased Post-Op Pulm Complications
1. surgery over 3.5 hrs
2. increased age
3. smoking hx
4. poor nutrition
5. obese
6. lung dx
7. heart disease
8. anesthetic factor
9. surgical factor
Define Obese
a BMI greater than 28 or weight more than 20% ideal body weight
best place to listen to breath sounds on an obese pt
What does Obesity hypoventilation syndrome iinclude
1. loss of CO2 drive
2. sleep apnea
3. hypresomnolence
4. airway difficulty
What does Pickwickian Syndrome Include and who gets it
Obses pt's get it and includes:
1. More sever hypercarbia
2. sleep apnea and hypersomnolence
3. Low O2
4. Polycythemia
5. Pulm HTN
6. Biventricular failure
what percentage of obese pt's are difficult to intubate
factors that affect DO2 (delivery of O2)
1. Flow (C.O.)
2. O2 content (mainly Hgb level)
Normal DO2 level
DO2 equation
DO2 = Q (CaO2 x 10)
CaO2 equation
CaO2 = (1.37 x hgb x SpO2) + (PaO2 x 0.003)