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70 Cards in this Set

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Administration of an inhibitor of ACE would be expected to have what effects on circulating levels of renin and aldosterone?
increased renin, decreased aldosterone
Na and glucose are cotransported in what part of the nephron?
apical membrane of the proximal tubule
a decrease in GFR would lead to _ renin release, _ vasoconstictor release, _ resistance of efferent arterioles, _ GFR
Glucose is reabsorbed in what part of the nephron?
proximal tubule
The tubuloglomerular feedback is stimulated by _
an increase in tubular load delivered to the distal tubule
Countercurrent exchange preserves _
hyperosmolarity of the renal medulla
ADH is primarily regulated by neurons in the _
sodium channel blockers have what effect on potassium secretion?
decreases K secretion
Juxtaglomerular nephrons are the ones where the capsule is located _
near the cortical medullary junction
The superficial nephron has what arteriole supply with it?

What about the juxtaglomerular nephron?
peritubular capillary bed

vasa recta
The JGA is the area of contact between the _ and _
glomerulus and distal tubule
JG cells secrete _
What is the equation for renal clearance?
GFR is measured using solutes that _

RPF is measured using solutes that _
are cleared by filtration only

are cleared (completely) by filtration and secretion
A high plasma creatinine is indicative of a _ GFR
Urea exretion is directly related to the urine flow independent of _
A high BUN/Creatinine confirms _
BUN (increases/decreases) with decreased urine flow
The best substance to measure RPF is _
(Cations)(Anions) are filtered more than the other.
Cations are filtered more than Anions
Kf (increases/decreases) as nephrons are lost
If only afferent arterioles are constricted, GFR will _, RPF wil_
decrease and decrease
If only efferent arterioles are constricted, then __
GFR starts to increase, but then will decrease because the fall in RPF over powers the increase in capillary pressure
_ is the main site of renal autoregulation
afferent arteriole
Tuberoglomerular feedback is mediated by the _
Macula densa release paracrine factors such as _ and _, which then contract _.
adenosine and ATP

Afferent arteriole smooth muscles
Regarding Na reabsorption, _% is reabsorbed in the TAL and early DCT. Here, it is absorbed (with/without) water

reabsorbed withOUT water
Regarding Na reabsorption, apical entry is (passive/active), and basolateral transport is (passive/active)
passive, (symporters and antiporters and Na channels)

active (ATPase)
What Na transporters are found in the early proximal tubules?
Apical: Na/solute symporters, Na/H antiporters (indirectly coupled to HCO absorption)

Basolateral: NaK ATPase, Na/HCO3 sympoter
Peritubular capillary starling forces favor water _

They have a relatively low hydrostatic pressure and a high oncotic pressure
In the early proximal tubule, _ is the dominate counterion

(There is limited Cl reabsorption, infact the concentration of chloride increases slightly along the length of the PT)
In the late proximal tubule, _ is the dominant counterion.

The main route of reabsorption for this ion is (paracellular/transcellular)

The thin descending limb (concentrates/dilutes) tubular fluid.

The thin ascending limb (concentrates/dilutes) tubular fluid.
concentrates (Lots of aquaporins)

dilutes (permeable to Na and Cl through paracellular transport)
The thick ascending limb does what to the tubular fluid?
dilutes it,

there is active transcellular NaCl reabsorption, as well as passive paracellular Na reabsorption.
What transporters are present at the apical side of the thick ascending limb?
NaK2Cl symporter - driven by the NaCl gradient

K channel recycles K,

Na/H exchanger
What transporters are present on the basolateral side of the thick ascending limb?
HCO3-/Cl- antiporter

Cl- and K channels (passive)

Loop Diuretics such as _, act by inhibiting the _ channel found in the _

Na/K/Cl symporter

thick ascending limb
In the early distal convoluted tubule, there is _ reabsorption, but no _. Therefore the tubular fluid is (concentrated/dilute)
NaCl reabsorbed

Water is not

Thiazide diuretics aim to inhibit _ channel found in the _.
Na/Cl symporter

found in the early DCT
Beta intercalated cells secrete _ during alkalosis

Alpha intercalated cells secrete _

Amiloride is called a _ diuretic, because it _
K sparing diuretic

it inhibits apical Na channels of the principal cells, reducing the trans-epithelial potential difference and reduces apical K secretion
ADH increases apical _ channels in the distal nephron
Aldosterone stimulates _ cells to reabsorb _.
principal cells

Increased BFR through vasa recta does what to the medullary gradient?
washes out
Renin converts _ to _.
Angiotensinogen to Angiotensin I
Angiotensin II is a : (4)
inducer of aldosterone synthesis
inhibitor of renin release
stimulator of AVP (ADH) release and thirst
Angiotensin II increases _ resistance, which will (increase/decrease) filtration fraction, (increase/decrease) peritubular capillary colloid pressure, and ultimately (increase/decrease) Na reabsorption
afferent and efferent resistance (efferent more so)

increase FF
increase P
Increase Na reabsorption
SANS postganglionic cells release NE, which will Increase _ resistance, and eventually lead to _ RBF and _ GFR
afferent (and to a lesser extent, efferent) arteriolar resistance

decrease RBF and decrease GFR
NSAIDs inhibit _ synthesis and are therefore contraindicated in chronic renal failure

These are vasodilators and help with protective mechanisms of the kidney
_ is the primary determinant of water permeability in the collecting duct
AVP release is triggered by _ osmolarity in ECF, triggered by hypothalamic osmoreceptors
Renin release is stimulated by _.
decrease ECF
_ and _ induce the release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands
ANG II and plasma K
90% of K reabsorption occurs in the _ and the _.

In a low K diet, it is reabsorbed by _ cells found _.
proximal tubule (80) and loop of henle (10)

alpha intercalated cells found in the CCT
In a high K diet, it is secreted into the _ by the _ cells
CCT by principal cells
K reabsorption is coupled to _ secretion
K secretion increases with _
high Na in CT, Aldosterone, high plasma K, and acute alkalosis
All Calcium reabsorption in the DCT (8%) happens (transcellularly/paracellularly)

This is the major regulatory site for Ca reabsorption
Where is the major regulatory site for Ca reabsorption?
Regarding Ca reabsorption, Ca enters the apical membrane by _, and crosses the basolateral membrane by _
passive entry

active reabsorption, through H-Ca pump (1) or the Na-Ca exchanger (2)
What hormone is linked with Ca reabsorption?
Alkalosis: 1. triggers Ca reabsorption in DC, 2. indirectly inhibits Ca reabsorption in the DC 3. Has no effect on Ca reabsorption
1! triggers Ca reabsorption
Loop diuretics have what effect on Ca excretion?
They increase calcium excretion by blocking the Na/K/Cl transporter
Thiazide and amiloride diuretics have what effect on Ca excretion?
decrease ca excretion, because they increase the apical electrical gradient
What is the glucose transporter found in the early PT?

Late PT?
SGLT2 - high capacity, low affinity

SGLT1 - low capacity, high affinity
The Na H exchanger is found in what parts of the nephron?
Early and late PT


H+ secretion is mostly due to _ cells
alpha intercalated
_ stimulates H secretion

At the brush border, you find carbonic anhydrase _, while inside the cell is carbonic anhydrase _

NH3 is produced in the _ from _.
early PT

from glutamine