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216 Cards in this Set

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what hormones are produced by kidneys

erytrhopoietin, vitamin D

what do the kidney synthesize

ammonia, prostaglandins, kinins, glucose

2 types of nephrons


superfiical cortical

renal blood flow from renal artery

renal artery - segmental artery - lobar artery - interlobar - arcuate - cortical radial artery and glomeruli

renal microcircuation:

afferent arteriole -->

efferent arteriole -->

afferent to the glomerular capillaries

efferent to the peritubular capillaries

First capillary network in renal microcirculation

glomerular capillaries: high hydrostatic pressure; large fluid volume filtered into Bowman's capsule

second capillary network in renal microcirculation

peritubular capillaries: low hydrostatic pressure; large amounts of water and solute are reabsorbed

at rest, kidneys receive how much of cardiac output


1.0-1.25 l/min

sympathetic neurons in the kidneys synapse on:

smooth muscle: causing arteriolar constriction

granular cells: causing renin secretion in afferent arterioles

effects of sympathetic stimulation in kidneys

powerful vasoconstriction of afferent arterioles:

decreases renal blood flow

diverts the renal fraction to vital organs

stimulates renin release form granular cells: initiates formation of ang II

stimulates Na+ reabsorption in proximal tubule, thick ascending limb of loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

glomerular filtration

filtration of plasma from glomerular capilaries into Bowmans capsule

tubular reabsorption:

transfer of substances from tubular lumen to peritubular capillaries

tubular secretion

transfer of substances from peritubular capillaries to tubular lumen


voiding of substances in the urine

basic processes of urine formation

glomerular filtration

tubular reabsorption

tubular secretion


glomerular filtration Rate (GFR)

volume of plasma filtered into the combined nephrons of both kidneys per unit time

filtration rate of any freely filtered substance =

GFR x plasma concentration of substance

urinary excretion rate

product of urine flow rate x concentration of substance into the urine

if excretion < filtration...

if excretion > filtration....

net reabsborption

net secretion

renal clearance

the volume of plasma from which a substance is completely removed from the kidneys in a given time period

units : volume/time

clearance of substance X =

(concentration of X in line x urine volume) / concentration of X in plasma

requirements for determining GFR from clearance of certain compounds:

compound must be freely filtered, but neither secreted, reabsorbed, produced, nor degraded by the kidneys

GFR = Ux x V/Px = Cx


freely filtered, neither reabsorbed, secreted, nor metabolized

amount of inulin filtered per unit time =

Inulin clearance =

amount excreted per unit time


what does PAH clearance estimate

renal plasma flow


para-amino hippuric acid:

freely filtered

avidly secreted in proximal tubule

PAH is completely cleared from peritubular capillaries when...

PAH concentration is low

normally, glomerular filtrate is essentially...

free of blood cells, proteins, but otherwise identical to plasma

what passes freely through the glomerular membrane

free passage of water, small solutes (glucose, AA, electrolytes): concentrations are the same on both sides of membrane

passage of large molecules through glomerular membrane

passage of large molecules (proteins) and formed elements is impeded.

only very small amounts of protein are filtered into the bowman's capsule

what does large amounts of protein in urine indicate

proteinuria often indicates renal disease

what factors affect filterability across glomerular membrane

molecular size and charge

3 layers of the glomerular membrane

1. fenestrated capillary endothelium: highly perm to water, dissolved solutes

2. glomerular basement membrane: collagen, glyocproteins contain anionic charges

3. podocyte epithelium: slit pores between podocytes restrict filtration of large molecules

GFR is product of 2 physical factors:

1. hydraulic permeability of glomerular membrane

2. surface area for filtration

product of 1 and 2 = ultrafiltration coefficient Kf

3. capillary ultrafiltration pressure

GFR = Kf x Puf

ultrafiltration pressure (Puf)

driving force for glomerular filtration

Ultrafiltration pressure is determined by:

hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures in glomerular capillaries, Bowman's capsule

ultrafiltration pressure is the driving force for...

glomerular filtration

mechanisms for altering GFR

altered Kf (ultrafiltration coefficient): glomerular mesangial cell contraction

altered Puf: changes in Pgc (hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries)

Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries (Pgc) is determined by 3 factors:

renal arterial BP

afferent arteriolar resistance

efferent arteriolar resistance

where are glomerular mesangial cells located

within glomerular capillary loops

effects of contraction of mesangial cells

shortens capillary loops, lowers Kf, and thus lowers GFR

GFR is physiologically controlled by:

adjusting resistance of afferent and efferent arterioles

effect of afferent arteriolar constriction

greater pressure drop upstream of glomerular capillaries

Pgc falls, which lowers GFR

renal blood flow falls (inc resistance)

effect of efferent arteriolar constriction

pooling of blood in glomerular capillaries

increased Pgc increases GFR

decrease renal blood flow

effect of efferent arteriole dilation

decrease Pgc

decrease GFR

increase renal blood flow

effect of afferent arteriole dilation

increase Pgc

increase GFR

increase Renal blood flow

hydrostatic pressure decreases from:

renal arteries - afferent arteriole - glomerular capillary - efferent arteriole - peritubular capillary - renal veins

mechanisms for autoregulating renal blood flow and GFR

myogenic repsonse to increased systemic arterial pressure

tubuloglomerular feedback responses to:

inc GFR

dec GFR

myogenic mechanism of autoregulation

intrinsic property of vascular smooth muscle to resist stretch

stretching vascular smooth muscle in interlobular arteries and afferent arterioles --> smooth muscle contraction, narrowing of vessels

inc vascular resistance --> dec renal blood flow

dec Pgc --> dec UP --> dec GFR

components of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus

macula densa

extraglomerular mesangial cells

juxtaglomerular (granular) cells

macula densa

in wall at end of thick ascending limb of loop of henle

extraglomerular mesangial cells

transmit signals from macula dense to JG cells

juxtaglomerular (granular) cells

in afferent arteriolar smooth muscle

JGA responds to _____ to maintain ____

responds to changes in BP to maintain GFR nearly constant

Tubologlomerular filtration response to increased renal blood pressure

1. increase GFR

2. Increase NaCl deliver to loop of Henle

3. signal generated by macula densa of JGA

4. increase afferent arteriolar resistance (Ra)

Adenosine mediates...

vasoconstriction in response to tubuloglomerular feedback

Response to decreased renal BP

GFR falls; N+Cl- filtered and delivered to macula densa

macula densa signals granular cells to secrete renin

Increased circulating ang II

effects increased circulating ang II

potent vasoconstrictor --> restores BP

efferent arteriolar vasoconstriction restores GFR

function of renal prostaglandins

dampen vasoconstriction by ang II and sympathetic nerves... thus, cause vasodilation

where is the bulk filtration of all small molecules

into Bowmans capsule

transcellular transportation

moves through through the cells

paracellular transport

moves through tight junctions across the tubular membrane

simple diffusion

a mechanism for transcellular solute movement

passive transport; down the electrochemical gradient via lipid binary or aqueous channels

facilitated diffusion

a mechanism for transcellular solute movement

passive transport; 'down' electrochemical gradient, but requires specific carriers

primary active transport

a mechanism for transcellular solute transport

energy dependent; agains electrochemical garden; ATP hydrolysis provides energy

secondary active transport

a mechanism for transcellular solute transport

energy dependent; downhill movement of one substance provides energy for uphill movement of another

cotransport; counter transport


a mechanism for transcellular solute transport

energy dependent;

protein reabsorption

proximal tubule reabsorbs:

mot filtered water, Na+, K+ Cl-,bicarbonate, Ca2+ phosphate

normally reabsorbs all the filtered glucose and amino acids

what is secreted in the proximal tubule

several organic anions and cation s (drugs, drug metabolites)

Tubular fluid/plasma concentration ratios provide info on

tubular handling of substances

is PAH absorbed or secreted in the proximal tubule


is glucose absorbed or secreted in the proximal tubule

glucose is 100% reabsorbed

proximal tubular Na+ reabsorption provides the driving force for

reabsorption of water and other solutes

the polarity of the epithelial cell membranes facilitates...

net unidirectional transport

what is proximal tubular Na+ reabsorption powered by

Na+, K+ ATPase in the basolateral membrane

sodium reabsorption is linked to:

transcellular transport of other substances

how is sodium reabsorbed across the basolateral membrane

countertransport with K+ powered by Na+k+ATPase

transport of sodium across the apical/luminal membrane

cotransport paired with glucose

counter transport with H+

cotransport with K+, 2Cl-

Water reabsorption follows ____ in the PCT

Na+ reabosorbtion

factors promoting fluid movement into the capillaries

high plasma colloid osmotic pressure

low hydrostatic pressure of blood in these capillaries

consequence of high fluid movement into peritubular capillaries

almost as much fluid is reabsorbed as was initially filtered into the Bowmans capsule

filtering of small molecules in the proximal tubule

small molecules are freely filtered

filtering of glucose and amino acids in the proximal tubule

they are completely reabsorbed in the proximal tubule

filtering through the distal segments of the proximal tubule

no reabsorption in more distal segments

what regulates plasma concentrations of glucose, amino acids

the kidneys DO NOT

they are regulated by liver and endocrine systems

How does tubular reabsorption of glucose and amino acids occur

secondary active trasnport; transcellular ONLY

uptake of glucose and amino acids across luminal membrane

against concentration graient

couplet to Na+ entry down its electrochemical gradient

ultimately dependent on the Na+K+ATPase

how do glucose and amino acids exit cell's basolateral membrane?

facilitated diffusion

there are a limited number of ____ cotransporters in the luminal membrane

Na+ glucose

effect of filtered amount of glucose exceeding a critical rate

capacity of nephrons to reabsorb all the filtered glucose is exceeded

glucose appears in the urine (glucosuria)

is glucose reabsorption saturable?

what about amino acids?

both amino acid and glucose reabsorption are saturable

what is Tmg

tubular gloucose maximum: max rate of glucose reabsorption by all the nephrons combined

would an inhibitor of the renal tubular Na+K+ ATPase affect reabsorption of glucose?

Yes it would prevent it because you lose the driving force of reabsorption across the basolateral membrane

why does urine output increase in diabetes?

due to increased osmosis. Glucose will old on to some of the water, and it will be harder for reabsorption of water to occur

what provides the driving force for solute and water transport in the proximal tubule

sodium reabsorption

renal control of sodium and water balance is crucial for the regulation of:


ECF solute concentration

concentrations of Na+, K+ in body fluids

normal function of renal control of sodium and water balance allows:

water retention during dehydration

excretion of dilute urine when well hydrated

inc sodium excretion when BP rises

dec sodium excretion with BP falls

failure of renal control of sodium and water balance can cause


hyper/hypokalemia (K+)

undesireable changes in BP

acid/base disorders

neurologicla problems (swelling/shrinking brain)

sodium reabsorption mechanisms in the proximal tubule

cotransport with glucose, amino acids, phosphate

counter transport with H+ (Na+/H+ exchange)

sodium reabsorption mechanisms in thick ascending limb

Na+K+,2Cl- cotransport

sodium reabsorption mechanisms in early distal convoluted tubule

Na+Cl- cotransport

sodium reabsorption mechanism in late distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct

luminal membrane channels

water reabsorption

is always passive; can be transcellular or paracellular

follows osmotic gradients established by reabsorption of sodium and other solutes

chloride reabsorption

always linked, either directly or indirectly to Na+ reabsorption (Cl- can balance the + charges on Na+)

specific mechanisms differ in different segments

what is the descending limb of Henle permeable/impermeable to

freely permeable to water

impermeable to Na+, Cl-

what is the ascending limb of henle permeable/impermeable to

always IMPERMEABLE to water

thin segment passive NaCl reaborption

thick segment: active Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransport

what does magnesium (Mg2+) transport depend on in the thick ascending limb

the Na+K+2Cl- cotransporter in the tubule lumen

what is the major site of physiological control of salt and water balance

late DCT and collecting duct

function of aldosterone in the late DCT and Collecting duct

aldosterone stimulates Na+ reabsorption, K+ secretion, H+secretion

function of atrial natriuretic peptide in late DCT and Collecting duct

inhibits Na+ reabsorption (medullary collecting duct)

function of Vasopressin in Late DCT and collecting duct

stimulates water reabsorption

what cells secrete K+ in the late DCT and collecting duct

principal cells

what is the driving force for K+ secretion in the late DCT and collecting duct

Na+K+ATPase counter transport and the large transepithelial potential (-50mV in the lumen, 0 in the blood)

what is aldosterones mechanism for increasing Na+ reabsorption in late DCT and collecting duct

incorporation of Na+ channels in the luminal membrane

incorporation of Na+K+ATPase ion pumps in the basolateral membrane

water permeability of the late DCT and collecting duct in well-hydrated individuals

collecting duct is impermeable to water

water remains in tubular lumen; dilute urine is excreted

water permeability of late DCT and collecting duct in dehydrated individuals

collecting duct is highly permeable to water

water is reabsorbed; low volume of concentrated urine is excreted

how does ADH work in the late DCT and collecting duct

ADH binds to its receptor on the basolateral membrane - guanine nucleotide stimulatory protein - adenylate cyclase - cyclic AMP - cAMP dependent protein kinase - causes incorporation of H20 channels (aquaporins) in the luminal membrane which acts increase water permeability

what part of the peritubular interstitium has a very high solute concentration

inner medullary interstitial fluid

function of the countercurrent multiplier system

concentrates solute in medullary interstitium --> enables kidneys to excrete very concentrated urine and conserve water during dehydration

the countercurrent multiplier mechanism requires integrated function of 3 components:

descending, ascending limbs of henle

vasa recta capillaries

collecting ducts

vasopressin promotes _____ reabsorption from inner medullary collecting duct


effects of high vasopressin


water is reabsorbed, and a low volume, highly concentrated urine is excreted

effects of low vasopressin in collecting duct

water diuresis

a high volume of dilute urine is excreted, collecting duct is impermeable to water

lower solute concentrations in the medullary interstitium

what maintains solute gradient in the countercurrent multiplier system

vasa recta - remove more water and solute form the medulla than they bring in

the difference = the amounts of solute and water reabsorbed by medially tubular segments

what does the total body Na+ content determine

ECF volume

effect of increased total body Na+ content

water osmosis from cells, renal H20 mention --> increase ECF volume --> increases BP

body Na+ content =

Na+ intake (diet) - Na+ excretion (in urine)

how is body Na+ intake controlled

dietary Na+ intake is not regulated in humans

the kidneys control Na+ content by adjusting urinary excretion

effects of increased and decreases in ECF volume

increased ECF volume activates mechanisms that increase Na+ excretion

decreased ECF volume causes Na+ to be conserved

where does reabsorption of filtered Na+ load occur

bulk reabsorption of filtered Na+ in proximal tubule and loop of henle

fine tuning of Na+ handling is exerted in the distal nephron

factors that promote Na+ reabsorption

renal sympathetic nerves

renin/angiotensin system


factors that promote Na+ excretion

atrial, brain natriuretic peptides (ANP, BNP)


intrarenal prostaglandins

effects of increased activity of renal sympathetic nerves

decreased GFR --> dec rate of fluid delivery to macula densa --> inc renin

increased proximal Na+and H2o reabsorption

-->dec rate of fluid delivery to macula densa --> inc renin

direct stimulation of granular cells --> inc renin

factors that promote renin secretion

renal sympathetic stimulation: directly stimulates

tubuloglomerular feedback: dec NaCl delivery to macula dens --> inc renin secretion

intrarenal baroreceptor: afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction --> dec pressure of granular cells --> inc renin secretion

angiotensin II stimulates:

systemic arteriolar constriction (inc BP)

renal arteriolar constriction: efferent > afferent

Na+ reabsorption: PCT > TAL, DCT, CCD


vasopressin secretion from Post Pit

aldosterone secretion from adrenal cortex

where does aldosterone act

late distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct

effects of aldosterone in late DCT , collecting duct

stimulates sodium reabsorption

stimulates potassium secretion

stimulates H+ secretion

factors controlling aldosterone secretion

increase plasma K+ conc --> aldosterone sec

increase plasma ACTH conc -->aldosterone sec

increase plasma angiotensin II concentration --> inc aldosterone sec

atrial natriuretic peptide inhibits aldosterone secretion

effects of ANP

increases GFR: afferent dilation, efferent constriction

inhibits Na+ reabsorption in MCD

suppresses renin secretion

suppresses aldosterone secretion

systemic vasodilator

suppresses vasopressin


endogenous renal natriuretic peptide

secreted by DCT, collecting duct in response to increased arterial pressure and ECF volume

effect of urodilatin

suppresses Na+ and water reabsorption by medullary collecting duct

*has no effect on systemic circulation

effects of intrarenal prostaglandins (PGE2)

increase Na+ excretion

increase GFR by dilating renal arterioles

suppress Na+ reabsorption in thick ascending limb and cortical collecting duct

where is vasopressin synthesized and secreted

syntehsized in neuroendocrine cells in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus

stored in nerve terminals in the neurohypophysis, and secreted from posterior pituitary

physiological factors that control vasopressin secretion

osmolality > volume and pressure of vasculature (hemodynamics)

what are the osmoreceptors

hypotahlamic (more sensitive) and hepatic osmorecptors

what are the baroreceptors

aortic barorecptors and carotid barorecptors

effect of increase in osmolality

sensed in the osmoreceptors --> send signals to the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei in the hypothalamus --> synthesis and secretion of ADH stimulated



K+ > 5.0 mEq/l = hyper

<3.5 hypo

effects of low K+ on RMP of excitable tissues

low K+ lowers RMP making it harder to reach threshold and fire an action potential

effect of high K+ on RMP of excitable tissues

high K+ raises RMP making it easier to reach threshold and fire an action potential

K+ handling in proximal tubule

67% of K+ reabsorbed

K+ handling in the Thick ascending limb

20% reabsorbed here via Na+K+2Cl- cotransport

where is physiological control of K+ handling exerted?

late distal tubule and collecting duct

principal cells

located in the distal nephron

either reabsorb or secrete K+ depending on body's K+balance

5 factors affecting K+ secretion in late DCT and collecting duct

1. EC K+ concentration

2. Na+ conc in tubular lumen: Na+/K+ exchange across luminal membrane

3. luminal flow rate: more flow dilutes secreted K+

4. EC pH: K+ and H+ exchange across cell membranes

5. aldosterone: stimulates K+ secretion in late DCT and Collecting duct

situations that alter K+ handling


low-sodium diet


drugs that inc urine by inhibiting tubular Na+ reabsorption. most classes of diuretics increase Na+ delivery to late distal tubule and collecting duct, which increases K+ secretion

effects of a low-sodium diet

less Na+ deliver to late distal tubule, collecting duct --> less K+ secretion, excretion --> hyperkalemia

effects of alkalemia on K+ secretion

increases K+ secretion at a given plasma K+ concentration

effects of acidemia on K+ secretion

decrease K+ secretion at a given plasma K+ concentration

increased plasma K+ concentration stimulates _____ secretion


mechanism of Ca2+ reabsorption in the proximal tubule

transcellular and paracellular

primary active transport

Ca2+3Na+ countertransport

urinary K+ excretion increases with:

plasma K+ concentration

cation exchange in CD principal cells across the tubular lumen

Na+ into cell through leak channels

K+ out of cell through leak chnanel

cation exchange in CD principal cell across peritublular interstitium

Na+K+ counter transport

counter transport of H+ K+

increase in EC H+ causes:

H+/K+ exchange, which lowers IC K+ concentration and decreases K+ secretion

effect of aldosterone in distal tubule and collecting duct

stimulates K+ secretion

importance of EC Ca2+

Ca2+ can dampen APs by blocking Na+ channels

low EC Ca2+ can produce hypocalcemic tetany

Ca2+ is required for neuromuscular transmission

EC Ca2+ can effect contractile strength of myocardium

what percent of Ca2+ is bound to plasma proteins

45% (mostly to albumin)

H+ compete with _____ for binding sites on plasma proteins


acidemia in regards to h+ and Ca2+

increase H+ concentrateion --> increase in plasma free Ca2+ conc

alkalemia in regards to H+ and Ca2+

decrease H+ concentration --> decrease in plasma free Ca2+

effect of GI tract on EC Ca2+

GI tract produces calcitriol --> increases EC Ca2+

effect of kidneys on EC Ca2+

kidneys: PTH and Calcitriol --> increase EC Ca2+

effect of bone on EC Ca2+

bone: PTH, VitD3 --> increase EC Ca2=

bone: Calcitonin --> decreases EC Ca2+

effect of PTH on EC Ca2+

PTH --> inc EC [H+] and [PO4] --> increases EC Ca2+

organs that control EC [Ca2+]

GI tract




where is most Ca2+ absorbed in the nephron

70% reabsorbed in PT

20% in TAL

9% in DT

1% CCD

mechanism of Ca2+ reabsorption in distal tubule

transcellular ONLY

primary active transport

Ca2+3Na+ countertransport

transport in the thick ascending limb

Na+K+2CL- countertransport

K+ leak channels


K+Cl- cotransport

paracellular reabsorption of Ca2+ Mg2+ via tight junction bc +6 mV potential in tubule

where is physiological control of tubular Ca2+ reabsorption exerted

thick ascending limb and DCT

what stimulates reabsorption of Ca2+

PTH and calcitriol

decreased plasma [Ca2+] induces:

cells in parathyroid to secrete PTH

what is the overall effect of PTH

increase EC [Ca2+]

effect of increasing plasma Ca2+ on PTH and calcitonin

as plasma Ca+ increases:

PTH decreases

Calcitonin increases

PTH and calcitriol combine to increase:

EC [Ca2+]

where is phosphate reabsorbed in the nephron

80% in PT

10% Distal tubule

mechanism of proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption

2Na+Pi cotransport across across the luminal membrane (inhibited by PTH)

Na+K+ ATPase

PiA- countertansport across basolateral membrane

is proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption saturable


PTH inhibits:

proximal tubular phosphate reabsorption

this increases the mat of phosphate excreted at any given plasma concentrate n

K+ secretion in collecting duct is affected by:

EC [K+], EC [H+]

luminal Na+ and water delivery

circulating aldosterone

2 kinds of acids in the body

volatile and fixed

volatile acid

carbonic acid (H2CO3)

what controls H2CO3 (carbonic acid) in body fluids

pulmonary ventilation

fixed acids

non-carbonic acids generated metabolically (sulfuric, phosphoric acids)

initially neutralized by buffers in body fluids

ultimately excreted in urine

cannot be removed from body by ventilation

metabolic sources of H+

oxidative metabolism

nonvolatile acids

alveolar ventilation controls concentration of :

[CO2] and [H2CO3]

3 lines of defense agains pH changes

chemical buffers



chemical buffer systems

mix of weak acid and its conjugate base in aces solution

ability of buffer to minimize pH changes depends on

concentration of buffer system components

nearness of buffers pKa to pH of solution

bicarbonate buffer system

chemical equilibrium between CO2 (acid) and bicarbonate (base)

CO2 + H2O <--> H2CO3 <--> H+ + HCO3-

why is the bicarbonate system so powerful

components are abundant (HCO3- and CO2)

its an open system : concentration so fHCo3- and CO2 Are readily adjusted by respiration and renal function

renal response to excess acid

all of filtered HCO3- is reabsorbed

additional H+ is secreted into lumen, excited as titratable acid, ammonium

renal response to excess base:

incomplete reabsorption of filtered HCO3-

decreased H+ secretion

Secretion of HCO3- in collecting duct

2 types of urinary buffers

titratable acid


titratable acid

conjugate bases of metabolic acids (phosphate, sulfate) accept H+ into lumen

ammonia (NH3)

generated by tubular epithelium, combines with H+ to form ammonium (NH4+)

H+ excretion =

urinary excretion of titratable acid + ammonium - HCO3

excretion of HCO3- has same effect as

gaining H+

if arterial pH is too high, kidneys respond by

incompletely reabsorbing HC3-

where is filtered HCO3- reabsorbed

85-90% of filtered HCO3- is reabsorbed in proximal tubule

and thick ascending limb

alpha intercalated cells

actively secrete H+ in collecting ducts

beta intercalated cells

secrete HCO3- to eliminate base

what is the most important buffer converted to titratable acid

HPO42- in the lumen

chronic acidemia upregulates:

renal ammonium production, excretion

factors controlling renal H+ secretion

increased plasma aldosterone

decreased K+

Increased PCO2