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31 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following the following is not used in evalutating ovulation: basal body temerpature, history of venereal disease, serum progesterone determination, serum estrogen determination, serial serum LH measurements, endometrial biopsy, previous pregnancies, ultrasound evalutation of follicular development.
Which of the following the following is not used in evalutating ovulation: TRUE: basal body temerpature, ultrasound evalutation of follicular development, serum progesterone determination, serial serum LH measurements, endometrial biopsy... FASLSE: previous pregnancies, history of venereal disease, serum estrogen determination
What are the 4 subendocrinopathies that can effect fertility?
What are the 4 subendocrinopathies that can effect fertility? hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hyperprolactinemia, hypergonadotropic,
Which of the folloiwng are methods used to evalutate pelic anatomy? Hysterosalpingogram, MRI, Laparoscopy, ultrasound, CT scan, hysteroscopy
Which of the folloiwng are methods used to evalutate pelic anatomy? Hysterosalpingogram, Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy
Name 4 infections related to infertility? (hint: Chewing GUM)
Name 4 infections related to infertility? (hint: Chewing GUM) chlamydia, gonococcus, ureaplasm, mycoplasma
Which is NOT a female/male interaction that are important in evaluating infertility? Sexual intercourse, amorphic rigidity, postcoital test, female antisperm antibodies, gonadal insufficiency?
Which is NOT a female/male interaction that are important in evaluating infertility? TRUE: Sexual intercourse, postcoital test, female antisperm antibodies, FALSE: amorphic rigidity, gonadal insufficiency?
Which is not an areas of concern when evalulating male causes of infertility? Prostatic secretion, semen analysis, sperm penetration testing, testicular hypertrophy
Which is not an areas of concern when evalulating male causes of infertility? TRUE: semen analysis, sperm penetration testing, FALSE: testicular hypertrophy, Prostatic secretion
What are the 4 feature of semen analysis in evaluating male fertility? (HINT: VCMM)
What are the 4 feature of semen analysis in evaluating male fertility? (HINT: VCMM) Volume, count, motility and morphology
Give a short definition of endometriosis.
Endometriosis: Ectopic endometrial-like tissues - found on ovaries, serosal surfaces of the pelvic cavity, bowel and bladder
Which of the following are etiologies of endometriosus? Ischemic myometrial dysplasia, retrograde menstruation, serosal metaplasia, mechanical transport, lymphatic spread, endometrial perforation.
Which of the following are etiologies of endometriosus? TRUE:retrograde menstruation, serosal metaplasia, mechanical transport, lymphatic spread, FALSE: Ischemic myometrial dysplasia, endometrial perforation.
What are two proposed mechanisms whereby endometriosis causes infertility?
1) increased prostaglandins in the peritoneal fluid and serium of patients with endometriosis, 2) increased pelvic and tubal macrophage content that targets the phagocytosis of sperm
What are two symptoms of pelvic endometriosis?
What are two symptoms of pelvic endometriosis? Dysmenorrhea (assoc/w onset of and following menstration), dyspareunia (pain during sex)
Which of the following are NOT the physical finding of endometriosis? unilateral ovarian enlargement, widening of the os, cystic w/ minmal ovarian mobility, uterosacral nodularity, cul-de-sac nodularity, serosal degradation, visualiztions of endometrial implants on the cervical or vaginal mucosa
Which of the following are NOT the physical finding of endometriosis? TRUE: unilateral ovarian enlargement, cystic w/ minmal ovarian mobility, uterosacral nodularity, cul-de-sac nodularity, serosal degradation, visualiztions of endometriatl implants on the cervical or vaginal mucosa, FALSE: serosal degradation,widening of the os
How is diagnosis of endometriosis made? (HINT: Direct view of pelvic cavity by laparoscopy)
How is diagnosis of endometriosis made? Direct view of pelvic cavity by laparoscopy: (1) "powder burns of the seosal surfaces in the peritoneal cavity, (2) opaque, bluish/brownish sponts on peritoneum, (3) Endoetrial implants are: large, firm fibrous nodules that are reddish or yellowish, wich firm reactive tissue surrounding them.
When endometriomas are visible on ovarian tissue, what is the characteristic color?
When endometriomas are visible on ovarian tissue, what is the characteristic color? Bluish
In endometriosis, why is it good to examine the bowel, bladder, uterus, tubes, ovary, cul-de sac and broad ligaments?
In endometriosis, why is it good to examine the bowel, bladder, uterus, tubes, ovary, cul-de sac and broad ligaments? To determine the severity of the disease
Name 4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
Name 4 Assisted Reproductive Technologies: (1) In-Vitro fertilization (2) Gamete Intrafallopian Tube Transfer, (3) Intrauterine Insemination, (4) Donor Oocytes
What is the definintion of primary and secondary infertility?
What is the definintion of primary and secondary infertility? Can't get pregnant after 12 mos: Primary = never been preg and secondary: has been preg b/4
In women when does infertility begin?
In women when does infertility begin? Begins at 35, and accelerates at 40
What are the 4 factors in infertility? What are their percentages?
Female = 33%, male = 40%, male-female=25%, idiopathic=12%
Of the female factors in infertility, what are the causes and their relative percentages?
Of the female factors in infertility, what are the causes and their relative percentages? Anovulation = 20%, Anatomic = 40%
Name 5 methods of evalulating anovulation in women.
Name 5 methods of evalulating anovulation in women: BBT (basal body temp), luteal progesterone (rises after ovulation in midluteal phase), ultrasound examination (image follicles - inconvenient), Serial LH (measured in urine and it's inconvenient - there is a surge --> followed by ovulation in 24-36 hrs), Endometrial biopsy (after ovulation $$$$)
Name 4 subclinical endocrinopathies that may be included in the anovulation work up.
Name 4 subclinical endocrinopathies that may be included in the anovulation work up: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, hyperprolactin, hypergonadotropic
Name 3 pelvic anatomy examinations that can be part of the anovulation work up.
Name 3 pelvic anatomy examinations that can be part of the anovulation work up: hysterosalingogram, laparoscopy, hyteroscopy
What does the hysterosalpingogram check for?
What does the hysterosalpingogram check for? Uternine contour and Bilateral spillage --> tubal patency
In semen analysis, what is checked and what are the values?
In semen analysis, what is checked and what are the values? Volume= 1.5-5 mls, Count= 60 mil/ml… motility = 60%, morphology = 60%… * Note: they don't use anti-sperm Ab anymore
What 3 things are part of the male-female work-up?
What 3 things are part of the male-female work-up? (1) sexual intercourse: frequency and timing (2-3x /week is sufficient), (2) postcoital test (not done anymore - looks for sperm motility), (3) female anti-sperm Ab
In the postcoidal (sims'-huhner) test, what was observed?
In the postcoidal (sims'-huhner) test, what was observed? Ferning pattern of mucus in cervix… if present = increase in E2
Name 4 drugs that can induce ovulation. What are possible SE?
Name 3 drugs that can induce ovulation: clomiphene, gonadotropins, Dopamine agonists, steroids… SE: multiple pregnancy
What is the mechanism of action of Clomiphene Citrate in the Rx of anovulation?
What is the mechanism of action of Clomiphene Citrate in the Rx of anovulation? It is an analog of Estradiol: (1) competitive Estrodiole inhibitor @ the hypothalamus LRRH pulse generator (but has no inhibitory effect) --> pituitary --> ↑ FSH, ↑ LH --> … (2) Also it has an agonistic effect on the ovaries... BOTH LEAD TO MATURATION OF FOLLICLES --> OVULATION
When would you give Clomiphene citrate?
When would you give Clomiphene citrate? Follicular phase = day 6-10
What are the 2 indications for giving Gonadotropins (for infertility)?
What are the 2 indications for giving Gonadotropins (for infertility)? (!) hypogonadotrop-hypogonadism (male or female) (2) follicular recruitment for IVF (egg retrieval)