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88 Cards in this Set

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Blood supply to the uterus?
Aorta - ovarian a - uterine a - internal iliac a
Suspensory lig - connects, structures contained?
ovaries to lat pelvic wall, ovarian a and some nerves
Cardinal lig (aka transverse cervical lig) - connects, structures contained?
cervix to side wall of pelvis, uterine a
Round lig - connects, remnant of, runs thru?
uterine fundus to labia majora, remnant of gubernaculum, runs thru inguinal canal, artery of Sampson
Broad lig - connects, structures contained?
everything to side wall, uterus/ fallopian tube/ round lig
Lig of ovary - connects?
ovary to lat uterus
Epithelium of these structures?
fallopian tube
ovary - simple cuboidal
fallopian - simple columnar, ciliated
uterus - simple columnar with tubular glands, pseudostrat
endocervix - simple columnar
ectocervix - stratified squamous
vagina - NKSSE
Innervation of erection - up and down?
Up - parasym - NO relax smc, vasodil, penis fills with blood.
Down - sym - NE contracts smc, vasocon, blood out of penis
Innervation of emission, ejaculation?
Emission - sym, hypogastric n.
Ejac - visceral and somatic, pudendal n.
What are the acrosome and flagella of sperm derived from?
What does the middle piece hold? When do these go away?
When does this happen?
Acrosome - Golgi
Flagella - centriole
Middle piece - houses mitos that are lost during fertilization, feeds on fructose (sorbitol DH)
**during final phase, spermatid to spermatozoa (spermiogenesis)
Sertoli cells - fxn, location?
secrete inhibin and FSH
secrete ABP - maintain testo levels
secrete AMH/MIF
tight jxns, form blood-testes barrier
support/nourish spermatogen
regulate spermatogen
**seminiferous tubules
Leydig cells - fxn, location?
make testosterone
Progression in spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis?
primary spermatocyte (4N)
secondary spermatocyte (2N)
spermatids (N)
spermatozoans (N)
How do LH and FSH support spermatogenesis?
FSH - sertoli cells - spermatogen, and ABP/inhibin production
LH - Leydig - testo to support it
Name the androgens, source?
DHT, testo - testes
androstenedione - adrenals
What are testo and androstenedione converted to, where?
Estrogens in adipose and Sertoli cells by aromatase.
Testo to DHT by 5alpha-reductase
Testo - 5 fxns?
-Differentiation of epididymis, vas, seminal vesicles (NOT prostate)
-Growth (penis, sem vesicles, sperm, muscle, RBC)
-deep voice
-testo to E closes epiphyseal plates
DHT - fxn?
-differentiation of penis, scrotum, prostate
-prostate growth, balding, sebaceous gland activity
Source of E, potency?
Ovary - estradiol
Placenta - estriol
Blood aromatization - estrone

Estrogen - 6 fxns?
-development of genitalia/breast and fat distribution
-growth of follicle, endometrial prolif, myometrial excitability
-upregulates estrogen, LH, progesterone receptors
-stim of prolactin secretion BUT blocks action at breast
-increase SHBG
-increase HDL, decrease LDL
What happens to estradiol, estrone, and estriol levels in preg?
Estradiol, estrone - 50x
estriol - 1000x (fetal wellbeing)
Synthesis of estrogen?
LH - theca cell, chol to androstenedione via desmolase
FSH - granulosa cell, androstenedione to estrogen via aromatase.
Progesterone - source?
Corpus luteum, placenta, adrenal cortex, testes
Progesterone - 7 fxns?
-maintains preg
-stimulates endometrial glandular secretions, spiral artery dev
-thick cervical mucus
-increase body temp
-decreases E receptor sensitivity
-inhibits LH/FSH
-uterine smc relaxation, decrease myometrial excitability (prevents ctx)
Menstrual Cycle - phases, hormones
Prolif/follicular phase
Secretory/luteal phase (14d)

Estrogen, LH surge, ovulation, progesterone, menses (apoptosis)
Define oligo, polymenorrhea.
Metrorrhagia, menometrorrhagia.
Oligo - >35d btwn cycle
Poly - <21 d btwn cycle
Metrorhaggia - frequent but irreg cycles
Menometro - frequent, irreg, heavy cycles
How does ovulation happen?
Increase estrogen, upreg GnRH receptors on ant pit, LH surge, ovulation.
Oogenesis - progression?
Oogonium (2N)
primary oocyte (4N) - arrested prophase I until ovulation (pro for premature)
secondary oocyte (2N) - arrested in metaphase II until fertilization (meta for meet the sperm)
ovum (1N) and 3 polar bodies
hCG - site of synthesis, fxn in diff trimesters?
Syncytiotrophoblast of placenta

1st tri: hCG maintains corpus lutuem to secrete progesterone.
2nd/3rd tri: placenta secretes its own progesterone, estriol
Source of progesterone in diff tri?
1st - corpus luteum
2nd/3rd - placenta
Best test to confirm menopause?
Increase FSH! (No E for neg feedback)
Why do you get feminization and hypogonadism in Klinefelter's?
-Dysgenesis of sem tubules causes Sertoli cell to release less inhibin, increase FSH
-Abnl Leydig cells, low testo, increase LH, high E.
Turner's - hormonal findings?
Low estrogen from streak ovaries, high LH/FSH
What do these findings tell you:
High T, high LH
High T, low LH
Low T, high LH
Low T, low LH
High T, high LH - androgenR def
High T, low LH - exogenous T, tumor
Low T, high LH - primary hypogonadism
Low T, low LH - hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Pseudohermaphrodite vs true hermaphrodite?
Pseudo - ext genitalia don't match gonads.
True - both types of gonads present.
Female pseudohermaphrodite (46XX)
Male pseudohermaphrodite (46XY)
Female - CAH, exog androgens during preg
Male - androgen insen syndrome
Androgen insen syndrome
46XY, defective androgen receptor. Phenotypic female, no pubic hair, blind vagina, testes that need to be removed, increase LH, T, E.
5alpha-reductase def
AR, 46XY, no ext male genitalia until puberty when increase T (penis at 12), hormone levels normal.
Partial mole vs Complete mole
Partial - 69XXY, 2 sperm+1 egg, fetal parts, low risk malig.

Complete - 46XX/XY, 2 sperm+empty egg, S>D, HIGH hCG, no parts, higher risk malig.
Recurrent SAB's:
1st weeks
1st tri
2nd tri
weeks- low progesterone (no hCG)
1st tri - chr abnl (trisomy)
2nd tri - bicornuate uterus
Pathogenesis of preE?
Vasospasm of spiral arteries, causing increased vasc tone and placental ischemia.
Poly - >1.5 L, duo atresia, anencephaly
Oligo - <.5 L, placental insuff, bilat renal agenesis
Endometriosis vs adenomyosis
Endometriosis - glandular endometrial tissue outside uterus
Adenomyosis - glandular endometrium grows in to myometrium
Leiomyoma - sensitive to what hormone?
Estrogen sensitive - grow with preg, shrink with menopause
PCOS - cause, tx?
Increase LH causes anovulation, deranged steroid syn by theca cells with hyperandrogenism.

OCP - regulate cycle to prevent endometrial hyperplasia, increase SHBG to decrease androgens. Weight loss, metformin, and clomiphene if want to get preg.
Corpus luteum cyst
Theca-lutein cyst
Corpus luteum - hemorrhage in corpurs lutuem, pregnancy/bleeding disorders. Abd pain, hemoperitoneum.

Theca-lutein cyst - due to increase GnRH, assoc with choriocarcinoma/moles.
Malig, sheets of uniform cells, equiv to male seminoma but way less common. hCG.
Malig, hyperchromatic syncytiotrophoblast cells, assoc theca-lutein cysts, hCG.
Yolk sac (endodermal sinus) tumor
AFP, Schiller-Duval bodies (glom), yellow/solid/friable mass. Found in ovaries/testes and sacrococcygeal area of young kids.
MC germ cell tumor. Mature benign, immature malig.
Serous cystadenoma
Benign, simple columnar ciliated epi (like fallopian tube), bilat. 20% of ovarian tumors.
Serous cystadenocarinoma
Malig, freq bilat, 45% of malig ovarian tumors.
Mucinous cystadenoma
Benign, multilocular cyst lined with mucus-secreting epithelium. Intestine-like.
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma
Malig, mucinous cells, pseudomyxoma peritonei
Brenner tumor
Bening, looks like bladder
Meigs' Syndrome
Ovarian fibroma (fibroid)
pulling sensation in groin
Granulosa-theca cell tumor, path finding?
Secretes E, precocious puberty, abnl uterine bleeding, Call-Exner bodies (small follicles with red secretions)
Sarcoma botryoides (rhabdomyosarcoma)
Girls<4yo, grapes out of vagina, desmin pos spindle cells
Intraductal papilloma
Small tumor in lactiferous ducts, serous/blood nipple discharge, only slight risk malig transformation.
Phyllodes tumor
Age>65, LARGE bulky mass with leaf-like projections, risk malig.
MC breast tumor<35yo, small/firm/mobile, increase size/tenderness with E. Benign!
DCIS, comedocarcinoma
DCIS - ductal hyperplasia fills ductal lumen
Comedocarcinoma - ductal caseous necrosis
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Invasive lobular carcinoma
IDC - most common, worst prog, small/glandular/duct-like cells.
ILC - bilat, orderly row of cells
Medullary breast carcinoma
Better prognosis, lymphocytic infiltrate/fleshy/cellular
Inflammatory breast carcinoma
Dermal lymphatic invasion, peau d'orange.
Page'ts disease of breast/vulva
Eczematous, scaly lesion with Paget's cells (large cells in epidermis with halo). Suggests underlying carcinoma.
Types of fibrocystic disease
Fibrosis - hyperplasia of stroma
Cystic - fluid filled, blue dome, ductal dilation.
Sclerosing adenosis - increased acini, intralobular fibrosis, calcs
Epithelial hyperplasia - increase number of epi cell layes in terminal duct lobule, atypia risk of carcinoma.
Locations of breast diseases:
Lactiferous sinus
Major duct
Terminal duct
Nipple - Paget's, abscess
Lactiferous sinus - intraductal papilloma, abscess, mastitis
Major duct - DIC, IDC, cytic fibrocystic disease
Terminal duct - tubular carcinoma
Lobules - ILC, sclerosing adenosis and epithelial hyperplasia fibrocystic change
Stroma - fibroadenoma, Phyllodes, fibrosis fibrocystic change.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - location?
Ant, lat, middle lobes (periurethral), increase free PSA.
Prostatic adenocarcinoma - location?
Post lobe (periph zone), decrease free PSA.
Malig, painless, radiosen, large cells in lobules with watery cyto and fried-egg appearance.
Embryonal carcinoma of testis
Malig, PAINFUL, glandular/papillary, can differentiate to other tumors, assoc hCG and AFP.
Yolk sac (endodermal sinus tumor) of testis
Yellow, mucinous, Schiller-Duval bodies, AFP.
Teratoma of testis
Mature teratomas are malig in males!
Leydig cell tumor
Sertoli cell tumor
Testicular lymphoma
Leydig - androgen producing, Reinke crystals, causes gynecomastia in men and precocious puberty in boys, golden brown color.
Sertoli - androblastoma from sex cord stroma
Testicular lymphoma - older men
Bowen's disease
Bowenoid papulosis
Bowen's - Gray single crusty plaque on shaft/scrotum, malig transform 10%.

Bowenoid - multiple lesions, no risk malig, younger
Erythroplasia of Querat
red velvety plaque on glans
Leuprolide - pulsatile and continuous, tox
Pulsatile - GnRH agonist (infertility)
Cont - GnRH antag (prostate ca)

antiandrogen, N/V
Testo - tox, use
Can stimulate anabolism to promote recovery after burn of injury!
ER pos breast cancer (exemstane)
Hypogonadism, secondary sex characteristics

Increase LDL, decrease HDL
testicular atrophy
premature closure of epiphyseal plates when converted to E
Flutamide - MOA, use
Nonsteroidal androgen receptor blocker.
Use - prostate ca (flutamide+leuprolide cont)
Clomiphene - MOA, tox
Partial E agonist blocks neg feedback at hypothal to increase GnRH. Hot flashes, visual change, multiples.
Tamoxifen and raloxifene - MOA, tox
Tamox - Antag E at breast but stimulates endometrium.
Ralox - agonist at bone, no endometrial hyperplasia.
Anastrazole, exemetane
Inhibits aromatase, no conversion of androgens to E. Postmenopausal breast ca.
Mifipristone (RU-486) - MOA, tox
Blocks progesterone receptors - abortion.

Heavy bleeding, GI, abd pain.
OCP - neg side effects?
hypercoag state
increase TG
wt gain
Misoprostol - PGE1
Dinoprostone - PGE2

Both induce ctx and cervial dil.
Tamsulosin - MOA
specific to alpha1d receptors on prostate, not as much ortho hypotension
Sildenafil, vardenafil - tox?
impaired blue-green color vision
HA, flushing (vasodilator)