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10 Cards in this Set

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What is budding?

Budding is a small axillary, or terminal protuberance on a plant, containing the rudimentry foliage (lead bud), the rudimentary inflorescne (flower bud), or both (mixed bud.

It is an asexual reproduction method.

What is under ground stemming, and what are some examples of plants that use it?

Buds form underground and later detach from the parent plant

Examples: Rhizomes (ferns), Corms (crocus (cone looking plant)), and stem tubers (potatoes)

It is an asexual reproduction method.

Above ground stemming

New stems and root develop on plant stem

It is an asexual reproduction method.

What is grafting in plants?

Grafing involves joining structures from two or more plants, thus producing new vairietys and allow for selecting favourible characteristics. Normally a twig section (scion) of one plant is join to the shoot (root stock) of another.

It is an asexual reproduction method.

How does plant cutting reproduction occur?

A section of a parent plant is cut off, then can become its own new plant if hormones are present to promote root growth.

It is an asexual reproduction method.

Name the parts of a flower.

Define pollination in one sentence.

The movement of pollen from the anther to the stigma

Can plants pollinate themselves? If so does it result in a clone of the parent plant?

Plants rarely self pollinate, but can do so. It results in limited variation due to the small gene pool availible.

Usually however, one plant recieves pollen from other plants in a process known as cross-pollination

What is self pollination?

Where pollen is transfered with the same flower or plant. This doesn't allow for genetic change, but ensures the development of fertile seeds. Many plants utilise this as a last resort if cross fertilisation doesn't occur.

What is cross pollination?

Cross pollination involves the transfer of pollen from one plant another and usuallu involves an active Vector (like an insect or a bee) or a transporting medium like wind.