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63 Cards in this Set

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hydatidiform mole
cystic swelling of chorionic villi + proliferation of chorionic epihtelium
"cluster of grapes"
abnl large uterus
elevated hCG
tx: d&c + methotrexate
crampy pelvic/ab pain + spotty vaginal bleeding due to peritoneal irritation after ovulation
chronic endometritis
endometrial plasma cells + ab pain + vaginal discharge
fibroid leiomyoma of myometrium
most common uterine tumor
path: whorled pattern of muscle bundles, well-circumscribed
type I endometrial adenocarcinoma (endometrial adenoca)
most common GYN malignancy
due to prolonged E exposure
sx: vaginal bleeding
condyloma acuminatum
warty growth of cervix due to HPV 6 or 11
cervical intraepithelia neoplasm (carcinoma in situ)
caused by HPV strains 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 + carcinogens
screened w/ PAP smear
@ squamocolumnar jx
squamous carcinoma of cervix
invasion to bladder/ureter --> renal failure = MCC cause of death
vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
exophytic outgrowing masses
sx: pruritis
stage I < 2cm, stage II > 2cm
vulvar intreaepithelial neoplasia
associated w/ HPV 16
path: pigmented plaques
invades locally
precursore to vulvar squamous cell carcinoma
acute salpingitis (pyosalpix)
obstructive pus abscess in oviduct
chronic salpingitis (hydrosalpinx)
obstructive serous abscess in ovideuct
thin-walled, dilated
follicle cyst of ovary
thin walled fluid cavities lined by granulosa/theca cells --> producing E
= unprotected Graffian follicles
CL cyst
cyst filled w/ blood w/ yellow wall
Krukenburg tumor
met from GI into ovary
path: signet rings - cells filled w/ mucin that nucleus displaces
ovarian epithelial tumor
non-specific sx: ab pain, fullness
when penetrates ovarian capsule --> transcoelomic pattern of spread = seeds peritoneal cavity onto outside of organs
due to repeated injury of ovarian cortex (increased risk in nulliparous)
associated w/ BRCA1, 2
CA-125 tumor marker
malignant serous cystadenocarcinoma
most common ovarian ca
papillary thickenings
mucinous ovarian turmor
HUGE tumor of ovary
pseudomyxoma peritonei
mucin producing adenocarcinoma of appendix --> will show as bilateral mucus tumor
Brenner tumor
mimics transitional epithelium of bladder
urethritis (chlamydia)
thin white urethral discharge
seen in high SES white students
tx: doxy + azithromycin
granulosa cell tumor (ovarian sex cord tumor)
path: Call-Exner bodies = resemble immature follicles filled w/ pink material
produces E
urethritis (gonorrhea)
yellow discharge from low SES non-white
tx: ceftriaxone + doxy/azithro
ovarian fibroma (ovarian sex cord tumor)
benign, hormonally inactive ovarian sex cord tumor
trichomonas vaginitis
itchy, yellow, malodorous
strawberry cervix
tx: metronidazole
ovarian fibroma + ascites + hydrothorax
bacterial vaginosis (Gardnerella)
white malodorous discharge
no WBCs, erythema
clue cells
rupturing of membranes, endometritis
tx: metronidiazole
mature cystic teratoma (dermoid cyst) (ovarian germ cell tumor)
most common germ cell tumor
contains shit from all 3 germ layers (hair, teeth, muscle, brain)
"momodermal" just one type of tissue
vulvo-vaginal candidiasis
curdlike adherent material w/ red base
tx: topical azole
dysgerminioma (ovarian germ cell tumor)
equivalent to male seminoma
genital herpes (HSV2)
vesicular blisters on red base
tx: acyclovir reduces severity/recurrences but cannot cure
yolk-sac tumor (ovarian germ cell tumor)
path: Schiller-Duval bodies (glomerulus like primitive cells)
venereal warts
outward growth pattern
hpv 6, 11
no link to cervical ca
fibroadenoma (benign)
small, rubbery, mobile, well-circumscribed breast tumor
molluscum contagiosum (poxvirus)
umbilicated papules
phyllodes tumor (benign)
LARGE breast fibroadenoma
can become malignant
scabies (itch mite)
tx: permethrin cream (insect repellent) + ivernectin (anti-parasitic)
intraductal papilloma (benign)
tumor growing in lactiferous ducts --> bloody nipple discharge
syphilis (treponema pallidum)
single painless sore w/ indurated edges
clean base, painless adenopathy
no pus
dx: RPR, FTA
tx: benzathine penicillin G (thick oil pen G slow release)
invasive ductal carcinoma (malignant)
most common form of breast ca
= rock hard w/ sharp margins
chancroid (H. ducreyi)
multiple pain ful sores w/ necrotic base
painful adenopathy
purulent soft edges
medullary breast ca (malignant)
path: fleshy, cellular, lymphocytic infiltrate
intense itching
tx: permethrin, pyrethrin, shampoo
Paget's disease of nipple (malignant)
invasion of epidermis of nipple --> crusty nips
HIV gp41 fusion inhibitor
given SQ 2x/d
inflammatory carcinoma of breast (malignant)
orange peel appearance of breast from lymphedema
lack 3'OH for chain termination = nucleoside RT inhibitor
inhibits DNA pol less avidly
granulomatous prostatitis
after topical BCG tx (attenuated mycobacteria to stimulate inflammation to kill off bladder ca)
non-nucleoside RT inhibitor
CNS side efx --> sleepiness
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN)
histologic precursor to prostatic ca
proliferation of dysplastic secretory cells
often found next to invasive prostate ca
nucleotide RT inhibitor
most common testicular ca
progressive enlargement of painless scrotal mass
path: polygonal cells w/ clear cytoplasm (fried-egg)
excellent cure rate since most found @ low stage
lymphocytic infiltration
counterpart to dysgerminoma in ovary
tx: orchiectomy w/ radio tx
inhibits integrase
embryonal carcinoma (nonseminoma of testicular germ cell)
resembles cells in preimplantation stage embryos
cells grow in tubules/diffus sheets
smaller and more aggressive than seminoma - PAINFUL
protease inhibitors
nonseminoma of testicular germ cell that commonly mets to lung/liver/brain
hemorrhage/necrosis common
most common nonseminoma
+AFP = yolk sac carcinoma present
+ hCG = choriocarcioma present
Leydig cell tumor
path: reinke crystals
actively secreting androgens
Bowen's disease
gray plaque on shaft of penis
erythroplasia of queyrate
red velvety plaques on glans of penis
simple fibrocystic change of breast
most common breast disorder
blue domed cysts
linked to caffeine
invasive lobular carcinoma (malignant)
single file cells in rings around breast ducts
increased bilateral risk
hirsuitism + obesity + anovulation + amenorrhea
increase risk of endometrial ca
elevated LH, T