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56 Cards in this Set

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male primary sex organs (gonads) produce gametes and secrete what sex hormones

testes, sperm, androgens (inc. testosterone)

accessory reproductive organs include 3 kinds of structures

ducts, glands, external genitalia

sperm delivered to exterior through system of ducts: (4 steps)


ductus/vans deferens

ejaculatory duct


seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands are all examples of

accessory sex glands

scrotum is a sac of ______ and ___________ that hangs outside abdominopelvic cavity and requires a body temp ___ degrees lower than core body for spermatogenesis

skin and superficial fascia

3 deg

scrotal thermoregulators

dartos muscle

cremaster muscles

pampiniform plexus

dartos muscle is what kind of muscle; what does it do

smooth; wrinkles scrotal skin and elevates testes

right beneath scrotal skin

cremaster muscles is what kind of muscle

is a continuation of ________

skeletal muscle that tenses scrotum and pulls testes closer to body

a continuation of internal oblique

covers spermatic cord

testes each surrounded by two tunics & what they're made of

tunica vaginalis - outer layer derived from peritoneum

tunica albuginea - inner layer; fibrous capsule

layers of scrotum


dartos muscle

superficial scrotal fascia

cremaster muscle

tunica vaginalis w scrotal cavity

tunica albuginea

testes divided into ~250 lobules by _______. Each lobule contains 1-4 ___________, which is the site of sperm production

testes divided into lobules by septa (tunica albuginea)

each lobule contains seminiferous tubules: the site of spermatogenesis

sperm conveyed from seminiferous tubules to epididymis through this route:

seminiferous tubules

straight tubule

rete testis

efferent ductules


what cells surround seminiferous tubules; what do they produce

interstitial endocrine cells produce androgens, e.g., testosterone, and secrete it into interstitial fluid

testicular arteries arise from which artery

abdominal aorta

testicular veins arise from _______ surrounding each testicular artery.

why do the veins surround the artery?

pampiniform venous plexus

veins surround the artery to absorb heat and keep testes cool

spermatic cord contains _____________(5 things) and is covered by ______________

ductus deferens, genitofemoral nerve to the testes, testicular artery, deferential artery, and pampiniform plexus of veins

covered by fascia and cremaster muscle

spermatic cord enters the abdominal cavity through the ________ and continues to ________

superficial inguinal ring - once it passes, the cord ends but the ductus deferens continues to the ampulla at the posterior of bladder where it joins with seminal gland

duct from vas deferens and duct from seminal vesicle form the

ejaculatory duct (sperm mixes with seminal fluid)

penis consists of root and shaft that ends in __________. The foreskin is called ________

glans penis


spongy urethra and three cylindrical bodies of erectile tissue consist of

spongy network of CT and smooth muscle with vascular spaces

corpus spongiosum surrounds _______

surrounds urethra and expands to form glans (purple on model)

corpora cavernose are paired erectile tissue to the anterior of

the corpus spongiosum (sort of looks like it surrounds it, but not posteriorly)

route of ducts that carry sperm from testes to body exterior

- epididymis

- ductus deferens

- expands to form ampulla, joins duct of seminal vesicle to form

- ejaculatory duct

- urethra

function of epididymis

storage and maturation of sperm (2-3 mos)

during ejaculation, epididymis contracts, expelling sperm into __________

the ductus deferens

urethra has three regions

1) prostatic urethra

2) intermediate/membranous urethra in urogenital diapraghm (after prostate, before spongy urethra - very small area)

3) spongy urethra

urethra opens at

external urethral orifice

3 seminal glands produce semen (except for sperm) with percentages

paired seminal glands/vesicles 60-70%

paired bulbo-urethral glands 5-10%

prostate gland 25%

2 seminal glands contracts during ejaculation and produces seminal fluid that contains

alkaline seminal fluid containing fructose and coagulant

1 prostate gland contracts during ejaculation and produces

slightly acidic fluid contains antiobiotic substance to prevent UTIs in men

role in sperm activation

2 bulbourethral glands contract during ejaculation and produce


present in pelvic floor, slightly alkaline helps neutralize acidity of vaginal tract

aka cowper's glands

semen is a mixture of

sperm and accessory gland secretions
head, neck and tail of sperm contains

head: nucleus and helmetlike, hydrolytic acrosome

neck: mitochondria super-coiled for power

tail: made of centrioles

cryptorchid testes happen when:

testes don't descend and the scrotal sac is empty - can't do spermatogenesis because of high temperature within body

main purpose of seminal fluid:

nourishment of sperm

spermatogenesis takes place in

seminiferous tubules of testes

septa are the collagen fibers of _____

the tunica albuginea

what connects the rete testis to the epididymis

efferent ductules

between seminiferous tubules are blood vessels and large ________ cells which produce ________

interstitial cells of Leydig produce androgens/testosterone

stem cells at the outermost layer of semniferous tubules are called ________


spermatogonia have ________ chromosomes are called _________

spermatogonia have 46 chromosomes and are called diploid

spermatogonia undergo mitosis to create Spermatogonia A, which goes to ________, and Spermatogonia B, which goes to ________

Spermatogonia A is an undifferentiated stem cell that stays at the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule

Spermatogonia B is pushed toward lumen and differentiates into a primary spermatocyte

Spermatogonia A and B have how many chromosomes

42; diploid

Primary Spermatocyte undergoes mitosis or meiosis

meiosis (spermatogonia undergo mitosis)

meiosis produces gametes that contain ____ the number of chromosomes

half; haploid

in meiosis, there are ____ (number of) divisions that produce _____ different haploid gametes each containing _____ (number of) individual chromosomes

in meiosis, there are two divisions that produce 4 different haploid gametes each containing 23 number of individual gametes (haploid)

in the testes, the first step in meiosis is the division of a primary spermatocyte to produce a pair of ____________ which then produce a pair of

primary spermatocyte produces 2 secondary spermatocytes, which produce 2 spermatids

how many spermatids are produced for every primary spermatocyte that undergoes meiosis?

four - two secondary that produce two spermatids each

DNA replication of a diploid primary spermatocyte cell produces 4 homologous pairs called _______ joined by ________

tetrads joined by a synapsis. the two non-sister chromatids that are touching exchange genetic material (crossing over)

spermiogenesis is the ________________

physical maturation into spermatozoa

during spermiogenesis, spermatids are embedded within the cytoplasm of large ______ cells, which are attached to the _______ of the tubular capsule and extend toward the ___________, which hold sperm at different stages of development

nurse or sertoli cells (aka sustentacular cells)

they are attached to the basal lamina and extend toward the lumen

nurse/sertoli cells produce a hormone called _______, protect the sperm by forming ________, and produce ____________, as well as act as ____________

nurse cells produce inhibin

form the blood-testis barrier

produce ABP - androgen-binding protein/testosterone binding receptor

and act as phagocytes

crossing over happens in the tetrads of the meiosis of the ______ spermatocyte because each chromatid in a tetrad belongs to the same chromosome pair

primary spermatocyte meiosis involves the tetrad and crossing over

meiosis II is necessary because the double stranded chromosomes of secondary spermatocytes must reduced to 1-stranded chromosomes, producing four haploid ____

spermatids with single stranded chromosomes

epithelium lining the lumen of epididymis

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

epithelium lining ductus deferens

pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium