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39 Cards in this Set

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has some questions on it. check it out she might take practice questions from here (she wrote this site)
Is incontinence a normal part of aging?

it is leakage of any amount of urine. doesn't matter how many pads you wear.
most common reason in med to get it
after surgery for prostate CA or BPH
External sphincter relationship with passive continence
not involved.
Symp innervation of lower urinary tract
Hypogastric nerves

Parasymp inn of lower urinary tract
pelvic nerves

Somatic inn of lower urinary tract
Pudendal nerves

Includes external urethral sphincter and muscles of the pelvic floor
Innervation at bladder neck and top of urethra
hypogastric nerve.

Symp lets you hold urine in.
Para lets you urinate. (beta receptors)
Bladder dysfunction causes of incontinence
Urge incontinence
Either due to detrusor overactivty (neurogenic or nonneurogenic origin) or poor compliance (gradual rise in pressure)

Overflow incontinence - incomplete emptying
Urethral dysfunction causes of incontinence
leakage with activity.

Stress incontinence due to anatomic issues (mobility of bladder neck) or intrinsic sphincter deficiency
reversible causes of incontinence

Atrophic vaginits
Pharmacologic (e.g. narcotics)
Excessive urine prod
Restricted mobility - can't get to bathroom
Stool impaction
Constant incontinence causes
congenital ectopic fistula

iatrogenic vesicovaginal fistula
why smoking is a risk factor
more coughing, more damage to pelvic floor.
is low fluid intake a risk factor?
yes - high [] urine is bad.
estrogen depletion can cause...
atrophic vaginitis.
Types of incontinence
stress, urge, overflow, mixed
Stress incontinence pts are...
rarely wet at night.

leakage with coughing, laughing, sneezing, etc.
Stress incontinence due to...
abdominal pressure poorly transmitted to proximal urethra.
loss of support from pelvic floor muscles.

or intrinsic sphincter deficiency - due to surgery, alpha blockers, hormones.
Urge incontinence
can be triggered with water cues.

there is a demand to go immediately and you have no choice.

bladder pressure gets really high and exceeds sphincter pressure.

Due to detrusor overactivity or hyperreflexia.
CMG (cystometrogram) in overactive bladder
high pressures relieved when urination begins.
"overactive bladder"
created by drug companies - not associated with any leakage.
CMG in poor compliance bladder
the CMG just linearly increases
Detrusor underactivity
can lead to incontinence
Causes of extreme bladder volumes
rare in women - prolapse or post suspension

men - prostate disease or urethral stricture
when to consider urethral strictures
young pts.

due to STIs or trauma to urethra (often falling on bar of bicycle)
Dysfunctional eliminators
they dont relax pelvic floor when they void so bladder has to squeeze very very hard but tires out with time.

bowel movements every 7-12 days
provacative stress test
checking to see if the pt leaks with an increase in abdominal pressure.
when to do urodynamics
pts who don't respond to medical therapy.

it is to assess bladder storage (overactivity and urge), outlet (abnormal bladder neck and stress) and emptying (overflow).
when to do pad test
when history doesn't match the physical (e.g. bad history but no leaking on provocation)
Tx of urge incontinence - ways to deal with it
absorbent products
external collection devices for males (condom with a bag on the end)
penile clamps
indwelling catheters - which exacerbates the bladder problem bc the bladder wants to contract to get the foreign object out)
Conservative ways of treating urge incontinence
timed voiding is the best thing.
change fluid intake
pelvic floor exercises...
Anticholinergic SEs
dry mouth
constipation (and stool impaction is a cause of urge incontinence so this can make things worse)
urinary retention

CONTRAIND IN NARROW ANGLE GLAUCOMA (most pts have open angle)
rx of poor compliance
complete bladder emptying with clean intermittent cath or indwelling cath


alpha antag.
Rx of stress incontinence
pelvic floor exercises
alpha agonists
tricyclic antidepressants
Rx of urge incontinence - surgical
treat the bladder outlet obstruction (e.g. TURP)
botulinum toxin
nerve stim
Tx of overflow - surgical
releive the obstruction

empty bladder (CIC or timed voiding)
PV sling
pulls bladder neck up - good for anatomy stress urge incontinence

an alternative to this is injecting collagen
Follow-up in these pts
check post-void residual if previously abnormal.


determine response to treatment.