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10 Cards in this Set

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3 Experimental Methods?
4 non experimental methods
Advantages of Experimental methods
Lab- You can control the variables (know for sure IV has caused the effect on the DV) everything is standardised means anyone can replicate the experiment
Field- happens in natural ebvironment which increases ecological validty, and still have control of variables- less chance of extraneous variables damaging the exp. such as demand chrac.
Natural- has 100% ecological validity. and little bias from from sampling/ demand characteristics
Disadvantages of experimental methods
Lab- has very low ecological validity, because its in an artifical environment has trouble from bias and demand characteristics and experimentor expenctancy, ethics... misleading ppt
Field- less control of variables and can be subject to extraneous variables, ethics- consent, deception and invasion of privacy, difficult to replicate
Natural- No control of variables and prone to extraneous variables, Ethics- decpetion etc, can NOT be replicated
What is the IV?
The independant variable- is manipulated by the experimenter
What is the DV?
this is the dependent variable- whats being measured to see if it changes as a result of the IV
difference between confounding/ extraneous variables?
Confounding variables if not controlled become extraneous
what is correlation?
where you clock data on a scattergram to measure the relationship between co-variables
whats the difference between positive and negative correlations?
positive is when both scores go in the same direction
negative is when they go in opposite directions
Advantages/ disadvantages of corelations
Advantages- you can look for relationships in data that you can test through an experiment,
disadvantages- no ddefinate cause/ effect