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111 Cards in this Set

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match the organism:
white discharge with bready odor; germ tubes and pseudohyphae microscopically
yellow green discharge with a putrid odor; darting trichomonads microscopically
grey-white fishy smelling discharge with clue cells microscopically
What organism causes Trichomoniasis and what is the DOC?
Trichomonas vaginalis
DOC: metronidazole
What is the DOC for a "yeast" infection?
2nd line = fluconazole
Overgrowth of bacteria natural to the vagina cause bacterial vaginosis; especially which two?
Gardnerella and Mobiluncus
What is the DOC for bacterial vaginosis ?
(+) Whiff test can raise your suspicion for which vulvovaginitis?
bacterial vaginosis
What is the organism and DOC for Gonorrhea?
Neisseria gonorrheae
DOC: ceftriaxone
This venereal disease causes purulent dischage and if left untreated in the female, will ascend to cause PID
What are the TWO great "ascenders"?
Neisseria gonorrheae and Chlamydia trachomatis
This venereal disease is often carried asymptomatically in the rectum? What is the cause and DOC?
Trichomonas vaginalis
DOC: metronidazole
How is chlamydia trachomatis treated?
Infectious urethritis in the male d/t anything but gonorrhea
Non-gonococcal urethritis
This venereal disease is primarily in the tropics and hits the lymph nodes ... What is the disease and what is it caused by?
Lymphogranuloma venereum
DOC: doxycycline
This venereal disease hits the groin and blocks the inguinal area; the visualized etiologic bacterium in a macrophage = Donovan body
Granuloma inguinale
What is the cause of Granuloma inguinale?
Klebsiella granulomatis (also known as Calymmatobacterium granulomatis or Donovania granulomatis)
What 2 other names is Klebsiella granuloatis also known as?
Donovania granulomatis and Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
On a microscopic exam you see "school of fish" what is the disease?
What is Chancroid due to and what is the DOC?
d/t Hemophilus ducreyi
DOC: ceftriaxone
Is a chancre due to Hemophilus ducreyi PAINLESS or PAINFUL?
What is the causative agent of Syphilis? and what is the DOC?
Treponema pallidum

DOC: penicillin G
a hard syphilitic chancre is PAINLESS or PAINFUL?
What are the 3 stages of syphilis?
1)painless hard chancre
2)maculopapular red rash on palms, condyloma lata on genitals
3) gummas, tabes dorsalis, psychosis, dementia, leutic aneurysm, aortitis, aortic regurg.
On biopsy you see epithelial cells with perinuclear clearing... what is the name of this cell and what are they a hallmark of?
Koilocytes; hallmark of HPV infection of any type
Painless genital warts usually caused by HPV 6 & 11 is known as what?
Condyloma acuminatum
What allows for epithelial cell overgrowth by HPV viruses?
viral genes E6 and E7 interfere with normal function of p53 and RB tumor suppressor genes
What is the treatment for Condyloma acuminatum?
What is genital herpes due to?
HSV 1 or 2
What will you see with a (+) Tzank test and what does it screen for?
will see multi-nucleated giant cells; screens for genital herpes
What is the DOC for genital herpes?
This venereal disease is characterized by exquisitely painful fluid-filled vesicles that erupt in a group on an erythematous base and tend to go latent and then recur?
Genital herpes
What will occur if Chlamydial cervicitis is untreated?
cause PID in females
What is the #1 most common germ cell testicular tumor?
What is the #2 most common germ cell testicular tumor and what is the prognosis?
Embryonal; poor prognosis
Is the teratoma in the testicle usually benign or malignant?
This stromal sex cord tumor produces excess testosterone and can cause gynecomastia if it occurs post-puberty?
Leydig cell tumor
This testicular stromal sex cord tumor is also known as an androblastoma and is usually benign
Sertoli cell tumor
Common ovarian tumor in females >20
surface epithelium ovarian tumors
Common ovarian tumors in females <20
Germ cell tumors of the ovary
This cystic tumor is lines with cells like fallopian tube epithelium ?
This ovarian tumor accounts for about half of all ovarian carcinomas and are often bilateral
serous cystadenocarcinomas
This cystic tumor is lines with columnar cells that produce mucus
Which surface epithelium tumor of the ovary may yield pseudomyxoma peritonei (rupture of the cyst to produce multiple tumor implants)?
Surface epithelium tumor of the ovary also known as celioblastoma and comprised of cells like those found in bladder epithelium?
What are the 4 major types of germ cell tumors of the ovary?
1) teratoma
2) dysgerminoma
3) endodermal sinus tumor
4) choriocarcinoma
What is the other name for a mature teratoma in the female ovary?
Dermoid cyst
This unusual variant of a mature teratoma has only 1 tissue element
struma ovarii
This germ cell tumor of the ovary is comprised of 2 or more germ layers and is usually benign the mature form comprises 90% of all germ cell tumors of the ovary
This stromal sex cord tumor is female secreted large quantities of estrogen and is (+) for Call-Exner bodies
Granulosa-theca cell
Granulosa -theca cells also have to be worked up for what? because of their association?
Endometrial CA because of their association with causing secondary endometrial hyperplasia or endometrial CA
This stromal sex cord tumor of the ovary produces large quantities of testosterone and causes virilization in the female
sertoli-Leydig cell
What is virilization of the female associated with Sertoli-Leydig cell and is it reversible?
clitoromegaly, hirsutism, deepening of voice - IRREVERSIBLE
A benign tumor of spindle-shaped fibroblasts that can cause Meig's syndrome
What is Meig's syndrome?
can be caused by a fibroma;
ascited, pleural effusion, + the ovarian tumor
Tumor in ovary that developed from cells that metastasized from elsewhere, and is characterized by bilateral replacement of ovaries with mucin-producing signet-ring cells
Krukenberg tumor
What is the cell of the Krukenberg tumor?
signet-ring cell
Endometrial polyps are often asymptomatic, estrogen sensitive and benign?

What are the risk factors (10) of endometrial hyperplasia?
>40 yo
late menopause
earle menarche
diabetes (type II)
estrogen treatment
granulosa-theca cell tumor
What is the #1 invasive CA of female genital tract?
Endometrial Carcinoma
What are the typical causes (4) of cervicitis?
Gardnerella vaginalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida albicans, Chlamydia trachomatis
Are cervical polyps neoplastic?
NON- neoplastic
CIN has a major association with which types of HPV? (5)
HPV types 16,18, 30s, 40s and 50s series
This precancerous condition in the cervix usually involves the squamocolumnar junction?
CIN - cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Which two tumor suppressor genes does HPV inhibit?
p53 and RB
What are the 2 older terms for CIN?
Cervical dysplasia and cervical carcinoma in situ (CIS)
What is the treatment for CIN I?
cryotherapy, laser, or loop electric excision procedure (LEEP)
What is the treatment for CIN II and III?
cone biopsy
Which types of CIN are low greade and which types are high grade?
CIN I - low grade
CIN II and III - high grade
Which type of CIN is mild dysplasia of the UPPER LAYER of the cervical epithelium?
Which type of CIN affects various cells thought the entire epithelial thickness?
Which type of CIN replaces the entire cervical epithelial layer with neoplastic cells but demonstrates no invasion beyond the basement membrane?
What represents neoplastic development of cervical epithelium with invasion through underlying basement membrane?
Invasive Cervical Carcinoma
Which stage of invasive carcinoma has extended to pelvic wall?
Stage 3
Which stage of invasive carcinoma is confined to the cervix?
Stage 1
Which stage of invasive carcinoma extends beyond the cervix but not onto the pelvic wall and if it involves the vagina, it does not involve the lower 1/3rd ?
Stage 2
Which stage of invasive carcinoma has extended beyong the pelvic wall or has involved bladder or rectal mucosa +/- metastases?
Stage 4
PCOS is thought to be due to excess of which hormone?
Luteinizing hormone
Chronic anovulation with symptoms of androgen excess along with obesity is characteristic of what benign uterine disorder?
PCOS - polycystic ovarian Syndrome
PCOS is also referred to as what?
Stein-Levanthal Syndrome
Increased LH in PCOS stimulates which ovarian cells? to produce what?
Theca cells to produce androstenedione
The increased androgen in PCOS causes what? (2)
acne and hirsutism
Clinically, PCOS patients present with what? (4)
infertility, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea, acne, and hirsutism (plus, usually obesity and potential for Type II DM)
Are androstenedione, testosterone, and estrone high or low in PCOS?
what is the LH:FSH ratio in PCOS?
What is the #1 site for the presence and proliferation of non-neoplastic endometrial tissue outside of the uterine cavity?
#1 site is OVARY
What are the 3 D's of Endometriosis?
dysmenorrhea, dyschezia, dysparenia
In what benign uterine disorder can you see "chocolate cysts" ?
What is the #1 uterine tumor and the overall #1 tumor in women?
Uterine Leiomyoma
What is a benign smooth muscle tumor of the uterus?
fibroid or Uterine Leiomyoma
This benign uterine disorder is most common in blacks, anc can cause abnormal menstrual bleeding, urinary frequency, and postpartum hemorrhage?
Uterine Leiomyoma
Hydatidiform mole is also known as what? (4)
mole, molar pregnancy, GTN, gestational trophoblastic neoplasm
What is a "complete mole"?
formed from 2 X-chromosome containing sperm that have fretilized 1 enucleate ovum;
COMPLETELY paternal and does not form an embryo
What is an "incomplete mole"?
formed from the fertilization of 1 ovum with 2 or more sperm; male and female contribution, embryo develops
If a patient has a very high beta-hCG and the uterus is larger than expected for gestational age what may she have?
molar pregnancy
This malignant neoplasm of trophoblastic cells (placenta) is associated with frequent and early metastases
Very high beta-hCG with late findings of irregular spotting of brown, bloody foul-smelling fluid is characteristic of what?
This benign breast tumor usually occurs at <30 yo, is a single, mobile and marble-shaped "stromal tumor"
This benign "stromal tumor" usually occurs at >60 yo and rapidly becomes a huge, log-shaped tumor
Phylloides tumor
This benign "epithelial tumor" has nipple discharge that is frequently bloody or serous
Intraductal papilloma
What are the 5 types of DCIS?
Malignant breast tumor of ductal epithelial cells that has not crossed over the basement membrane
ductal carcinoma in situ - DCIS
What is the most common breast CA?
invasive ductal carcinoma
This malignant breast tumor is often "scirrhous" (hard), may show peau d'orange, nipple retration, and dimpling?
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
This rare tumor tends to be bilateral, never forms calcifications or masses, and signet-ring cells are common?
Lobular Carcinoma in situ
A form of DCIS that actually extends from the nipple ducts into the contiguous nipple skin and areola; fissured, ulcerated, oozing, hyperemic, edematous nipple
Paget's disease of the nipple
What type of breast cancer is often associated with BRCA1 gene mutation and occurs in young women?
Medullary Carcinoma
A spiculated density with irregular infiltration of surrounding tissue on mammogram can indicate what?
Invasive ductal or tubular breast cancer
What type of breast cancers never produce calcifications?
What is the most common malignant breast disease associated with calcifications?
Important oncogenes in breast cancer?
c-erb-B2 (HER-2/neu)