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93 Cards in this Set

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Hormone synthesized and released by the adrenal cortex, causes the kidneys to reabsorb sodium.
A nitrogen
C aldosterone
D creatnine
C aldosterone
hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland; causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water; also called vasopressin
A nitrogen
C aldosterone
D creatnine
total urine output less than 50mL in 24 hr
A. Oliguria
B. Anuria
C. Nocturia
D. dysuria
B. Anuria
bacteria in the urine; bacterial count greater than 100,000 colonies/ mL
A creatnine
B hematuria
C Dysuria
D Bacturia
D Bacturia
endogenous waste product of muscle energy metabolism
A. Nitrogen
B. Creatnine
C protein
D Pyuria
B. Creatnine
Painful or difficult urination
A. Pyuria
B. Nocturia
C. Glycosuria
D. Dysuria
D. Dysuria
Voiding more frequently than every 3 h
A. Nocturia
B. Oliguria
C. Frequency
D. Micturation
C. Frequency
tufts of capillaries forming part of the nephron through which filtration occurs
A. Renal clearance
B. Tubular reabsorption
C. Glomerulus
D. Nephron
C. Glomerulus
volume of plasma filtered at the glomerulus into the kidney tubules each minute; normal rate is approximately 120 mL/min
A. Frequency
B. Nephron
C. Glomular Filtration rate GFR
D. Tubular reabsorption
C. Glomular Filtration rate GFR
red blood cells in the urine
A. Hematuria
B. Pyuria
C. Micturation
D. Glycosuria
A. Hematuria
urination or voiding
A. Nocturia
B. Glycosuria
C. Micturation
D. Urinary incontinence.
D. Urinary incontinence.
structural and functional unit of the kidney respoinsible for urine formation
A. Renal tube
B. Tubular reabsorption
C. Nephron
D. Renal Clearance
C. Nephron
Awakening at night to urinate
A. oliguria
B. Nocturia
C. Pyuria
B. Nocturia
total urine output less than 400 mL in 24h
A. Pyuria
B. Glycosuria
C. oliguria
D. Anuria
C. oliguria
Protein in the urine
A. Renal Clearance
B. Pyuria
C. Proteinuria
D. Hematuria
C. Proteinuria
white blood cells in the urine
A. glycosuria
B. Nocturia
C. Pyuria
D. creaturia
C. Pyuria
volume of plasma that the kidneysc can clear of a specific solute (eg, creatnine); expressed in milliliters per minute
A. Renal glycosuria
B. specific gravity
C. Urea Nitrogen
D. Renal Clearance
D. Renal Clearance
recurring or persistent excretion of glucose in the urine
A. renal Glycosuria
B. specific gravity
C. Tubular reabsorption
D. Urea nitrogen
A. renal Glycosuria
reflects the weight of particles dissolved in the urine; expression of the degree of concentration of the urine
A. tubular reabsorption
B. Specific gravity
C. Renal clearance
D. Glomerular filtration rate GFR
B. Specific gravity
movement of a substance from the kidney tubule into the blood in the peritubular capillaries or vasa recta
A. Oliguria
B. Nocturia
C. Tubular reabsorption
D. Tubular secretion
C. Tubular reabsorption
movement of a substance from the blood in the peritubular capullaries or vasa recta into the kidney tubule
A. Specific gravity
B. Glomular Filtration Rate GFR
C. Tubular secretion
C. Tubular secretion
nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism
A. Pyuria
B. hematuria
C. Urinary incontinence
D. urea nitrogen
D. urea nitrogen
involuntary loss of urine
A. Nocturia
B. Anuria
C. Urinary Incontinence
D. Stress incontinence
C. Urinary Incontinence
12 Functions of the Kidney (select all that apply)
A. Putting Protein in the urine
B. Urine formation
C. censation to wake to urinate
D. Excretion of waste products
E. placing white blood cells in the urine
F. Regulation of Elctrolytes
G. excreting glucose
H. Regulation of acid-base balance
I. Control of water balance
J. placing blood in the peritubular capillaries
K. Control of Blood pressure
L Renal Clearance
M Regulation of red blood cell production
N. Secretes aldosterone to control pituitary gland
O. Synthesis of Vitamin D to active form
P. Secretion of prostaglandins
Q. Secretion of ADH to reabsorb sodium
R. Regulates calcium and phosphorus balance
S. Activates growth hormone.
B. Urine formation
D. Excretion of waste products
F. Regulation of Elctrolytes
H. Regulation of acid-base balance
I. Control of water balance
K. Control of Blood pressure
L Renal Clearance
M Regulation of red blood cell production
O. Synthesis of Vitamin D to active form
P. Secretion of prostaglandins
R. Regulates calcium and phosphorus balance
S. Activates growth hormone.
Name the parts of the urinary tract
A. Kidneys
B. Renal Tubules
C. Ureters
D. Glomular Filtration Rate
E Urethra
F Bladder
Name the parts of the urinary tract
A. Kidneys
C. Ureters
E Urethra
F Bladder
What lies on top of each kidney?
A. Pituitary gland
B. renal tubules
C. Nephrons
D. Adrenal Glands
D. Adrenal Glands
The kidneys are made of how many Nephrons.
A. 50-100,000
B. 1 Million
C. 10,000
D. 1-2 Million
D.1-2 Million
what is the unfortunate thing about having so many nephrons?
A. it takes up alot of room in the kidneys
B. The tubules sometimes get clogged up due to nephron expansion
C. by the time you recognize malfunction of the nephrons the kidney is highly damaged
D. Its great having that many more hands less work
C. by the time you recognize malfunction of the nephrons the kidney is highly damaged
put in order the route of urine
A. Ureters
B. Urethra
C. Nephrons.
D. Bladder
E. Renal Pelvises
C. Nephrons.
E. Renal Pelvises
A. Ureters
D. Bladder
B. Urethra
The capacity of an adult bladder is ___but can stretch to hold about ___
A. 300-500mL
B. 600-900mL
C. 999mL
D. 1800 mL
A. 300-500mL
C. 999mL
The Kidney Filters ___a min
for a total of ___a day and excretes an average of ___ a day which requires output to average at least about ___ an hour
A. 180 L
B. 1200 mL
C 30 mL
D 1.5 L
B. 1200mL
A. 180L
D. 1.5L
C. 30mL
What specific gravity level indicates a common early sign of kidney disease
A. 0.010
B 1.010
C 0.025
D 1.025
B 1.010
elderly may limit their fluid intake because
A they are afraid it will make them incontinent
B they are afraid they will fall when they try and go
C their family may give them a hard time about changing them so often
D. they don't realize this increases their chance for UTI's
A they are afraid it will make them incontinent
B they are afraid they will fall when they try and go
C their family may give them a hard time about changing them so often
D. they don't realize this increases their chance for UTI's
Which infection will produce a dull constant ache? unless sudden distention of capsule, pain is severe, sharp, stabbing and calicky in nature. may have nause and vomiting diaphoresis pallor signs of shock.
A. Kidney
B. polynephritis
C ureteral
D. Prostatic
E Urethral
A. Kidney
which infection will produce a dull continuous pain may be intense with voiding may be severe if bladder is full may excperience urgency or pain at end of voiding with painful straining
A. Kidney
B. bladder
C ureteral
D. Prostatic
E Urethral
B. bladder
what infection may bring on severe sharp stabbing pain colicky in nature along with nause and vomiting and paralytic ileus?
A. Kidney
B. bladder
C ureteral
D. Prostatic
E Urethral
C ureteral
infection that has vague discomfort, feeling of fullness in perineum vague back pain. may have suprapubic tenderness, obstruction to urine flow, frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia
A. Kidney
B. bladder
C ureteral
D. Prostatic
E Urethral
D. Prostatic
which infection will have variable pain, most severe during and immediately after voiding, can include symptoms of frequency, urgency, dysuria, nocturia, urethral discharge
A. Kidney
B. bladder
C ureteral
D. Prostatic
E Urethral
E Urethral
Voiding more than every 3 hours
A. polyuria
C. Frquency
D Enuresis
C. Frquency
Strong desire to void that may or may not produce diuresis
A. incontinence
B. Polyuria
C. Urgency
D. Hesitancy
C. Urgency
Painful or difficult voiding
A. Anuria
B. Dysuria
C. enuresis
D. polyuria
B. Dysuria
Delay, or difficulty in initiating voiding
A. noturia
B. Enuresis
C. Polyuria
D. Hesitancy
D. Hesitancy
Excessive urination at night
A. Polyuria
B. Enuresis
C. nocturia
D. polyuria
C. nocturia
Involuntary loss of uring
A. Incontinence
B. Enuresis
C. nocturia
D. polyuria
A. Incontinence
involuntary voiding during sleep
b. polyuria
c. urgency
d. frequency
Increased volume of urine voided
A. Enuresis
B. Polyuria
C. Oliguria
D. Nocturia
B. Polyuria
Urine output less than 400 mL in 24h or less than 30mL in 1 h
A. Anuria
B. Oliguria
C. Hematuria
D. Dysuria
B. Oliguria
Urine output of less than 50 mL in 24h

A. Dysuria
B. Polyuria
C anuria
D. Proteinuria
C anuria
Red blood cells in the uring
A. Hematuria
B. Polyuria
C anuria
D. Proteinuria
A. Hematuria
abnormal amounts of protein in the urine
A. Hematuria
B. Polyuria
C anuria
D. Proteinuria
D. Proteinuria
Color changes in urine
A. Clear =
B. Yellow to milky white =
C bright yellow =
D. Pink to red =
E Blue to blue green =
F Orange to amber =
G Brown to black =
A clear = diluted urine due to diuretics, alcohol consumption, diabetes insipidus, glycosuria, excess fluid intake, renal disease
B = Pyuria, infection, vaginal cream
C = multiple vitamin preparations
D = hemoglibin break down red blood cells, gross blood, menses, bladder or prostrate surgery, beets blackberries, medications, phenytoin, rigampin, phenothiazine, cascara, senna
E = Dyes, methylene blue, pseudomonas species organisms, medications amitriptyline, trameterene, phenylsalicylate
F = concentrated urine due to dehydration, fever, bile, excessbilirubin or carotene, medications, phenazopyridium hCl, nitrofurantoin, sulfalzine, docusate calcium, thiamine
G = old red blood cells, urobilinogen, bilirubin, melanin, poryphyrin, extremely concentrated urine to do dehydration, medications, cascara, metronidazole, iron preparations, quinine, senna products, methyldopa, nitrofurantoin
The most acurate measurement of the kidneys ability to concentrate and dilute urine is
What is a normal bun to creatnine ratio
A. 5:1
B 20:1
C 10:1
D 100:1
C 10:1
Creatnine test is used to determine what?
measures volume of blood cleared of endogenous creatinine in 1 min which provides and approximation of the GFR
What is the specific gravity test used to determine
the ability of kidneys to concentrate solutes in urine
what is the urine osmolality test performed for
concentration ability is lost early in kidney disease hence these test findings may disclose early defects in renal function
Bun test is used to determine what?
index of renal function urea is nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism test values are affected by protein intake, tissue break down and fluid volume changes
what does the bun to creatinine ratio determine
hydration status and elevated status is seen in hypovolemia and normal ratio with elevated bun and creatnine is seen with intrinsic renal disease.
what is the most accurate indicator of fluid loss or gain in an acutely ill pt?
A. intake
B. output
C. Weight
D. measurements
C. Weight
Name some causes of Acute Renal Failure
Hypovolemia, Hypotension
reduced cardiac output and heart failure, obstruction of the kidney or lower urinary tract, obstruction of renal arteries or veins
Causes of chronic renal failure
Diabetes mellitus
chronic glomerulonephritis,
pylonephritis or other infections
obstruction of urinary tract
Hereditary lesions
Vascular disorders
Medications or toxic agents
type of acute renal failure in which there is actual damage to the kidney tubules
A. end stage renal diseasse
B. glomerulonephritis
C. peritonitis
D. Acute tubular encrosis
D. Acute tubular encrosis
Arteriovenous fistula type of vascular access for dialysis; created by surgically connecting an artery to a vein
A. nephrosclerosis
B. pyelonephritis
C. arteriovenous fistula
D arteriovenous graft
C. arteriovenous fistula
type of surgically created cascular access for dialysis by which a pc of bioligic, semibiologic, or synthetic graft material connects the patients arter to a vein
A. nephrosclerosis
B. pyelonephritis
C. arteriovenous fistula
D arteriovenous graft
D arteriovenous graft
concentration of urea and other nitrogenous wasters in the blood
a. hematuria
b. azotemia
c. dialysate
d. uremia
b. azotemia
method of peritoneal dialysis where by a pt performs four or five complete exchanges or cycles thoughout the day
a. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
b. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
c. continuous venovenous hemofiltration
d.contunuous cyclick peritoneal dialysis
a. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
method of peritoneal dialysis in which a peritoneal dialysis machine (cycler) automatically performs exchanges, usually while the patient sleeps
a. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
b. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
c. continuous venovenous hemofiltration
d.continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
d.continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
variety of methods used to replace normal kidney function by circulating the patients blood though a filter and returning it to the patient
a. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
b.continuous renal replacement therapy
c.continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
d.continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
b.continuous renal replacement therapy
form of continuous renal replacement therapy that results in removal of fluid and waste products; venous blood circulates though a hemofilter and returns to the patient.
a. Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
b. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
c. continuous venovenous hemofiltration
d.continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
b. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
form of continuous renal replacement therapy that primarily results in removal of fluid; venous blood circulates though a hemofilter and returns to the patient
a. dialysate
b. continuous venovenous hemodialysis
c. continuous venovenous hemofiltration
d. ultrafiltration
c. continuous venovenous hemofiltration
solution that circulates though the dialyzer in hemodialysis and thugh the peritoneal membrane in peritoneal dialysis
a. dialysate
b. hemodialysis
c. osmosis
d. dialyzer
a. dialysate
"artificial kidney" or dialysis machine, contains a semipermeable membrane though which particles of a certain size can pass
a. hemodialysis
b. dialysate
c. dialyzer
d. hemodialysis
c. dialyzer
movement of solutes (wast products) from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
a. uremia
b. azotemia
c. diffusion
d. ultrafiltration
c. diffusion
progressive, irreversible deterioration in renal function that reults in retention of uremic waste products
a. glomerulonephritis
c end stage renal disease
d. uremia
c end stage renal disease
inflammation of the glomerular capillaries
a. nephrosclerosis
b. glomerulonephritis
c. ultrafiltration
d. uremia
b. glomerulonephritis
procudure during which a patients blood is being circulated though a dialyzer to remove waste products and excess fluid
a. peritoneal dialysis
b dialysate
c. uremia
inflammation with in the renal tissue
a. glomerulonephritis
b interstitial nephritis
c. nephrosclerosis
d. osmosis
b interstitial nephritis
hardening of the renal arteries
a. peritonitus
b. pyelonephritis
c. nephrosclerosis
d. glomerulonephritis
c. nephrosclerosis
movement of water though a semipermeable membrane from an area of lower sulute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration
a. osmosis
b. diffusion
d. dialysate
a. osmosis
procedure that uses the lining of the patents peritoneal cavity as the semipermeable membrane for exchange of fluid and solutes
a. ultrafiltration
b. peritonitis
c. peritoneal dialysis
d. continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
c. peritoneal dialysis
inflammation of the peritoneal membrane (lining of the peritoneal cavity)

a. ultrafiltration
b. peritonitis
c. peritoneal dialysis
d. continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
b. peritonitis
inflammation of the renal pelvis
a. peritonitus
b. pyelonephritis
c. nephrosclerosis
d. glomerulonephritis
b. pyelonephritis
process whereby water is removed from the blood by means of a pressure gradient between the patient's blood and the dialysate
b. urinary casts
c. ultrafiltrationd
d. peritoneal dialysis
c. ultrafiltration
an excess of urea and other neitrogenous wastes in the blood
a. azotemia
b. hematuria
c. uremia
d. anuria
c. uremia
proteins secreted by damaged kidney tubules
a. dialyzer
b. dialysate
c. azotemia
d. urinary casts
d. urinary casts
pt comes in with diatthea, colic, nausea, irritability, muscle weakness, and ECG changes they are more than likely experiencing
b. hyperkalemia
c. hypernatremia
d. hypertension
b. hyperkalemia
what kind of enema will be given to help pull as much potassium from the colon as possible?
a. fleets
b. soap suds
c. mollasses
d. kayexalate
d. kayexalate
name some (10)preventions for acute renal failure
provide adequate hydration to pts at risk for dehydration

surgical patients before during and after surgery

pts undergoing intensive diagnostic studies that require fluid restriction and contrast agents.

prevent and treat shock promptly with blood and fluid replacement

monitor central venous and arterial pressures and hourly urine output of critically ill pts to detect the onset of renal failure as hearly as possible

treat hypotension promptly

continually assess renal function (urine output, laboratory values) when appropriate

take precautions to ensure that the appropriate blood is administered to the correct pt in order to avoid severe transfusion reactions, which can precipitate renal failure

preven and treat infectsions promptly. infections can produce progressive renal damage

pay special attention to wounds, burns, and other precursors of sepsis

to prevent infections from ascending in the urinary tract give meticulous care to pts with indwelling catheters remove catheters as soon as possible

to prevent toxic drug effects. closely monitor dosage duration of use and blood levels of all medications metabolized or excreted by the kidneys.
while still cariing for the original cause for the acute renal failure (shock, burns, trauma, obstruction of urinary tract) the nurse now needs to do what in response to the acute renal failure (6 interventions)
monitor f & E balance
reducing metabolic rate
promoting pulmonary function
preventing infection
providing skin care
providing support
Nutritional requirements during acute renal failure?
Protein carb rich potassium and possibly phsophorus sparing
pharmacological therapy 6
phosphate binding agents,

calcium supplemenmts,


cardiac meds

antiseizure meds and

explain feel the thrill hear the bruit?
when thrill is felt you have palpated fistula when bruit is heard you have auscultated fistula
Dry weight means?
their baseline before dialysis