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85 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Conceptual definitiond

clearly stated abstract idea

Operational definition

numbers represent concept

Why are questionaires good?

Low cost, annonmous, no interview bias

Interview advantage

Diverse audience, can clearly explain, more response


People act different when observed

Primary data

Collected specifically for this study

Secondary data

Collected for another purpose but is useful

Is pain scale physiological or psychometric


Dichotomous question


Cafeteria vs multiple choice VS Forced choice

Cap 8 slide 23

Rank order questions

Rank in order


0 1 2

Likert scale

-1 0 1

Disagree agree

visual analog

straight line 100mm and check a point

guttman scale

check next to agree

social desirability response set bias

want to answer how they should

Acquiescence response set

yes men

very powerful secondary data

Electronic health record

4 levels of measurement

nominal ordinal interval ratio


blue-1 green-2 red-3


low medium high education ( no real defining differences


12345 -mean with no zero


01234 age weight


difference between true score(perfect) and obtained score

situational contaminants

Time, temp

Transitory personal factors

mood, fatigue

Response set biases

social desirability

Administeration variation

administerer slightly changes

Item sampling

How concrete are items

psychometric assessment

evaluating quality of instrument

reliability coefficient

reliability of pschometric .00-1.00

bad reliability coefficient

under 0.70

good reliability coefficient


internal reliability

stability of instrument

item total correlation

stability amoung individuals tools are used on

Inter rater reliability

stability between rater of tool

test retest

stability over time (IQ)


Test restest, same score twice

score for tool stability

cohens kappa 0.85

Internal consistancy

Cronbachs alpha or coefficient alpha > or equal to 0.80


degree of similarity between users or intruments

gold standard for a instument

chronbachs, inter-rater, test restest


slightly harder than reliability, sees if instrument tests what it should test, can reliably ( consistantly) measture the wrong thing

strong validity number

0.5 or higher is strong but 0.2-0.4 may be ok

content validity

content of instrument reflects attriubte

construct validity

instrument represents concept

gold standard validity

concurrent predictive and discriminate

face validity

does it seem right

look at

chap 8 55+

descriptive statistics

describes data (numbers)

Inferential statistics

Infer about whole population based off sample

frequency data

how many times did x happen


little variability


great variation

correlation coefficient

Pearsons R

-1 to 1

shows relationship further from zero more related

confidence interval

how confident a piece of population will fall within a range


common levels of significance

0.05 and 0.01alpha or p

the lower the greater the chance it wasnt random- lower chance of type 1

parametric statistic

tries to make assumptions about whole population with normal distributions ect

nonparametrics statistics

states facts, nominal or ordinal

T test

2 groups 1 measure

but also what are the other differences besides the variable between my groups

Paired T tests

2 tests 1 group (before and after)

each variable has what percentage of being random


What avoids the .05 per variable rule


mulitiple linear regression

all these factors predict

logistic regression

Odds prediction



most common statistic software in nursing


Purely mathmatic software


internal validity

confidence that variable made a difference

external validity

the variable will effect population

temporal ambiguity

which happened first?

selection threat

non equal groups

History threat

Changing events


subjects change

attrition threat

patients leave or die

testing threat

subjects get better at test

hawthorne effect

subject wants to please authority

diffusion of treatment

subjects are talking

equalization of treatment

administrators want to compensate

compensatory rivalry

john henry

look at chapter 9

slide 22 for internal vs external balancing

meta analyisis systematic review

statistical integration


theoretical integration of qualitiative findings

objectivity in systematic review

use everything

increased power in systematic review

reduces risk of type 2 error