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88 Cards in this Set

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what are the primary sex organs?

gonads =
testes and ovaries
gonads produce what two thing ?
gametes and hormones

-sex cells
what are the 3 Accessory reproductive organs ?
ducts, glands, external genitalia
what determines the sex of the offspring ?
Gonads appear at 5-6 weeks as _______ ________ in the _____ ______
gonadal ridges, abdominal cavity
at 5- 6 week what is adjacent to the gonadal ridges ?
mesonpheric duct and the paramesonpheric duct
- a sac like structure, purpose is it maintain temp of testis
sperm is not viable at ____ body temp
what two muscles control the scrotum ? WHAT do the control
1. dartos muscle ( CAUSES WRINKLES )

2. cremaster muscle (brings closer to pelvic cavity)

the sex determing region (SRY) codes for what? and is located where?
testis determining factor and Y chromosome
(TDF) interacts with genes on the ___ _________ to for________ receptors
x chromosome , andrgoen
by week __-__ early testicles appear and produce testosterone
at week 8-9 what dose the mesonephric duct develop into ?
male duct system
at week 8-9 the paramesonephric duct is inhibited by _______ _________ ______ secreted by the testes
mullerian inhibiting factor
at what week are male genetals recognizable ?
at week 12 a connective tissue cord called the ______ begins to extend from the testis to the ______
gubernaculum, scrotum
what dos the gubernaculum pass through at week 12 ?
oblique muscle and aponeroses
at week 12 what extend as the vaginal process?
at week 12 the path of low resistance become the what ?
inguinal canal
at ___ moths the testis descend into the scrotum
late in the development period what dose the vaginal process become?
tunica vaginalis
later in development what dose the vaginal process become ?
tunica vaginalis
blood supply to the testies comes from what?

testicular arteries
what supplies blood to the testicular arteries ?
abdominal aorta
- a venouse network surronding the testicular artey in the spermatic cord
pampiniform plexus
the branches of th pampinifrom plexus converge to form what?
testicular vein
the plexus acts a a counter current for the exchange of what ?
the plexus remove heat from the _____ blood to help rid heat for sperm production
what are the two conective tissue tunics that cover the testes? which is inner and which is outer?
tunica vaginalis outer

tunica albuginea inner

- in tge tetses a lobe is made of these

seminiferous tubules

- location of sperm production
seminiferous tubules

coild tubes located within testicles
seminiferous tubules
seminiferous tubules lead to the ______ _____
rete testis
the rete testis join to form what ?
efferent ductules
what are ductules lined with ?
cilliated epithelium
the seminiferous tubules are lined with what ?
germinal epithelium
what type of cell develops into sperm ?
germinal epithelium
in the testes what produces testosteron ?
the inerstitial cells of tubules
what cell provide nutrients and remove waste from germ cells ?
sustentacular cells
what type of cell produces androgen binding proteins ?
sustentacular cells
what type of cell creates the blood testes barrier with tight junctions ?
- blood vessels , nerves, and duct pass through what ?
spermatic cord
where dose sperm complet development ?
what stores sperm as they reach maturity ?
how long do sperm live befor being phagocytized
a few months
Ductus (vas) deferns connects what two thing
the epididymis and the ejaculatory duct

the ductus vas deferens travels withing the _______ ________ and loops over the ________
spermatic cord and ureter

the Ejaculatroy duct is fromed from combination of __________ and ________

ductus deferens and seminal vesicles

both the ductus deferens and th seminal vesicles travel through the prostate gland before emptying into the __________
- terminal portion of the male duct system

- serves both the urinary and reproductive system
-secretes fluid containign fructose , ascorbic acid , coagulating enzymes and prostaglandins
seminal vesicles
- secretion plays a role in activating sperm

- secertion neutralizes acidic urine in urethra


the penis is supplied by what 2 arteries ?
dorsal and deep artery
what are the two types of tissue in the penis ?
spongy urethra and erectile tissue
corpus spongiosum is the ___________ tissue and corpora cavernosa is the __________ tissue
spongy, erectile

what tissue in the penis is the larges in proportion ?
corpora cavernosa
where do the deep arteries travel in the penis ?
through the core of the corpora cavernosa
what cause the deep arteries to dialte ?
the release of nitrous oxide
what fills with blood when the deep arteris dialte ?
after ejaculation sympathetic fibers cause _______ ______ to constrict
pudendal arteries
after ejaculation what drains the blood ?
dorsal vein
muscle fiber in what tissue constrics to squeeze out the blood ?
erectile tissue
-fluid that is ejaculated
what provides a transport medium and activating chemicals for sperm?
what is the energey source for sperm ?
in semen prostaglandins do what two major things?
1. decrease viscosity of vaginal mucus

2. produce revers peristalsis of uterus and medial portion of uterine tube

the pH of what neutralizes the acidic vagina
the hypothalamus releases what hormone ?
gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GNRH)
GNRH stimulates the pituitary to releas what two hormones ?
follicle - stimulating and lutenizing hormone
FSH stiumulates what cells to to secret androgen binding proteins
andrgoen binding proteins bind testosterone to what ?
germ cells
LH stimulates interstitial cells to secret what?
what dose testosterone stimulate ?
-steps that lead to production of sperm
spermatogenesis produce _________ gametes
sperm producing cells begin as _______ _____ located in the _______ ________
primordial germ, yolk sac

at 5-6 weeks primodial germ cells become __________
spermatogonia divide by __________
after passing through the blood testes barrier spermatogonia divide into _________ __________
secondary spermatocytes
each secondary spermatocytes undergoes meiosis 2 to produce what
4 spermatogonium
spermiogenesis - def.

- spermatid loses excess cytoplasim and deveople tails
the head of the sperm is topped with a _________

where dose spermiogenesis take place?