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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the JNC VII Classification of Hypertension for:
A. Normal
B. Prehypertension
C. Hypertension, Stage 1
D. Hypertension, Stage 2
What are the consequences of HTN?
- stroke
- retinopathy
- peripheral vascular disease
- renal failure
- heart failure
True or False:
Hypertension is due to increased cardiac output and/ or increased peripheral resistance.
Differentiate the types of HTN.

1. Essential HTN
2. Secondary HTN
3. Isolated Systolic HTN
4. White Coat HTN
5. Acute severe HTN
1. Essential HTN - no particular thing making you HTN
2. Secondary HTN - particular cause is identified and treatment of it can "cure" HTN
3. Isolated Systolic HTN - only systolic # is high (bottom isn't)
4. White Coat HTN - b/c of healthcare provider
5. Acute severe HTN - hypertensive crisis
What is the JNC 7 definition of isolated systolic HTN?
greater than or equal to 140 mmHg systolic, and less than 90 diastolic
What is the most common form of HTN in the elderly? In general?
In the elderly : Isolated Systolic HTN
In general: Essential HTN
True or False:
Systolic blood pressure increases with age and diastolic blood pressure tends to decrease.
Hypertensive [ Emergency / Urgency ] is blood pressure greater than 180/120 mmHg complicated by evidence of impending or progressive target organ dysfunction. Hypertensive [ Emergency / Urgency ] is BP > 180/110 or 120 mmHg but without the target organ damage.
Emergency, then Urgency
What are important secondary causes of hypertension (5-10% of all HTN) that you need to know for this course?
Primary hyperaldosteronism and renal vascular disease
Regarding treatment of HTN stages, what treatment is recommended for each?
1. Prehypertension, normal otherwise healthy adult
2. Prehypertension, diabetics with proteinuria
3. Stage 1 HTN
4. Stage 2
1. Prehypertension, normal otherwise healthy adult : lifestyle modification only
2. Prehypertension, diabetics with proteinuria: start on ACE inhibitor
3. Stage 1 HTN : start with one drug
4. Stage 2 : always need 2 drugs

When treating with multiple drugs, choose drugs from different classes that attacks the hypertension from different sides of the BP regulatory mechanisms . When treating with multiple drugs, a diuretic should be one of them
True or False:
Blood pressure normally increases in the mornign and decreases overnight. This is called dipping. Non dipping is associated with increased cardiovascular risk.
In which of the following conditions are ACE inhibitors AND ARBs CONTRAINDICATED?

A. Angioedema
B. Bronchospastic disease
C. Depression
D. Liver Disease
E. Pregnancy
F. Second or third degree heart block
A. Angioedema
E. Pregnancy
When is a HTN condition considered "resistant" according to the JNC 7?
BP not controlled despite adherence to adequate doses of 3 antihypertensive medications, one of which is a diuretic.