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43 Cards in this Set

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Seeks to determine what the legitimate sources of knowledge are.


When researchers try to develop a theory or generate a hypothesis. It is called....

Inductive reasoning

Deductive reasoning goes from blank to blank

General to Specific

Quantitive research methods deal with

Data, numbers and statistics

False about regarding qqualitative data

Respondents in qualitative research are typically asked closed ended questions where the researcher can gain a deeper understanding of the given topic

Difference between qualitative research and quantitive research exclude

The importance of lit review

Inductive research goes from blank to blank

Specific to general

False about applied and basic research

Most corporations and government entities provide research funding even though they do not have a clearly defined problem

Individuals concerned with who consucts research primarily focused on what?

Objectivity of research

Who can provide the highest level of objectivity regarding research fi dings and interpretations?

Third party research

What research is conducted in an attempt to describe a problem policy or program?

Descriptive research

This research seeks to reveal or explain causes motivations or reasons of why certain phenomena occur?

Explanatory research

Which of the following does not constitute cause and effect relationships?

Direction of change

This means that when one variable changes the other variable also changes

Concomitant Variation

Means that cause must occur first before the effect does.

Temporal Sequencing

Elimination of other rival casual factors that can influence the change in a given cause amd effect relationship is related to


Which of the following is the most diificult to operationalize

Family enviroment

Oftentimes researchers have a problem with collectig their own data. What is recommended?

Secondary data analysis

What phrase is this that researchers code the data for further statisticals analyses?

Data collection

Scale measurement means the operationalized variable represents a name of a category


This type of measurement include level of education on a rank order


Iq repeesents this type of measurement....


Outlines the most important ethical concerns for studies involving human subjects

Belmont report

To improve the reliability of an instrument researchers may use rhe same exam or questionnaire, ore than one time

Test retest reliability

To determine reliability researchers can take multiple questions when measuring the factor od interest

Interitem reliability

Concerned with how well the study findinfs are gemerlizable to other settings.

External validity

Among threats to internal validity. refers to any physical or psychological changes taking place within subjects that occurs with the passi g of time regardless of the experimental manipulation


Occurs when outliers move closer to the mean on subsequent testing

Statistical Regression

What is the simplest solution to statistical regression?

To remove outliers from the study or convert outliers to the mean value

Occurs when the research subjects in the experimental group are not similar to those in the control group.

occurs when research subjects drop put of the study before it concludes.


Research subjects in the control group may get thr information on the treatment that the subjects in the experimental group receive ehich can contaminate the study outcome.

Diffusion of treatment

Occurs when the researcher subjects in the control group learn of special treatment given to the experimental group snd alter their behavior

Compensatory Rivalry

One's hair color is not a predictor of future athletic success because it lacks....

Construct validity

The main purpose is to examine the phenomenon from the perspective of thestudy participants which requiees researchers to engage in the study to a certain degree


What is the primary distinction between experimental designs and quasi experimental designs?


Which probability sampling is the most appropiate when studying voting behavior comparing neighborhoods or zip code zones?

Cluster sampling

Refers to a sampling method that takes every nth person of the population list

Systematic sampling

Refers to the sampling technique that utilizes preexisting easily aaccesible subjects who are not randonly selected but chosen for availability

Convience sampling

Refers to the sampling strategies where research subjects are specifically chosen for participation.

Snowball sampling

Collected from categories therefore they have a set endpoint

Discrete point

Are not infinite therefore they can be divided and broken down into smaller values such as 1.53

Continous data

Refers to the normal bell shapedcurve when the data are plotted

Mesokuric curve

Scoees are spread out relatively evenly

Positively skewed