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67 Cards in this Set

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What are risk factors for pelvic floow prolapse?
Advanced age
Estrogen deficiency
Neurogenic dysfunction of the pelvic floor
Connective tissue disorders
Chronically increased intra-abdominal pressure
Again know definitions for the exam!
What is a Cystocele?
downward displacement of the bladder
What is a cystourethrocele?
cystocele that includes the urethra
What is a Uterine Prolapse?
Descent of the uterus and cervix into the vaginal canal toward the vaginal introitus
What is a rectocele?
protrusion of the rectum into the posterior vaginal lumen
What is a Enterocele?
Herniation of the small bowel into the vaginal lumen
What are the 4 major structures that offer pelvic support for the pelvic floor?
What anatomical structure connects the levator muscle and the obturator muscle?
The bowl-shaped levator muscle is joined to the obturator muscle at the arcus tendineus.
What are the 3 parts of the LEVATOR MUSCLE?
What anatomical structures sit within the levator muscle?
bladder base,
vaginal tube,
What is referred to as the PELVIC FLOOR?
levator complex of muscles and the surrounding connective tissue, vessels, and nerves are often referred to as the PELVIC FLOOR
There are 3 main levels of support for the pelvic floor. What are they?

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 1: Level I shows connective-tissue fibers extending both cephalad and dorsally toward the sacrum

Level 2: Level II shows the lateral attachment to the arcus tendineus fascia of the pelvis

Level 3: Level III shows the lateral attachment and anterior attachment of connective tissue to the lateral arcus tendineus fascia and posterior pubic symphysis.
What is the endopelvic fascia
pelvic connective tissue network
demonstrates the continuity of the pelvic connective tissue as it surrounds the pelvic organs

it attaches to the pelvic sidewalls

Pelvic floor support Level 1
What structure is the proximal urethra and bladder base above if the pelvis is intact?
When the anatomy of the pelvis is intact, the proximal urethra and bladder base are held above the perineal membrane
What is important about keeping the strutures above the perineal membrane?
This intra-abdominal position (at or above the perineal membrane) keeps the urethra within the continence zone.
How will a women present if she has a pelvic floor problem?
usually asymptomatic

No clear relationship with location of prolapse and dysfunction
If a women does feel something with pelvic floor issues how will she often present?
Feeling of pressure (most common) similar to sitting on an egg or low backache heaviness that worsens as the day progresses
What type of prolapse has:
hypermobile bladder neck with urinary stress incontinence
What type of prolapse has:
vaginal vault eversion with urinary retention
Large anterior
What type of prolapse has:
rectocele can cause obstipation
What type of prolapse can have sexual impairment?
Sexual impairment with any compartment
What are urinary complaints prolapse uterus?
- Stress incontinence
- Frequency
- Urgency/ urge incontinence
- Hesitancy / weak or prolonged stream
- Incomplete voiding
- Need to reduce prolapse or change position to initiate voiding (SPLINTING)******EXAM
What are bowel symptoms of prolapse uterus?
- Difficulty/ discomfort
- Incontinence of flatus/ stool
- Urgency
- Incomplete emptying
- Rectal protrusion during or after defecation
- Need to reduce prolapse to defecate
What are sexual symptoms of uterus prolapse?
- Pain
- Change in orgasmic response
- Incontinence
What are pelvis and perineum symptoms for prolapse uterus?
- Vaginal pressure/ heaviness
- Pain
- Awareness of protrusion
- Low back pain
- Abdominal Pressure
- Observation/ palpation of a mass
What are the different tests you can do to examine for a prolapse uterus?
- Recumbent and Standing pelvic exams

- Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification or PQP-Q system

- Pelvic Exam: stand on floor with one foot elevated perform rectovaginal exam with vasalva. Supine use Sims speculum.

- Q-tip test - stick a q-tip in the urethra and if >30degress hypermobile.

Also look for stress incontinence and mobility of urethra
Is imaging helpful is examining for pelvic floor prolapses?
What may you order to look at the nerve tissues for the pelvic floor?
electromyography / pressure recording
from the urethra, vagina, and anus
What is an Enterocele?

herniation of bowel and the lining of the peritoneal cavity through the cul-de-sac of Douglas.
What are some embryological factors that can increase the chance of enterocele?
Embryologic factors: congenitally deep cul-de-sac serves as a wedge for small bowel to dissect down.
What could a enterocele cause?
May cause vaginal vault eversion
You also need to know the different types of enteroceles.....
What type of enterocele has:
Posterior to vaginal vault. Mostly without vault eversion
What type of enterocele has:
Due to cervical prolapse which brings the anterior margin of the cul-de-sac down
What type of enterocele has:
Prolapsed organs exert tension on vaginal vault.
Preceded by cystocele and rectocele
What type of enterocele is:
Surgically induced
How may a enterocele present clinically?
1) Pelvic heaviness and bearing down feeling especially when standing (due to the pull of gravity which stretches the mesentery)

2) Backache (involvement of the cardinal and uterosacral ligaments)

3) Dyspareunia

4) Vaginal dryness

5) Ulceration, bleeding

6) Bowel difficulty

7) Post-evacuation discomfort
What are different ways to Diagnose an enterocele?
1. Physical Exam:

2. Best performed when standing or straining

3. Recto-vaginal exam (thumb in rectum)

4. Defacography
What is the Treatment options for an enterocele?

1st Prophylaxis?
decrease intra abdominal pressure!!

do this by decreasing obesity, girdles, and stop smoking
What are enterocele treatments after they have occured?
Medical: Pessaries


You can also give estrogen creams
and prescribe Kegel's if the prolapse is NOT advanced
I appologize
everything up to NOW was PELVIC FLOOR PROLAPSE

I wrote uterine for a couple of them
Now uterine prolapse
What is a uterine prolapse?
Descent of the uterus and cervix down the vaginal canal toward the introitus
What are the most common causes of uterine prolapses?
Usually due to injury to the endopelvic fascia (cardinal/ utersacral ligaments) and relaxation of the musculature of the pelvic floor (levator ani)
What are risk factors for uterine prolapses?
Post menopause, multipara, loss of estrogen, repetitive increase in intra-abdominal pressure (smoker)
If a women says it feels like she is sitting on a lump but when she lies down it goes away....what is this???

Uterine prolapse?
Pelvic Prolapse?
Uterine Prolapse******

Clinical Manifestations of Uterine Prolapse:
Same as enterocele plus….
Sitting on a lump
More urinary symptoms
Symptom relief from lying down
How are Uterine prolapses dx and graded?
Clinical (graded on a scale 0-4)

0: none,
4: procidentia (inaccurate)

POP-Q (more specific)
Why is surgery indicated for uterine prolapses?
Treatment indicated primarily to relieve pain
What if a women is asymptomatic why would you treat a uterine prolapse?
Asymptomatic: hydronephrosis, other surgery required
When would you use a pessary for uterine prolapse tx?
PESSARY: for poor surgical candidates
Are Kegels helpful with uterine prolapses?
KEGEL’S: little value
Is vaginal estrogen a good thing in uterus prolapse?
VAGINAL ESTROGEN: improves tissue quality

Will help the prolapse not reverse it
What kind of surgery options are there for uterine prolapse?
SURGERY: Suspension procedures.
What are your surgical options for uterine prolapse?
- Colporrhaphy: Traditionally high failure rates >50%

Mesh augmentation: No long term trials. Worry about mesh complications.

Suspension: Sacrospinous ligament fixation vs. Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy (gold standard now being done with robotics!!)
What is the Gold Std of surgical options for uterin prolapse?
Suspension: Sacrospinous ligament fixation vs.

******Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy (gold standard now being done with robotics!!)
If you use the mesh augmentation surgery what ligaments are you using?
self-fixating tips to place mesh into the sacrospinous ligament through a single vaginal incision.
The vagina is sutured together
What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Loss of urine during activities resulting in increased intra-abdominal pressure

Abdominal pressure overcomes urethral closure pressure
What is the most common cause of urinary incontinence?
Most commonly associated with urethral hypermobility due to prior birth injury.
What are tests you can do to Diagnose Urininary Incontence?
Intake and voiding diary.
Pelvic exam with Q-tip test.
Urine analysis and culture.
Simple office cystometrics.
Video Urodynamics
What are NON-surgical options for urinary incontinence?
- Intake restriction and timed voiding.
- Kegel’s exercises if mild.
- Pessary with incontinence ring.
Surgical option for urinary incontence:
Gold standard. Invasive via abdominal approach
Surgical option for urinary incontenence:
Less invasive suprapubic approach.
Tension free vaginal tape
This is another less invasive surgical treatment for urinary incontenence
Transobturator midurethral sling. Less invasive.
This is the newest and least invasive technique for surgical treatment of urinary incontenience
Single incision slings
WE learned that MESH is bad for the uterus but what about the bladder?
Mesh for urethra and bladder is ok