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12 Cards in this Set

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Test-Retest Reliability
The SAME test @ different times
Inter-Item Reliability
The association to a set of questions that measure the SAME concept
Split Half Reliability
split the Test into 2 and measure them at the same time. Compare scores to see if they are the same.
Face Validity
Use good judgement to measure a concept
Content Validity
Establishes that a measure covers the full range of a concept's meaning
Criterion Validity
Demonstrates that an assessment is useful in predicting a real-world outcome, such as performance
Used for prediction and not explanation
2 Types of Criterion Validity
1) Concurrent
2) Predictive
Concurrent Validity
Establishes that the scores are related to scores of another (ACT vs. SAT)
Predictive Validity
Scores in a concept anticipate the future
(SAT vs. ACT)
Construct Validity
Seeks agreement between theoretical concept and a measuring device

Intended - General Cognitive
Proxy Indep. - Amount of Education
Dependent - Job Performance
concerned with theoretical constructs
Convergent Validity
Scores between two measures should be theoretically similar
Discriminate Validity
The lack of a relationship among measures which theoretically should not be related