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78 Cards in this Set

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continuous venous hemofiltration with dialysis in which fluid and solute clearnace takes place
arterial blood being stolen from distal extremity
steal syndrome
dextrose or sodium solution pulling excess water from the circulatory system by osmosis
fluid removal for volume overload only
inflow, dwell, drain
dialysis cycle
continuous treatment where blood is remvoed from the body and circulated for an extended period of time
continuous venous hemofiltration with fluid and solute clearance
the peritoneum acts as a semipermeable membrane to clear waste products by osmosis and filtration
peritoneal dialysis
movement of fluid and molecules across a semipermeable membrane from one compartment to another
renal replacement therapy
instillation of peritoneal dialysate, equilibration for 4-6 hours and drainage
blood circulates from the ____ to the renal artery into the kidneys
each renal artery branches into one million _______ that perfuse one million ______ which filter the blood into an ultrafiltrate that passes into Bowman's Capsule. remaining blood passes out via the _____
afferent arterioles, glomeruli, efferent arteriole
blood circulates thru the ____ around the tubules where reabsorption and excretion take place as the kidney balances electrolyte levels, acid base levels, hormone regulation, hydration status and finally excretes urine into the collecting ducts.
peritubular capillary
the collecting ducts send urine to ____ via _____ to be stored in ______ until urination occurs
renal pelvis, ureters, bladder
From Bowman's Capsule the ultrafiltration enters the _____ where the majority of solutes and water are reabsorbed.
proximal convuluted tubule
____ and ____ are almost completely reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.
glucose and amino acids
the ultrafiltrate travels to the _____
loop of henle
the distal portion of the loop of henle is permeable to ______ only
the ascending portion of the loop of henle is permeable to _____ only
from the loop of henle the ultrafiltrate moves to the _______ where final correction of ________ takes place
distal convoluted tubule, acid base balance
_____ secretion takes place in response to low peripheral blood pressure
water reabsorption takes place in the presence of _____
aldosterone is released in responce to ____ levels
electrolytes such as ___, ___, ___, and ____ are corrected
K, Na, Ca and PO4
the remaining ultrafiltrate passes from the distal convoluted tobule to the _____ for final correction of fluid-water balance which is controlled by ___ on the walls.
collecting ducts, ADH
absence of ADH can result in
excessive urination, hypovolemic shock and death
when smooth muscle afferent arterioles constrict
SBP and GFR increases
when smooth muscle afferent arterioles relax
SBP and GFR decreases
during low fluid intake periods the kidneys will concentrate urine by using
juxtamedullary nephrons
series of specialized cells within the afferent and effernet arterioles and distal convoluted tubules that secret renin
juxtqamedullary apparatus
MAP in the glomerulus maintins a blood flow of
when renin is secreted by the kidneys it travels to the ____ to convert angiotnsin to angiotensin 1.
angiotensin 1 then travels to the ___ to convert angiotension 1 to angiotension 2 which causes _____ of the peripheral blood vessels and secretion of _____ from the adrenal cortex
lungs, vasoconstriction, aldosterone
in the presence of a UTI the urine pH will become
in the presnece of a metabolic acidosis the urine pH will become
more acidic
any process that decreases the oxygen content in the blood initiates the release of
the kidneys convert vitamin D to its ctive form so ____ can be absorbed in the body
BNP is sereted by the muscle cells of the ____ when the extracellular volume expands and stretches them
the degree of stretch by the volume of blood determines regulation of BNP secretion to the kidneys which then ____ GFR, _____ Na excretion in the tubules, _____ RAAS and ____ aldosterone secretion
increase, increase, inhibit, inhibit
ANP is secreted by the cells of the ____ when the extracellular volume expands and stretches them
normal urine specific gravity
1.010 to 1.030
what does a cloudy urine specimen mean
pus, infection
what does blood in the urine mean
RBCs, trauma, hemolysis, RF
what does a fixed specific gravity of <1.005 mean
renal failure
what does protein in the urine mean
renal failure
what is normal urine pH
50 to 6.5
when does glucose become detectable in the urine
when serum glucose >200
normal Na
normal potassium
normal Cl
normal Ca
normal PO4
normal Mg
normal albumin
normal H/H
normal BUN
normal creatinine
normal arterial pH
normal PaCO2
normal PaO2
normal HCO3
normal O2 sats
normal serum osmolality
major cause of mortality in renal failure pt
increase systemic BP
precipitate in brain eyes, gums, heart valves
PO4 crystals
dysrhythmia of hyperkalemia
V Tach
dryness of skin
calories for renal diet obtained from
cholesterol and lipids
irreversible deterioration in RF pt
chronic RF
secreted in response to low O2 states
give sparingly to RF patients
treatment of a patient with nephrotoxic ATN as a result of exposure to radiopaque dye would include
* aggressive fluid administration
* dialysis
* diuretics
* dopamine
* skin care
* teaching
diuretic phase of ATN involves
* maintaining hydration
* preventing hypokalemia
* supporting renal function
foods for a CRF pt would include
* steamed vegetables
* yogurt
* baked potatoe
priorities when caring for a renal failure pt would include
* daily weights
* fluid restrition, low protein, high calorie diet
* diuretics and antihypertensives
* discharge teaching
* IV fluids before, during, and after cardiac cath
* monitor serum creatinine, BUN and leukocyte esterase
* monitor K, PO4, Na, Mg, Ca, H/H, and platelets
patient risk factors for developing renal failure include
* DM
* radiopaque dye
* vanco
to decrease bleeding tendenies in a RF pt you would
* monitor RBCs, platelets, bleeding times and coag studies
* avoid NSAIDS
* protect the pt from injury
* assess for HIT
* assess for GI bleed