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14 Cards in this Set

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Three major factors of serum osmolality:

ADH produced by, stored in:

Triggered by osmolality > ____

Two major functions of ADH?
Na+, BUN, Glucose

hypothalamus, stored in posterior pituitary


water absorption in DCT, capillary casoconstriction
Three other triggers for ADH release?

Two mechanisms for hyponatremia?
hypotension, 7-10% decreased plasma volume, decreased effective plasma volume

psychogenic polydipsia - kidney overload
water excreting defect - inability to dilute urine
Mechanism/symptoms of hypovolemic hyponatremia?

Mechanism/symptoms of hypervolemic hyponatremia?

4 causes of volume depletion?
hypovolemic - volume/Na+ depletion - orthostasis, decreased skin turgor, hypotension

volume excess - edema

GI losses (diarrhea)
third spacing
adrenal insufficiency - lowered aldosterone
renal salt wasting
Case #1: 21 y/o to ER, orthostasis, decreased skin turgor, sunken eyes, skin/mucus membranes dry.

Labs: Na 128, K 3.8, Cl 80, BUN 36, Cr 1.6

Explain: significance of labs, presentation, causes of symptoms.
elevated BUN/Cr = ARF
symptoms = hypovolemia from GI volume loss (diarrhea)
dehydration --> poor perfusion of kidneys
Case #2: 72 y/o to ER c/o edema to scrotum, abd, LE's, dyspnea, hx of ESRD.

Labs: Na 126, K 3.6, Cl 82, BUN 38, Cr 1.7, Alb 1.7, 24 hr urine protein 3.7

Explain labs, causes of symptoms:
elevated BUN/Cr = ARF
symptoms = ESRD causing nephrotic syndrome, protein leakage from plasma --> decreased PCOP, fluid leaks into interstitium

hypervolemic hyponatremia
Case #3: 36 y/o to doctor c/o alt. mental status, confusion, recent dx of TB:

Na 127, increased urine Na >20, +AFB sputum cx, ADH in plasma

Explain symptoms, causes:

What else can cause euvolemic hyponatremia?
TB --> SIADH (dx of exclusion)

cortisol deficiency, panhypopituitarism
Tx for volume depletion?

What effects does this have?

Tx for volume excess?
slow IV administration of NS

gradually corrects volume, increases GFR, increases distal tubule volume, stops release of ADH

tx of underlying disorder, salt/H2O restriction, diuretics, rx to increase CO
Some causes of SIADH?

Drug to treat SIADH?

oat cell carcinoma, meningitis, encephalitis, trauma, stroke, pulmonary infections, COPD, asthma


reversible state of diabetes insipidus
S/S of hyponatremia Na < 120?

Coma/death can occur with Na < ____.

Causes of hyponatremic encephalopathy in men, women?

what procedure can cause hyperosmolality?
N/V, irritability, confusion, seizures


men: TURP
women: endometrial ablation

1.5% glycine irrigant
Why can't you fix Na deficiency quickly?

Limit for tx of acute hyponatremia?

limit for tx of hyponatremia, 24 and 48 hrs:
risk for central pontine myellinosis 2-6 days after

<20 meq/24 hrs

<12 meq/24, <18 meq/48
Cause of hyperosmolar hyponatremia:


formula to find corrected Na in diabetics?

high intravascular concentrations of osmotic agents pulls water into lumen

measured Na + [1.5 x (glucose -150)/100]
S/S of hypernatremia?

most common cause of hypernatremia?

Two types of diabetes insipidus?
tremulousness, irritability, mental confusion, ataxia, seizures, coma

volume loss - not drinking enough water, loss of thirst reflex, diabetes insipidus

Neurogenic - absent/insufficient ADh
nephrogenic - ADH OK, kidney doesn't respond
3 drugs that can cause nephrogenic DI?

electrolyte causes?

Two renal tubulointerstitial diseases that cause DI?

How do you dx? Tx?
lithium, democlocycline, foscarnet

hypokalemia, hypercalcemia

obstructive uropathy, Sickle Cell nephropathy

water deprivation, vasopressin stim test

Tx - D5W
Case #4: 60 y/o f to ER c/o polyuria, nocturia, excessive thirst, hx of breast ca/depression.

Labs: Na 150, K 3.8, BS 100, BUN 30, urine osmolality 150

central diabetes insipidus - due to breast ca mets to pituitary