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65 Cards in this Set

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Venous drainage of left ovary/testis

Left ovary/testi ->left gonadal vein ->left renal vein -> IVC

Venous drainage of right ovary/testis

Right ovary/testis-> right gonadal vein -> IVC

In what side of the venous drainage is varicocele more common ?

Left vein

Develops into female internal structures

Paramesonephric (mullerian) duct

Develops into lower portion of the vagina

Urogenital sinus

Develops into male internal structures (except prostate)

Mesonephric (wolffian) duct

What structures does the mesonephric derive?

Seminal vesicles, epididymis, ejaculatory duct, and ductus deferens (SEED)


What structures does the paramesonephric (mullerian) duct derive?

Fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper portion of the vagina

Factor needed in males, in order for the paramesonephric to degenerate

Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF)

Factor needed in females, in order to form the fallopian tubes

NO mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF)

Factor needed in males, in order for mesonephric to form internal genital structures


Factor needed in females, in order for mesonephric to degenerate

NO testosterone

Factor needed in males, in order for urogenital sinus to form external genital structures

5 alpha reductase converts testosterone to DHT and this triggers external genital formation

Factor needed in females, in order for urogenital sinus to form the lower vagina


What characteristics would you find in a patient with a deficiency of MIF but 5 alpha reductase is present?

Genetic male, male external genitalia, male and female internal genitalia

The default development


Produces the testis determining factor

SRY gene on Y chromosome

Secretes mullerian inhibitory factor (MIF)

Sertoli cells

MIF inhibits the development of which structure?


Secrete androgens

Leydig cells

What do androgens stimulate in genitalia?

Mesonephric duct development

Genital tubercle when stimulated by estrogen develops into:

Glans clitoris, vestibular bulbs

Genital tubercle when stimulated by DHT develops into:

Glans penis, corpus cavernosum and spongiosum

Urogenital sinus when stimulated by estrogen develops into:

Greater vestibular glands of bartholin, Urethral and paraurethral glands of skene

Urogenital sinus when stimulated by DHT develops into:

Bulbourethral glands of cowper, prostate glands

Urogenital folds when stimulated by estrogen develops into:

Labia minora

Labioscrotal swelling when stimulated by estrogen develops into:

Labia majora

Labioscrotal swelling when stimulated by DHT develops into:


Most common congenital penile abnormality


Epispadia is associated to:


Abnormal opening of penile urethra on superior dorsal side of penis


Abnormal opening of penile urethra on inferior ventral side of penis


Hypospadia is caused by

Failure of urethral folds to close

Epispadia is caused by

Faulty positioning of genital tubercle

Male remnant of gubernaculum

anchors testes within scrotom

Female remnant of gubernaculum

Ovarian ligament + round ligament of uterus

Male remnant of processus vaginalis

Forms tunica vaginalis

Female remnant of processus vaginalis


Which lymphatics offer drainage to ovaries/testes?

Para-aortic nodes

Which lymphatics offer drainage to distal vagina, vulva, scrotum?

superficial inguinal nodes

Which lymphatics offer drainage to proximal vagina/uterus?

obturador, external and hypogastric nodes

Why is venous pressure higher in left side of kidney?

Because the left spermatic veins enters the left renal vein at 90 degree angle and flow is less continous.

Connects ovaries to lateral wall of pelvis

Infunibulopelvic ligament (suspensory ligament of the ovaries)

What structures does the suspensory ligament of the ovaries contain?

Ovarian vessles

Connects cervix to side of the wall of the pelvis

Cardinal ligament

What structures does the cardinal ligament contain?

Uterine vessles

Connects the uterine fundus to labia majora

Round ligament of the uterus

Connects uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries to pelvic side wall

Broad ligament

Structures contained in the broad ligament

Ovaries, fallopian tubes, and round ligaments of the uterus

Connects the medial pole of the ovary to the lateral uterus

Ovarian ligament

Vagina epithelium

Stratified squamous epithelium, nonkeratinized

Ectocervix epithelium

Stratified squamous epithelium, nonkeratinized

Endocervix epithelium

Simple columnar epithelium

Ovary, outer surface

Simple cuboidal epithelium

Pathway of sperm ejaculation


S: seminiferous tubules

E: Epididymis

V: Vas deferens

E: Ejaculatory ducts

N: (nothing)

U: Urethra

P: Penis


Erections are powered by what system?


Point and shoot

Emission is powered by what system?


Erection is innervated by:

Pelvic nerve

Emission is innervated by:


Ejaculation is innervated by:

Pudendal nerve

What occurs during emission?

Sperm travels from testes to urethra to mix with seminal fluid

What occurs during ejaculation?

Sperm travels from prostatic urethra to outside world

During a pudendal nerve block, what branches are affected?

- Inferior rectal nerve

- Dorsal nerve of the penis (or clitoris)

- Perineal nerves (posterior scrotal or posterior labial nerves)

When is a pudendal block used?

In a delivery, when its too late for epidural

Point of reference for pudendal nerve block?

Ischial spine