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17 Cards in this Set

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What is the result of total deficiency of urea cycle enzymes
Death in utero, anyone living has only a partial deficiency
Why is the loss of a urea cycle enzyme toxic?
Creates hyperammonemia--It backs up all the way to ammonia which has toxic effects.
What is the classic presentation of urea enzyme defect in infants?
irritability, hypotonia (low muscle tone), lethargy, vomiting, ataxia (no coordinated muscle movement), delayed growth
When can a urea cycle defect in adults or older children be seen?
After a precipitating event such as feast
What is the prognosis of untreated urea cycle defect?
spasticity, mental retardation, coma, death
Does product concentration change in deficiency?
Increased pressure due to substrate concentration makes each enzyme more efficient causing little change in product concentration
CPSD- what is it, diagnosis
1) Enzyme def STEP 1 CPS I
2) ONLY hyperammonemia diagnose by eliminating all the other possibilities
OTCD- what is it, diagnosis
1) Enzyme def STEP 2 OTC
2) hyperammonemia, oratate back up in blood (carbamoyl phosphate leaks into cytoplasm CPS II causes pyrimidine cycle form, oratate produced)
ASD- what is it diagnosis
1) Enzyme def STEP 3, AS
2) elevated citrulline in blood, urine
ALD- what is it, diagnosis
1) Enzyme def STEP 4, AL def
2) elevated argininosuccinate in blood and urine
AD, what is it? diagnosis?
1) arginase deficiency
2) elevated arginine in blood/urine
What is the effect of dialysis?
treat inborn defects by reducing blood ammonia levels
What does intravenous sodium benzoate phenylacetate do?
Treatment for inborn defect, these compounds bind random aa and excrete them
What defects are treated via arginine supplementation, how?
ASD and ALD. Both citrulline and arginosuccinate can be excreted by the kidney so you can rid of ammonia, however in order to regenerate ornithine, you must supply additional arginine
When would supplying arginine not treat ASD ALD?
If there was also arginase deficiency
What is the affect of levulose?
Acidifies gut so ammonia binds to acid moeities to treat inborn defects
What is the effect of antibiotics
kills some gut bacteria therefore minimizing ammonia production by these bacteria to treat inborn defect