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66 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
scientific method
tentative, replication, observable, unbiased, transparent (cleary state the process etc)
ways of knowing
personal experience
tradition (agency tradition)
practice wisdom
common sense
popular media
1)our own knowledge (countertransference)
2) ie agency tradition to sit by door in group therapy
3) lots of agency wisdom leads to practice wisdom
4) common sense is based in either authority tradition etc
pop media is not the whole picture, not objective (linton wikipedia)
innacurate observation

selective observation
1) you don't get the whole picture - video can be fooled
assign atributes to many
- sister is leo, all leo's are smart, but you ignore the leos that are dumb
replication prevents overgeneralizing
ex post facto hypothesizing

move the goal posts
do research then come up with the hypothesis

move your target hypothesis towards or away from the results
ego involvement
avoid noticing things that may efute your work
illogical reasoning
--straw man
-ad hominen
build it up to break it down make an argument weak by the way you build it up - abortion
- discredit the person (darwin vs bible)
- newer is better
premature close of inquiry
turles all the way down
all the previous cards were prematurely closing inquiry
pseudo science
snake oil, extreme claims
reparitive therapy
-- can lead to dogma, ultra orthadox
- social constructivist
a framework or schema
- based on pursuit of objective realities
- social construct - there are many realities
- postmod - there is no objective reality
evidence based practice
steps for EBP
used the best scientificly based evidence in the practivce or decision making process
formulate a question to answer practice needs:
Client characteristics -
Intervention being considered
Alternative Intervention
Outcome being sought
looking for evidence
top dow
bottom up
meta anaylsis
card cataloge - Siri
critical appraisal of stidies
only one study had the result - his dissrtation

--similar finding in other studies
more flexible, more subjectivity, obserations, starting point usually - not generalizable
maximum objectivity, point is to be able to generalize
Deductive reasoning
ways to define concepts
makes a claim about something
--nominal and operational
nominal definitions of concepts

operational definitions of concepts
a dictionary definition - a good way to describe, but doesnt say "How" to "observe" (measure)

concrete and specific definition tells you how to measure whats happening
exampl of niominal and operational defonitions

nominal - "feeling sad and hopeless"

operational "becks depression index"
statement that tests the relationship between TWO OR MORE variables/values


explain in terms of values
if one value: is a constant

must have 2or more to be measurable and operationalized
inductive reasoning
(his plant) - make a set of observations then study them for patterns (often precuror to decuctive
deductive reasoning
starts with a hypothesis and test it. define variabes
moves from general to specific
aristotle - all men are mortal, aristotle is a man, aristotle is mortal
relationships between variables
both rise (income, amount spent vacation)
independent variable

dependent variable
if hypoth is corret IV CAUSES change in DV

passive - is affected by the IV
mediating variables
a variable tat can occur somewhere in between IV cause and DV effect
(IV job loss, mediate: feel failure,
DV very sad feeling)
moderating variable
a variable not related to te IV, but still has efect on the DV (IV #/hours study, moderateing: traffic jam(stress), DV score on the exam)
control variable
variale tha is held constant
ie noyt allowig women in a study controls for gender
what is it
what tests used?
mutually exclusive catagories
chi square test (dichotamize)
can' do operational measurements
example: male female
ranked order
non parametric tests
good better best
fixed distances beyween values - no "0" math operations not meaningful
parametric tests
"0" value
problem with self reports
best way to measure self reports
(what level of measure?)
we put our own meaning onto a term
"1-10 scale, my 5 is different than yours, numerical rating not best, ordinal is better.
kinds of statistics:
descriptive and inferential
summarizes info about the subjects (height, age etc) in an organized way

inferential: allows us to generalize from sample to larger pop.
types of statistical analysis analysis:
tells you abbout one variale
foucs on measure of central tendency: mean median mode
explores relationship between two variables
explores three or more varaibles
measures or central tendency
mean median mode
measures of spread
semi interquartile
standard deviation
what measurements use
mean interval/ratio
median - ordinal interval ratio
mode - nominal
what does standard deviation tell us
understand one score in terms of the mean
--how far an individual's score is from the mean
-allows you to standardize scores to compare diff data sets
characteristics of univariate and bivariate relationships
(type of data, tests, purpose, etc)
univariate - generally descrptive, chi square,
pearson's r
r=1 is the highest, corelation coefficient
measures how closely the data on a scatterplot plots to a t line
chi square
(what kind of test/data)
used to explore association between two nominal variables based on the expected and the actual outcomes Non parametric
t test
parametric test uses independent samples or paired scores
parametric test for three or more samples
multiple regression analysis
parametric - tests what happens to DV when there are multple IV's
--usually you see how DV changes if one or more IV held constant
what is the operational and nominal definition of significance
Nominal - tells us it should have a value

operational tels us something is there
The Null hypothesis
The chance that the findings are better explained (more readily explained) by chance
how do you accpt or recject null hypothesis?
based on a-priori knowledge of p cavue, p<or= to .05 (.01, or .001)
confirmatonal bias
when you only think about the times when you get the result you want
type 1 error
hard wired into us for survival
- you incorrectly reject the null hypothesis when it is actually true ---you thnk something is significant when it isn't
(you think bird in bush is a bear)
How do you decrease likelihood of committing type 1 error?
you decrease the P value
to p=.01
type 2 error
you accept the null hypothesis when you shouldn't

you don't think anything is there when it is
how do you prevent type 2 errors?
increase sample size
what is a power analysis?
it is a test you run to see how many subjects you need in he sample
experimental research key features
-hypothesis for causal relationship
-two groups of subjects (random asignment)
control groups
quasi expeimental
may not have real control group,
or may not have random sample
non expeimental
panozzo research
no random assignment, no control group
no baseline measurerment
single subject
baseline taken from DV
then measure the change over time
what kind of data uses responses to set questions with set answers
quantitative data
what kind of data is in the form of words, re feelings, thoughts etc
qualitative data
cross section testing
tests one point in time
cheaper and faster
takes measurements over long period of time - twin studies
but expensive
trend study
a bt of both cros section and longitud, as you measure same variable, but the participants change (ie % favor gay marriage)
4 puposes for studies
explore: when at the early stages oof study - blincd vacationers
descript: univatiate (1 variable, meanmedianmode) like census homeless report
explanatory - explain causal relationships - or if you are explainting what has been found
evaluative - job/governmnet, no child left behind..