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63 Cards in this Set

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Purpose of Research Design
a. To answer the research question, while controlling factors that may hinder meaningful interpretation
b. Concept of research design typically applies to Quantitative Research
Classification of Research Design
a. Experimental - Studies that seek to identify causal relations thru manipulation of IVs
b. Non-Experimental - Studies that seek to describe events thru passive observation (no manipulation)
c. Examples: Descriptive (Survey, Developmental) & Correlational (“Predictive”)
NB: Most basic distinctions
Experimental Designs
a. True ED
b. Quasi ED
c. Pre ED
True Experimental Design
a. Three requirements:
-Deliberate, active manipulation of IV
-Use of control group/condition
-RANDOM ASSIGNMENT of subjects to at least two groups/conditions (random assignment does NOT = random selection wh/ is sampling)
Quasi-Experimental Designs
a. Quasi b/c lacking one of three requirements (the random assignment)
b. Examples:
-A group experiment which lacks random assignment
-A small-N study --> Single-subject experimental Designs belong to this category (different from a single case study) (N = subject)
Pre-Experimental Designs
a. Studies that fail to meet last two criteria of a true experiment (e.g., random assignment, control group)
b. Limited value - evidence not as strong
c. Examples:
-One-shot case study
-One-group pre/posttest study
*Internal Validity*
a. An experiment is internally valid if there are no confounding variables…that is, the only reason why the groups are different (with respect to the DV) is “actually and only” because of the differences in the IV.
b. Establishing internal validity of a study means must address possible threats to validity
B: Include this info in chart
Facts that can Affect Internal Validity (6)
a. History
b. Maturation
c. Reactive Pretest
d. Instrumentation
e. Differential Subject Selection
f. Attrition/Morality
a. An event occurs b/t two measurements that is external to the participant/study (e.g., stat quiz on tues vs. thurs b/c of rampage)
a. Systematic, time related changes in the participants that occur between measurements (e.g., babies, aphasics)
Reactive Pretest
a. Changes in the DV occur simply because the DV was measured (not due to particular level of the IV) (e.g., I know you are watching me…)
a. Changes in the DV which result from changes/errors in the recording device (e.g., Oops; I’m bored --> TA "forgets" to calibrate audiometer; person makes errors in their observation results)
Differential Subject Selection
a. Differences b/w subjects in the experimental and control groups can influence the results (e.g., singing in the shower and being an American Idol fan, or find out one group had much higher IQ, after experiment)
a. A high rate of mortality is a problem whether occurring in one group only or similarly across the groups
-Yes, I guess it has always been a problem philosophically.
Quantitative Experimental Group Designs
a. Between-Subjects Design
b. Within-Subjects Design
Between-Subject Design
a. It compares separate, independent groups of individuals for each condition/treatment
b. It allows only one score per participant - thus, also called an INDEPENDENT MEASURE DESIGN
Between-Subject Design
a. Individuals are assigned to groups using a procedure that attempts to create equivalent groups.
b. Goal of the experiment: to determine whether differences exist b/t two or more (Tx) groups
Between-Subject Design Experiment Example
a. Interested in understanding the effect of energy drink consumption on learning
b. A group of students takes a memory test (i.e., a list of words to memorize) after drinking 3 cans of the drink vs. another group takes it after drinking three cans of water. (Random assignment into 2 groups)
c. The groups and conditions were generally comparable.
Between-Subject Design Treatment Example
a. Interested in the effectiveness of two Korean teaching methods (on-line game vs. audio)
b. Two groups of military personnel learn 100 words via on-line game method and another group via audio/written word list method
c. Vocabulary test before and after tx
d. Groups and instruction length generally comparable
Advantages of Between-Subjects Design
a. Each score is independent of the other scores
b. Participant’s score is not influenced by practice or fatigue:
-Practice or experience gained in other treatments
-Fatigue or boredom from participating in a series of treatments
Disadvantages of Between-Suject Design
a. Large number of participants
b. Individual differences from one participant to another (eg: varying IQ scores)
-Can produce high variability in the scores
-Can become a confounding variable – participant characteristics differ from one group to another
Equivalent Groups
a. In a between-subjects experimental design, the researcher has control over the assignment of individuals to groups
b. The separate groups must be:
-Created equally
-Treated equally
-Composed of equivalent individuals
Group Equivalence Techniques
a. Subject Randomization
b. Subject Matching
Subject Randomization
a. Assigns subjects to experimental and control groups on a random basis, ensuring that each subject has an equal probability of being assigned to either of the group
b. Extraneous factors that could affect the subject performance on the DV are more likely to be balanced among the groups
c. A powerful technique for reducing systematic bias in assignment to groups
Subject Matching
a. Purposely attempt to match the members of the two groups on all extraneous variables considered relevant to the experiment
b. Two common techniques:
-Matching the overall distribution of the extraneous variables in the groups
-Matching pairs of subjects for assignment to the two groups
-Matching pairs + randomization --> a powerful technique
NB: Need small groups to be able to use this technique
Subject Matching
a. Randomization is preferred when a large number of subjects are available
b. Matching pairs + subsequent randomization of pair members is useful when the size of N is small
Within-Subject Design
a. The performance of the same subjects is compared in two or more different (Tx) conditions. (Same subjects, twice!)
b. Often called A REPEATED MEASURES DESIGN b/c the study repeats measurements of the same individuals under different conditions
c. Used to compare different conditions or to investigate changes occurring over time
Within-Subject Design Study Example
a. Interested in the effect of different types of exercise on memory
b. All participants take a memory test after 10 min. of aerobic exercise and after 10 min. of anaerobic exercise.
c. Compare the memory test scores to answer the Q as to what type of exercise aids memory the most.
Advantages of Within-Subject Design
a. Requires relatively few participants/1 group
b. Eiminates all of the problems based on individual differences:
-No difference b/w groups
-Each individual serves as his own control/baseline
c. The concern is not group equivalence but assuring the equivalence of all conditions.
Disadvantages of Within-Subject Design
a. Time-related problems --> participant attrition, history, maturation
b. Order Effects
- Improvement may occur between the beginning and end of an experiment due to practice, familiarity, or fatigue.
-CARRYOVER EFFECTS: May occur whenever exposure to one Tx condition permanently or temporarily affects performance in subsequent condition (e.g., new skill from Tx 1 can influence results in Tx 2).
Dealing w/ Disadvantages
a. When carryover is likely to be permanent, a within-subjects design is not a good idea.
b. Counterbalancing:
- Involves changing the order in which tx conditions are administered from one participant to another
-The goal is to use every possible order of treatment with an equal number of individuals participating in each sequence
Revisiting Internal Validity
a. Threats to internal validity are confounds that serve as plausible alternative explanations for a research finding. (So, how do you deal with them?)
b. Extraneous variables
c. Confounding variables
Extraneous Variables
a. Variables that MAY compete with the IV in explaining the outcome of a study/DV
Confounding Variables
a. An extraneous variable that DOES indeed influence the DV
b. Systematically varies or influences the IV and also influences the DV
c. Researchers must always worry about extraneous variables when they make conclusions about cause and effect (Think about everything that could possibly go wrong, make a list, and then use experts to assess)
Research Design & Dealing w/ Threats to Internal Validity
a. Many threats are controlled to large extent by using true experimental design
b. Some of these are not a threat to an experimental, two group design because it equally affects the two groups: history, maturation, reactive pretest, differential subject selection, & instrumentation (to a large extent)
c. Attrition - a problem for both internal and external validity.
Research Design & Dealing w/ Threats to Internal Validity
a. Instrumentation (inconsistent machine or human performance not a systematic error) could be a problem
b. Effort to fix: short time frame for testing (so less option for people to drop out, protocol development, reliability... )
c. There are always other issues/potential problems which are unique to a given study, & may not necessarily fall under the categories of the threats to internal validity but you have to address, anyway.
Limitations of Group Comparison Approach
a. Ethical objections (“Rob needs it, too!”)
b. Practical problems (“What was I thinking when I said 500?”)
c. Averaging of results--> Don't look at individual, look at avg results of group as a whole
d. Generality of findings (“Would size S-M-ML fit Cinderella? Can’t tell until we try….”) --> Related to Averaging of Results problem
NB: Clinically, group therapy does't easily translate to clinical treatment)
Quantitative, Quasi-Experimental, Single-Subject Research Design
a. Withdrawal and Reversal Designs
b. Multiple-Baseline Designs
c. Alternating Treatment Design
Introduction to Single-Subject RD
a. Research designs that use the results from single participant to establish the existence of cause-effect relationship
b. The design can be applied to a small number of subjects who are evaluated as separate individuals (not avg of whole group)
c. Also known as "small-N designs" (N=Sample)
Introduction to Single-Subject RD
d. Often called TIME-SERIES DESIGN because involves the systematic collection of a series of measurements of the DV over a period of time
e. Quasi-experimental design b/c subjects are not randomly assigned (However, DOES permit cause-effect conclusions)
Introduction to Single-Subject RD
(Continued 2)
f. Useful in gathering preliminary data
g. The unit of analysis is usually a single participant
h. Typical sequence of events: (O=Observation, I=Intervention)
-O1 O2 O3 I1 O4 I1 O5 I1 O6
(NB: second number in each set is supposed to be subset)
Two Basic Phases of Single-Subject RD
a. Baseline Phase
b. Treatment Phase
NB: Phase = series of observations of the same individual under the same conditions
Baseline Phase A
a. When no tx is being administered, the observations are called "baseline observations"
b. A series of baseline observations is called a baseline phase (identified by the letter A)
c. Purposes: To describe the extent of the individual’s problem or status of the target behavior AND/OR To predict future behavior if intervention is not provided
d. If the observed behavior is stable, with a predictable trend, an intervention phase is initiated.
Treatment Phase B
a. When a tx is being administered, we have treatment observations.
b. A series of these observations is called a treatment phase (identified by the letter B)
Withdrawal Designs
a. Compares a subject’s behavior at a time when the IV (experimental intervention) is present with the behavior observed and when the IV is absent or withdrawn
A-B-A Withdrawal Design
a. Baseline-Intervention-Baseline (withdrawal phase)
b. A prototype for single subject design
c. Comparison between the baseline and treatment phase performance allows one to infer the effect of the treatment
d. Return to baseline of the DV during the withdrawal phase also suggests the causal relationship b/t the IV and the DV
A-B-A-B Withdrawal Design
a. An extension of the A-B-A design in which intervention is reintroduced in the B2 phase (treatment reinstatement segment/phase)
b. If a regression to baseline effect is observed in A2, the intervention is reintroduced in B2.
e. A similar change in DV observed during B1 and B2 allows one to conclude that the intervention caused the change in behavior.
Advantages of A-B-A-B Withdrawal Design
a. It addresses the ethical concern that the experiment might conclude without the benefit of intervention for the participant by ending in withdrawal phase
b. It replicates the A-B comparison, providing additional support for a cause-effect relationship between IV (intervention) and DVs (observed behavior).
c. A2 is important because it allows one to rule out history and maturation effects (b/c they were able to go back to baseline phase)
A-B-A-B WD Example
a. Dr. Kim is working to improve a new CMD 160 student’s ability to remain in seat during class using an ABAB Design.
b. Phase A: How many times did he get out of his seat in class today? (Getting baseline data)
c. Phase B: Bob gets M&Ms every 5 min. when he remains in seat. This goes on for one week. Count the frequency of his out of seat behavior.
d. Phase A: Teacher runs out of money. No M&M’s. (Baseline phase, again)
e. Phase B: Teacher gets a salary increase. The M&M program reinstated.
NB: Treatments are the same in both treatment phases and Dr. Kim proved effectiveness of treatment program twice in one study
A-B-A-C Design
a. Useful in testing the effects of two treatment variables (two treatments - B & C are each their own treatments)
b. Potential problem: multiple treatment interference (a threat to internal validity) - A problem inherent in this design because the effects of treatment B are likely to carry over to the C treatment
c. Controlled by counterbalancing the order of treatment across participants (A-B-A-C, A-C-A-B,…)
Reversal Designs
a. Use when expecting difficulty to revert the DV to baseline levels by simply withdrawing the intervention (i.e., extinction)
b. A phase following the Tx involves an active reversal (by reinforcing alternative behavior that is incompatible with the target behavior trained previously)
NB: Clinically, you hope reverting back to Baseline Phase (A) doesn't take away what the client learned during Treatment Phase (B)
NB: Can raise ethical question of withdrawing and reversing a successful treatment
Multiple-Baseline Design
a. Initiates intervention following different baselines sustained for different lengths of time, to establish the relationship b/t the DV & IV, while minimizing the threats to the internal validity (maturation, timing of training, etc.) --> start at varying baselines
b. Useful for studying the effects of a Tx in which two or more behaviors, people, or settings can be tracked on a single experiment
Multiple-Baseline Design
a. Target variables must be independent of one another: A change in treated variable should not be accompanied by a change in an untreated variable (b/c if change occurs before you initiate treatment, there's a problem!)
b. Tx effect is demonstrated by showing that the response changes whenever the Tx is introduced at the different points in time.
Multiple-Baseline Design Example
a. Pre-intervention reading fluency baseline
b. A staggered entry into the Tx program
NB: Change only occurs when treatment is presented, so it must be effective
NB: Needs at least three people for this type of test
NB: Clinically, you can see which your pt resembles and decide on treatment - so more clinical design!
NB: Reading Fluency Treatment for 3 Future CMD Grad Program Applicants (See Graph)
Advantages/Features of Multiple-Baseline Design
a. A flexible design that can simultaneously analyze the tx effect on multiple people, behavior, or setting
b. It is not necessary to return a participant to baseline condition.
c. It avoids the ethical concern regarding withdrawal of treatment (i.e., a return to baseline is not desirable)
d. A return to baseline is not possible - a DV does not respond to withdrawal of the treatment due to carryover or long-lasting effects of the Tx.
NB: This Design used more often in our field than in others b/c we don't want our clients to return to baseline after treatment
Disadvantages of Multiple-Baseline Design
a. The design is weaker than the A-B-A design because the controlling effects of the treatment variable on the DV are not directly demonstrated.
b. It requires a multitude of data collection over an extended period of time, requiring resources for planning, implementing, and ensuring the cooperation of participants.
Alternative Tx Design
a. Used to compare the effects of two treatments on one subject across the same span of time (A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B) --> sometimes you see pt's twice a day - in the morning you're in tx a and in the afternoon you're in tx b (naming treatment with two diff methods - diff word selection but comparable)
b. Two Txs are introduced and alternated at each of the training sessions, usually at a rapid succession
c. Example: comparison of two reading fluency program for a student
Advantages of Alternative Tx Design
a. If one treatment is shown to be superior to the other, the superior treatment may be continued in both sessions during phase C.
Disadvantages of Alternative Tx Design
a. Possible multiple treatment interference
b. The design depends on treatments that have little or no carryover effect from treatment to treatment. (If you expect carryover effect, don't even try to use this design!)
Visual Inspection vs. Statistical Tests in Assessing Tx Effectiveness
a. Repeated Measurement
b. One Variable Rule vs Exceptions
c. Other Variables
d. Visual inspection (eyeballing) is the initial choice, however, it is subjective with problematic interrater agreement.
d. Typical parametric tests (e.g. t-test, ANOVA) are inappropriate due to correlated nature of the data.
f. Alternative procedures examining the overall change, change in slope, etc., are more appropriate (e.g., Interrupted Time Series Analyses (ITSA))
Repeated Measurement
a. The operations must be clearly specified, observable, and replicable
b. Measurements taken repeatedly must be done under totally standardized conditions of:
-Measurement devices
-Personnel involved
-Time or times of day measurements are recorded
-Environmental conditions
One Variable Rule vs. Exceptions
a. Rule: change one variable at a time when proceeding from one phase to the next
Other Variables to Consider
a. Length of Phases: baseline vs. intervention phase? (want them to be comparable in length, but hard to do so, make baseline longer and tx phase shorter)
b. Carryover Effects: Multiple observations can affect participant’s responses (Next variable may change much more rapidly than first tx)