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46 Cards in this Set

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Describe the isotonic water transport at the proximal tubule.
- high Lp
- only need small osmotic gradient: Na+ uptake leads to slight decrease in hypo-osmolarity of luminal fluid.
- fluid uptake by peritubular capillaries driven by Starling forces
Where is glucose absorbed in the nephron?
proximal tubule (100%)
- early part: apical SGLT2 (Na+/Glu) and basalateral GLUT transporter
- late part: apical SGLT1 and SGLT2 (Na+/Glu) and basalateral GLUT transporter.
- Tmax = 1.9mMol/min
What is the Tm and threshold for plasma [glucose]?

What explains the splay?
- Tm = 350 mg/dl
- threshold = 250 mg/dl
- difference is called splay which is explained by heterogeneity of nephrons and the relatively low affinity of the Na/Glu transporter.
What type of diabetes is this?

- glucosuria
- normal plasma [glucose]
- diuresis
- thirst
renal diabetes mellitus
- reduced Tmax, reduced threshold, increased splay
Where is PAH absorbed/secreted?
- PAH is secreted in the proximal tubule
- at low [PAH], secretion rate increases
- at high [PAH] above Tmax, scretion rate is constant
PAH can be used to measure the size of which fluid compartment?
How to calculate the fraction of H2O reabsorbed using inulin method?
1 - 1/(U/P)inulin
What % filtered K+ remains in the tubular fluid given that U/P(K+) / U/P (inulin) is 0.3?
Where are Na+ reabsorbed? by what transporters?
1) 67% at proximal tubule
- Na+/glu cotransporter
- Na+/H+ exchanger
- Na+/HCO3- cotransporter
- Na+/AA cotransporter
- Na+/phosphate cotransporter
- Na+/lactate cotransporter
- Na+/Cl- cotransporter in late proximal tubule
2) 25% at thick ascending limb of loops of Henle:
- Na+/K+/2Cl- transporter
3) 8% at distal tubule and collecting duct
- early distal tubule: Na+/Cl- transporter
- late distal tuble and collecting duct: Na+/K+ channels which are stimulated by aldolsterone
What is the action of ouabain?
block Na+/K+ ATPase that set up the diffusion gradient
What is the action of phlorizin?
Block SGLT2 (Na+/Glu) in proximal tubule
What is the action of acetazolamide?
carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
- diuretics that act in proximal tubule by inhibiting reabsorption of HCO3-.
What is the action of furosemide?
Loop diuretics
- block Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter in the thick ascending limb of the Loop of Henle
What stimulates Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransporter in the thick ascending limb of the Loop of Henle? what inhibits it?
- ADH stimulates it
- Loop diuretics (furosemide) inhibits it
What is the action of thiazide?
- block Na+/Cl- cotransporter at the cortical diluting segment (early distal tubule)
What is the action of spironolactone and amiloride?
K+ sparing diuretics
- inhibits Na+ transporter in the principle cells of the collecting duct
- inhibit K+ secretion in the principle cells of collecting duct
What are some actions of aldolsterone on distal tubules and collecting duct?
1) on principle cells:
- increases Na+ reabsorption
- increase K+ secretion
2) on intercalated cells
- increases H+ secretion
List some drugs that act directly on Na+ reabsorption.
- loop diuretics: block Na+/K+/2Cl- on thick ascending loops of Henle
- thiazide diuretics: block Na+/Cl[ on early distal tubule
- K+ sparing diuretics: block Na+ absorption and K+ secretion on principle cells
ECF volume contraction ___ (increase/decrease) reabsorption in proximal tubules.
- volume contraction -> increase peritubular capillary osmolarity and decrease Pcap -> reabsorption
ECF volume expansion ___ (increase/decrease) reabsorption in proximal tubules.
- volume expansion -> decrease peritubular capillary osmolarity and increase Pcap -> less reabsorption
Cell types on late distal and collecting duct and their specialzed transporters.
1) principle cells:
- Na+ reabsorption
- K+ secretion
- H2O reabsorption in the presence of ADH
2) Type A intercalated cells
- apical: H+ pump, K+ reabsorption during K+ depletion
- basalateral HCO3-/Cl- exchanger
3) Type B intercalated cells
- apical HCO3-/Cl- exchanger
- basalateral H+ pump
What is this disease?

- impaired reabsorption of di-basic AA such as lysine, arginine, ornithine, cystein
cysinuria (AR)
- see cystein stones (calculi)
What is this disease?

- defective AA transport resulting in Tryptophan deficiency
Hartnup's disease (AR)
Describe K+ reabsorption/secretion along the nephron and the specific transporters.
1) proximal tubule: 67% reabsorption
2) thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle: 20%
- Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport
3) distal tubule and collecting duct
- reabsorption by type A intercalated cell:
- secretion by principle cells: determined by concentration gradient
Factors that increase K+ secretion by the principal cells.
- high K+ diet: high intracellular [K+] -> high driving force
- aldolsterone: stimulate Na+, K+ channels on principal cells
- alkalosis: too little H+ in blood -> H+ leaves the cells and K+ enters the cell from basalateral membrane -> increased driving force
- thiazide and loop diuretics: increase flow rate in distal tubule -> dilution of luminal [K+] -> increased driving force
- luminal anions: negativity of the lumen drives K+ out
Factors that decrease K+ secretion by the principal cells.
- low K+ intake: low intracellular [K+] -> small driving force
- hypoaldolsterone: no stimulation of Na+, K+ channels on principal cells
- acidosis: excess H+ in blood -> H+ enters cell and K+ leaves through basalateral membrane -> low intracellular [K+] -> small driving force
- K+ sparing diuretics: decrease K+ secretion by blocking K+ channel on principal cells
Specialized transporters on type B intercalated cells in the late distal tubule and collecting duct.
- apical: Cl-/HCO3- exchanger
- basalateral: H+(out) and Cl(out) transporter.
T/F: There is no active transport in thin loop of Loops of Henle.
How does PTH affect phosphate transport in proximal tubule?
PTH lowers Tmax for phosphate thus increases excretion and leads to low level of phosphate in the body.
What can you do to treat barbituates poisoning?
HCO3- infusion to make the tubular fluid more alkaine
- barbituric acid in charged form -> absorption of barbituric acid blocked
How are weak organic acids secreted in the late proximal tubules?
- basalateral side: transporter takes up the acid
- apical: anion transporter to secrete the acid (site where different drug may compete)
How are weak organic bases secreted in the late proximal tubule?
- basalateral: transporter taken up the base
- apical: organic cation/H+ exchanger

ex. creatinine, EPI, NE, atropine, amiloride
Where is urea reabsorbed?
- proximal tubule: passively
- inner medullary collecting duct: in the presence of ADH, contributes to corticopapillary osmotic gradient.
Where is phosphate reabsorbed?
- 85% in proximal tubule by Na+/PO4- cotransporter
- 15% excreted

* PTH decreases Tmax thus decreases reabsorption and increase excretion (phosphaturia and urinary cAMP)
Mechanism of action of PTH on phosphate reabsorption.
PTH decreases Tmax thus decreases reabsorption and increase excretion (phosphaturia and urinary cAMP)
- activate adenylate cyclase -> increase cAMP -> inhibit Na+/PO4- cotransport.
Mechanism that contributes to corticopapillary osmotic gradient.
- countercurrent multiplication in loops of Henle: Na+/K+/2Cl- cotransport(augmented by ADH) in thick ascending loop with no H2O permeability.
- increased urea concentration in inner medulla: ADH increase urea absorption in inner medullary collecting duct
- countercurrent system of vasa recta in medulla: minimize washout of osmolytes from medullary interstitium
Where does ADH act on the nephron?
- thick ascending limb: stimulate Na+/K+/2Cl- cotranport
- distal tubule and collecting duct: stimulate V2 receptor on basalateral membrane -> adenylate cyclase -> increase cAMP -> PKA -> insertion of aquaporins
- inner medullary collecting duct: increase urea absorption thus aid in corticopapillary osmotic gradient

* also stimulate V1 receptor in vasculature: vasoconstriction
What stimulate ADH release from posterior pituitary gland? what inhibits it?
Stimulate ADH:
- stimulation of osmoreceptors in the wall of 3rd ventricle

Inhibition of ADH:
- stimulation of volume receptors in atria
- caffeine
- alcohol
Where is ADH released?
posterior pituitary gland
- neucleus supraopticus
- nucleus paraventricularis
What happens when there is 1% reduction in plasma osmolarity?
complete ADH block
What happens when there is 1-2% increase in plasma osmolarity?
maximum antidiuresis
What happens when plasma osmolarity is > 294 mOsM?
exceeded thirst threshold, drink water
Equation for osmotic clearance.
Cosm = UFR x (U/P)osm
Equation for free H2O clearance.
C(H2O) = UFR - Cosm = UFR x (1 - (U/P)osm)
Compare H2O clearance during diuresis and antidiuresis.

- % reabsorption
- urine osmolarity
- Cosm
- C(H2O))
Diuresis (absence of ADH)
- 1% reabsorption in distal tubule
- 4% reabsorption in collecting duct
- urine osmolarity: 50-60 mOsM
- UFR: 12mL/min
- Cosm: 2.4 mL/min
- C(H2O)): 9.6 mL/min

Antidiuresis (presence of ADH)
- 10% reabsorption in distal tubule
- 4.6% reabsorption in collecting duct
- urine osmolarity: 1200 mOsM
- UFR: 0.5mL/min
- Cosm: 12 mL/min
- C(H2O)): -1.5 mL/min
When is C(H2O) zero?
under treatment with loop diuretics
- no diluting effect
- no role in setting up corticopapillary gradient.