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14 Cards in this Set

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Main kidney functions (4)

Regulate water, electrolyte balance

Excrete waste products: urea, creatinine, drugs

Regulate acid-base balance

Produce hormones: renin, calcitriol, Epo

Filtrate modification: big picture

Reabsorption of useful things

Secretion of unwanted things

Kidney anatomy

Renal artery to renal vein: vessel names

Renal artery --> interlobar --> arcuate --> interlobular --> afferent arteriole --> glomerular capillaries --> efferent arteriole --> peritubular capillaries/vasa recta --> interlobular vein --> arcuate vein --> interlobar vein --> renal vein

Nephron: # per kidney, structures

1-1.3 million/kidney

Renal corpuscle (glomerulus and Bowman's capsule), proximal tubule, Loop of Henle, distal tubule, collecting duct

Glomerular filtration barrier

Fenestrated capillary endothelial

GBM: glycoproteins, heparan sulfate proteoglycans

Podocytes: foot processes, filtration slit diaphragms between (nephrin, podocin, others) --> size selectivity

Mesangium: constituents, function

Mesangial cells, mesangial matrix

Structural support for glomerular capillaries, secrete ECM, smooth muscle --> influence filtration rate

Juxtaglomerular apparatus: cell types, function

Macula densa: specialized cells for NaCl sensing

Extraglomerular mesangial cells

Granular cells: produce and store renin

Proximal tubule: main function, specialized structure

Main function: reabsorbs 55-60% filtrate (primary site for NaCl and water reabsorp)

Only tubule segment with apical brush border (increase surface area for reabsorption)

Many mitochondria for active transport

Loop of Henle: main roles

Reabsorbs 25-35% of NaCl

Critical role in urine concentration

Distal tubule: main roles

5% NaCl reabsorbed

Primary site for calcium regulation

Collecting duct: main sections, main functions

Cortical collecting duct

- principal cells: NaCl reabsorption, K+ secretion

- intercalated: acid-base balance

Medullary: ADH regulated water, urea transport

Classes of nephrons

Cortical nephrons: short LOH, peritubular capillaries

Juxtamedullary nephrons: glomerulus adjacent to medulla, long LOH, peritubular capillaries and vasa recta

Kidney innervation: efferent, afferent

Efferent: sympathetic ONLY: vasoconstriction, increase Na+ reabsorption, stimulate renin secretion

Afferent: baroreceptors in interlobular, afferent; chemoreceptors in renal pelvis