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18 Cards in this Set

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What makes something a quasi-experiment, as opposed to an experiment?
Whenever it is not possible to establish cause and effect relations because there is not complete control over the variables in the study
What is a nonequivalent control group design?
The experimental and control groups are not equivalent at the beginning of the design
What threats to internal validity are particularly troublesome to a nonequivalent control group design?
regression to the mean
What is an interpreted time series design?
There is no control group and measurements are taken for an extended period of time before and after the treatment
What threats to internal validity are particularly troublesome with such a design?
What are naturalistic obvservations?
Study behavior as it occurs in the animal's natural environment
What are participant observations?
Study behavior by joining the group that you are obvserving
What are common criticisms of observational techniques? know examples
lack of control, potential observer bias, subject reactivity, invasion of privacy/informed consent
What are the different kinds of survey techniques?
Interviews, written surveys, phone surveys
Advantages of interviews?
-allows the researcher to clarify questions, ask more probing questions, etc.

disadvantages: costs, logistics (which makes sampling a bigger issue), and interviewer bias
Advantages/disadvantages of written surveys?
-easy to administer to a large diverse group of people

- poor return rate typically, who returned the survey and why?
Advantages/disadvantages of phone surveys?
- more personal than a written survey, easier to do than a face-to-face
- surveys must be brief, poor response rate
What are the guidelines regarding the design of surveys?
item wording, structure, be careful about the order of the items, provide some reward for responding (if possible)
What are the common criticisms of survey techniques?
Sampling- hard to get a representative sample
Response bias- only some of the people you contact will participate, why?
question wording
What is a case study?
An in-depth analysis of one person's behavior
What are the common criticisms of case studies?
- external validity
-researcher bias
-reliance on memory
What is archival research?
using existing data to study a behavior (marriage/cohabitation example)
What are the common criticisms of archival research
reaserch bias
missing or inappropriate data