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47 Cards in this Set

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What is another way genetic variability is introduced during Meiosis I?
during the lining up phase, the homologous chromosome line up randomly at the equator so that either the maternal or paternal chromosome can be on a given side of the equator.
What is the process of meiosis and where does it occur?
the process by which eggs and sperm get their genetic makeup

it occurs in the testes and ovaries

Human cells have how many chromosomes?
46 chromosomes which are actually 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes
What are not identical, but look alike and carry genes that code for the same traits?
homologous chromosomes
What is the first step of meiosis?
one round of DNA replication
What is the second step of meiosis?
two nuclear divisions which produce 4 daughter cells
In meiosis, the 4 daughter cells have _____ as many chromosomes as normal body cells (haploid)
What phase of meiosis do the homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the equator and separate into two daughter cells?
Meiosis I
In meiosis II, the resulting 23 chromosomes line up in each daughter cell and duplicates (sister chromatids) separate with the result being four cells with 23 ______ ______.
individual chromosomes
What is one way genetic variability is introduced during meiosis I?
While the homologous chromosomes temporarily are next to each other, they can exchange genetic material between the maternal and paternal chromosome called crossing over
Define genital herpes
-caused by human herpes virus type 2

-may remain silent for weeks or years and then flare up with blister like lesions

-transmission of virus by infectious secretions or direct skin to skin contact

Define genital warts
caused by human papillomavirus

linked to cervical cancer

Define syphilis
-caused by treponema pallidum

-bacterium is transmitted sexually or congenitally

-in primary phase a sore appears at site of infection

-secondary phase, weeks later, characterized by pink skin rash, fever, and joint pain; latent period folows; tertiary phase characterized by gummas, destructive lesions of CVS, bones and skin

Define gonorrhea
-caused by Neisseria Gonorrheae

-bacteria is spread by contact with genital, anal and pharyngeal mucosal surfaces

-males: causes urethritis

-females: abdominal discomfort, vaginal discharge and abnormal uterine bleeding

A females total supply of eggs is in place when?
at birth
When ovulation occurs, where is egg cast?
into the peritoneal cavity
What are ovaries held in place by?
What stimulates the anterior pituitary to make follicle- stimulating and luteinizing hormone?
What 3 accessory glands assist in production of semen?
-seminal vesicles

-bulbourethral glands

-prostate gland

What are the parts of sperm and what is each pieces function?
head- contains genetic material

mid piece- lots of mitochondria for energy generation

tail- flagellum, for propulsion

After meiosis II, what are the 4 haploid cells referred to as?
In the spermiogenesis process, what do the spermatids do?
elongate, shed excess cytoplasm, and form a tail
Sperm gain the ability to swim where?
What is the shedding of endometrium caused by falling progesterone levels?
What binds to interstitial cells and causes them to secrete testosterone which serves as final trigger for sperm formation?
Define antrum
a central fluid-filled cavity which is the hallmark of a secondary follicle
What produces mucus to protect uterus from bacterial infections and also to keep sperm out unless it is in midcycle ?
What functions to receive, retain and nourish a fertilized ovum?
What stimulates the male secondary sex characteristics, causes sperm formations and is responsible for sex drive in both sexes?
When estrogen levels get really high, the anterior pituitary is stimulated to release a burst of LH around day 14 what occurs?
What produces a small amount of testosterone in females?
adrenal glands
Describe vesicular follicle
the oocyte bulges from the surface of the ovary just prior to ovulation
What is the outer most layer of uterus and also part of the visceral peritoneum?
What is produced in response to parasympathetic reflex and causes arterioles of the penis to dilate in an erection?
nitric oxide
Where does sperm and seminal fluid mix together?
ejaculatory duct
What is a general term for an egg or sperm?
What layer of the uterus does a fertilized ovum burrow and sheds during menstrual cycle if implantation does not occur?
What produces an acidic fluid which contains citrate (nutrient) and several enzymes which activate the sperm?
prostate gland
What does estrogen do?
stimulates secondary sexual characteristics in female and maturation of oocytes
Define a primordial follicle
a developing oocyte with a single layer of surrounding cells
What is associated with the spermatic cord?
ductus deferens
What is a component of sperm that provides energy to sperm?
Where are sperm produced?
seminiferous tubules
What does the bulbourethral gland do?
-produce thick, clear mucus

-the mucus is secreted into the urethra before ejaculation to neutralize traces of acidic urine

What secreted progesterone and some estrogen, which shuts down LH and FSH from the pituitary so no more follicles develop at this time?
Corpus luteum
What is a

Which contains the DNA and the acrosome
