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124 Cards in this Set

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How are renal disease is found

They are found it accidentally they're often asymptomatic incidental elevation of serum creatinine abnormal urinalysis protein urea hematuria or pyuria

What are some nonspecific symptoms found in renal disease

Malaise worsening hypertension dependent or generalized edema and decreased urine output

What is the focus of the initial evaluation for renal disorders

Does the patient need emergency dialysis

What would warrant emergency dialysis

Acidosis hyperkalemia and fluid overload are the main reasons for dialysis

Does hematuria mean red blood cells

Know if you have shivering you will have positive hematurea But what you are seeing is the myoglobin not red blood cells

What a diagnostic testing that you can order for a renal work

Chemistries electrolytes with calcium and phosphorus

Urine studies with proteins blood glucose leukocytes nitrites ph and specific gravity

Renal ultrasound

Radionuclide scanning



Intravenous urography


What does a reano ultrasound assess

Kidney size hydronephrosis or renal cyst stenosis Stones does not assess pyelonephritis

What does intravenous urography assess

Evaluation of nonglomerular hematuria urea stone disease and voiding disorders

What does an MRI and MRa assess

Renal masses artery stenosis renal vein thrombosis

What can a biopsy help assess

Polycystic kidney disease glomerulonephritis

Can you order a renal ultrasound for pyelonephritis


If you're ordering ct to look for Stones how do you order

Order a plane CT without contrast

You suspect your patient has a kidney stone or bladder stone what kind of imaging do you order

Plane CT without contrast

What kind of imaging do you order for pyelonephritis

Order a CT with contrast

Before ordering imaging how can you differentiate between kidney stone and pyelonephritis

Ordered a urinalysis patient with the kidney stone will have hematuria but not pyuria

Presence of this in the urine is more diagnostic of glomerular disease

Protein urea

Presence of this alone in the y urine is generally not indicative of serious pathology


True or false blood or protein in the urine maybe normal

True it can be normal transient finding or an indicator of a kidney or urinary track disorder

True or false normal excretion of red cells can be greater after exercise


What will c cause an increase in red blood cells to pass through the urine

Glomerular inflammation which causes damage to capillarity endothelium and basement membrane

Blood from glomerular but appear what

Brown or tea colored

Part of the upper urinary tract

Glomerulus collecting tubules


Part of the lower urinary tract






Steps in differential diagnosis of macroscopic hematuria

Obtained a urine analysis

If it's positive for hematuria

check RBCs

if is positive for RBCs

check protein

if it's negative for rBCs

check heme

Positive RBCs with proteinuria

Glomerular prompt evaluation for kidney disease

Positive RBCs without proteinuria


Negative RBCs with a positive heme

Hemoglobin or myoglobin

Negative RBCs with a negative heme

Drugs or dye

He materia in the elderly suggest what


evaluation of hematuria should address these three questions

Are there any clues from the history or physical that suggest a particular diagnosis

Does that shemateria represent glomerular or extraglom bleeding

is the hematuria transient or persistent

Goal in a Reno work up is to quickly identify what

Infection kidney stones and malignancies

These medications will give you a prerenal failure


ace inhibitors

Expensive exercisable cause an elevation in what enzyme and can lead to what

CPK and can lead to rhabdomyolysis

Sore throat and renal disease

Possibility of strep infection which can lead to glomerulonephritis

Joint pain and renal disease

Possible soft tissue or rheumatic fever you may see eosinophilia

What question will you ask for a history in renal disease

Abdominal or flank pain

In dysuria frequency or urgency


strenuous exercise


reset upper respiratory infection or sore throat

skin rashes or skin infection

joint pain or swelling

medications of toxins

history of sickle cell disease or trait

What r afferentarterials controlled by

Prostaglandin they mediate vasodilation

What are Efferentarterial controlled by

Angiotensin II which controls constriction

Explain how an inflammatory process affects the renal arteries

And inflammatory process will affect CO X1 which causes the release of prostaglandin prostaglandins dilate afferent arteries and

Raas is activated and constricts efferent

this balance allows fluid to come in and out which increases GFR this is normal

How does nsaid affect GFR

It blocks Cox1 and inhibits prostaglandins this prevents vasodilation butt efferent arteries are still Constrivcted there is less coming in prevents dilation

If patient is in acute renal failure and are taken nsaids what must you do

Stop nsaid

How does ace inhibitor alter GFR

Prostaglandins will continue to dilate and are not affected ace inhibitor is preventing the construction by blocking angiotensin II everything is open and there was no pressure on the inside

The food and medication can discolored urine



Hydroxychloroquine plaquenil




And these medications cause hematuria through interstitial nephritis









These medications cause hematuria by papillary necrosis



Medications that cause hematuria by hemorrhagic cystitis



These medications cause hematuria by causing urolithiasis

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors



What does Periorbital edema signify

Nephrotic syndrome loss of protein

pyuria and dysuria

UTI bladder malignancy

Recent upper respiratory infection


Family history of renal disease can suggest what disorders

Hereditary nephritis polycystic kidney disease sickle cell

Unilateral flank pain that radiates to the groin

Pyelonephritis urolithiasis nephrolithiasis urethral obstruction from a calculus or blood clot

Hesitancy and dribbling

Prostate obstruction BPH cellular proliferation in BPH is associated with increased vascularity and the new vessels can be fragile

Vigorous exercise or trauma

Rhabdomyoma lysis

History of bleeding disorders or bleeding from multiple sites

Uncontrolled anticoagulant therapy

What does sickle cell trait or disease lead to

Papillary necrosis and hematuria

What will the urine in glomerular hematuria look like

Brown tea colored urine

protein urea

deformed urinary rbc

rbc casts

renal causes of glomerular hematuria

IGA nephropathy

thin glomerular basement membrane disease

membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

Multi system causes of glomerular hematuria

sle nephritis

goodpasture syndrome

hemolytic uremic syndrome

sickle cell disease

What causes hemolytic uremic syndrome

Preceded by gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea vomiting diarrhea or you will have a decrease in GFR

thin glomerular basement membrane disease



chronic hematuria

nothing to do

Upper urinary tract causes of hematuria


Acute tubular necrosis




polycystic kidney disease

Lower urinary tract causes of hematuria






heavy exercise

ureteropelvic junction obstruction

Define a cute renal failure

Abrupt decrease in glomerular filtration rate with an increase in serum creatinine resulting in the inability to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance it can occur over hours or days

What is diagnostic of the acute renal failure

Creatinine increase of .3 -.5

Decreased GFR of about 50%

oliguric vs nonoliguric

Phases of acute renal Fellion



recovery or convalescent

oliguric phase

Lasts about 8 to 15 days the longer the duration the last chance of you covering

GFR decreases

dropping urine output less than 400 per day



sodium may be normal or decrease depending on fluid status

fluid overload

elevatedBUN and creatinine

Diauretic phase 7

GFI begins to increase

Urine output rises slowly then diuresis occurs with 4 to 5 L per day

excessive urine output indicates recovery of damaged nephron

hypotension tachycardia

improvement in level of consciousness

hypokalemia hyponatremia hypovolemia

gradual decline in BUn and creatinine

Recovery phase 6

Slow process complete recovery takes one to two years

Urine volume is normal

increase in strength

increase in level of consciousness

B UN is stable and normal

at this stage the patient can develop chronic renal failure

Prerenal intervention

Hydrate you can use vasopressors if you have already hydrated but it did not work

Main form of intrarenal failure

Acute tubular necrosis

Prognosis for a cute tubular necrosis

Have a less chance of full recovery one third will go on to chronic kidney disease

Common reason for acute tubular necrosis

A prerenal cause hypovolemia

Most common acute renal failure


Causes of prerenal acute failure

Intravascular volume depletion decreased cardiac output vascular failure secondary to vasodilation or extraction

Intrarenal failure causes

Sivula the process nephrotoxicity alterations in Reno bloodflow

Post renal failure causes

Of structure urine flow between the kidneys and that urethral meatus and bladder neck obstruction

Intrinsic causes of post renal failure

Stenosis prostate's

Extrinsic causes of post renal failure

Pregnancy tumer

Post renal obstruction can leed to

Hydroureter hydronephrosis this stops urine flow and can severely damage the kidneys

What is the best diagnostic tool for hydronephrosis


To differentiate between prerenal at intrarenal what do we look

B UN and creatinine ratio

urine sodium


Prerenal qualities

BUF and creatinine ratio will be elevated 20 to 1 because bun is rising and creatinine has not had a chance to catch up

fena less than 1% to try and conserve sodium

Urine sodium less than 20

Intrarenal qualities

Nephrons lost the ability to retain sodium urine sodium greater than 20

fena greater than 1%

B UN creatinine ratio greater than 20 to 1

castes in urine signify nephrons better sloughing off

Presents at this point to words and intrinsiccause of acute renal failure

Urinary casts

Granular casts inurine


White blood cell casts

Inflammatory or infectious interstitial process

Rbc casts

Glomerular disease

mi Will cost what type of acute renal failure


Vascular obstruction Will cost what type of renal failure


Severe muscle exertion Will cause what kind of acute renal failure


Infectious disease metabolic disorders vascular lesions Will cause what type of renal failure


Treatment of potassium less than six

Potassium restriction potassium binding residence like Kayexalate

Treatment of hyperkalemia that is moderate to severe greater than six

Insulin D50 sodium bicarb albuterol is EKG changes calcium gluconate

Treatment of mild acidosis 7.2 and above

Oral sodium bicarb 650 to 1300 mg three times a day

Treatment severe metabolic acidosis less than 7.2

IP sodium bicarb monitor for fluid overload the rebound alkalosis and hypocalcemia

What is the risk of getting IV sodium bicarb

flash pulmonary edema related to sodium retention of fluid overload rebound alkalosis hypocalcemia

If acidosis is refractivity to medication management what is the next


Treatment of oliguric phase


When is dialysis indicated for volume overload

Overload causing respiratory compromise

Contraindication of Kayexalate

If dialysis is within 24 hours

Why are venal failure patients predisposed to having bleeding disorders

They ose erythropoetin and plateletes lose ability to stick together

Signs of acute tubular necrossis

Presentation can range from asymptomatic cyst symptoms of uremia like lethargy nausea delirium seizures eczema and dyspnea

Cause of acute tubular Necrosis

Ischemia: Renal hypoperfusion prolong enough to cause cell death

toxins: IV contrast aminoglycosides myoglobin

Cause of in-hospital acute renal failure

Acute tubular necrosis it from multiple insults like hypotension sepsis and nephrotic drugs

How do you distinguish acute tubular and close it from prerenal state

Urine electrolytes urinalysis B UN and creatinine

How to distinguish acute tubular necrosis from obstruction


Urine sodium prerenal versus acute tubular necrosis

Prerenal less than 20

Acute tubular necrosis greater than 40

When will the urine sodium being misleading in differentiating prerenal versus acute tubular necrosis

It is increased in prerenal state if the patient has taken a diuretic or has received IV fluids before collecting the sample

it will be low in acute tubular necrosis 22 rhabdomyolysis myoglobinuria hemolysis sepsis cirrhosis and CHf

It will be low in the early stages of obstructure and high in obstructions lasting greater than four days

False low urine sodium in ATN tdue too

Rhabdomyoma lysis myoglobinuria hemolysis sepsis cirrhosis CHF early on in the disease process

fena in prerenal versus ATN

Less than 1% in prerenal and greater than 2% in ATN

Intrarenal failure from dye treatment

Acetylcysteine or sodium bicarb with IV fluids

First choice in prerenal management


Management of intrarenal failure

Stop the causative agent maintain renal perfusion

Management of post renal failure

Remove the obstruction check the Foley

Defined renal insufficiency

Decrease in renal function resulting in a decrease in glomerular filtration rate although GFR decreases naturally with age

Causes of renal insufficiency

Hypertensive nephrosclerosis


diabetic nephropathy

interstitial nephritis

polycystic kidney disease

When Do u start seeing systemic changes in renal insufficiency

When Brenl function is less than 20% normal

These are the stages of renal reserve

Diminished renal reserve

renal insufficiency

end stage renal disease

Diminished renal reserve

50% nephrons lost creatinine is double

Renal insufficiency Quality

75% nephrons lost mild azotemia

End-stage renal disease quality

90% nephron damage azotemia metabolic alterations

GFR stage 1 to 5

Stage one is GFR greater than 90 with the presence of protein urea hematuria

States to GFR between 60 and 89

Space three GFR 59 to 30

GFR 29th at 15

TFR 15 or less

Five reasons for dialysis

Acidosis electrolyte imbalances intoxicants oliguria or volume overload uremia