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10 Cards in this Set

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How is gonadotropin-releasing hormone released from the hypothalamus?
There must be adequate levels of Leptin hormone from adipose tissue
What are the two gonadtropins?
Follicle-stimulating hormone and Leutenizing hormone.
Describe what FSH and LH do in females and males.
FSH causes maturation of sperm and secretion of inhibin. LH causes secretion of testosterone.

Females: FSH causes maturation of egg and LH causes release of egg.
FSH causes secretion of estrogen and inhibin and LH causes secretion of progesterone.
When are the levels highest in the female cyle for estrogen and progesteron?
First 14 days = high levels of estrogen
Last 14 days = high levels of progesterone.
What are oogonia and spermatagonia and how do they divide and what do they produce?
They are stem cell that divide by MITOSIS and produce oocytes and spermatocytes.
What do oocytes and spermatocytes undergo and what do they produce?
They undergo MEIOSIS and produce haploid eggs (ova) and sperm (spermatozoa)
Describe the last stage of the oogenesis process and what hormones are involved
FSH act on ovary and 1 oocyte per month and finish meiosis 1 and start meiosis 2 and then are flushed oout and won't finish meiosis 2 unless it is fertilized. LH is another hormone that is needed during this process.
Describe the spermatogenesis process.
Spermatogonia divide by mitosis through out lifespan.
During puberty some spermatogonia differentiate into primary spermatocytes (by FSH). Primary spermatocytes complete both step of meiosis = 4 spermatids. Spermatids mature into spermatozoa.
Descibe the anatomy of a spermatozoan.
Head (nucleus and densely packed chromosomes, acrosomal cap)
Middle (loaded with mitochondria to produce the ATP needed to move the tail).
Tail (flagellum)
Describe fertilization.
Ovulation releases a secondary oocyte and the first polar body; both are surrounded by the corona radiata. The oocyte is suspended in meiosis II until fertilization. Acrosomal enzymes from sperm create gaps in the corona radiata and a single sperm makes contact with the oocyte membrane, and membrane fusion then occurs, triggering the oocyte to activate and complete meiosis.