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96 Cards in this Set

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what are the 2 main regulators of the ECF oms and volume
1. ADH: reabs water, respond to changes in OSM and Volume of ECF

2. ALDO: Na regulation, used to maintain BP and BV, increased Na reabs causes water reabs
the 3 main hormones for ECF volume and OSM are..
1. ADH
3. ANP (anti aldo, aldo does Na reabs to increase BV)
what 2 things can cause ALDO release
1. increase ANG II
2. plasma K

**this causes Na reabs in late DCT (principal cells). also causes K secretion
whats the deal with Na reabs and K?
when Na is reabs its at the expense of K

**increased K is one of the sidnals for ALDO to reabs Na, its also a way to decrease K when needed
how much filtered Na is under the control of ALDO
2%, but we have LOTS of Na filtered so it works out to be about 30g
increased k and ANg II cause what
ALDO release, Na reabs increase in BV, K secretion
what are 4 things ang II does?
1. Stim Aldo release (aldo then Na reabs at principal DCT cells)

2. Vasoconstrict

3. Stim Na/H in PCT

4. increase NaCl retention and increase BP
so ANG II increases ALDO, what increases ANG II

**JGA (1. intrarenal baroreceptors 2. macula densa 3. renal symp nerves)
is renin released when BP is high
no way! renin is released 3 ways 1. intrarenal baroreceptors 2. macula densa 3. renal symp nerves

Na is secreted with no renin
what role do the intrarenal barareceptors play in maintaing volume
granular cells in JGA respond to stretch

when affernt arterioles have increased Pressure (stretch) less renin is released

**no Na reabs
what happens when pressure in the afferent arteriole is LOW
granular cells in teh JGA act as intrarenal baroreceptors and renin is stim

**renin release and pressure in afferent art are INVERSELY related
how is renin release and pressure in the afferent arteriole related

when pressure is high the granular cells in the JGA sence it and decrease renin release. this acts to not increase BV
what is a mech similiar to that in the intrarenal baroreceptors?
in the bara when pressure in high in teh afferent art renein is NOT released

**the macula senses flow to DCT, when its high Renin is NTO released
the intrarenal cells sense...
the macula densa sense...
pressure in affrent art
flow in DCT

**BOTH with increase renin when flow is decreased and stop renin when flow is high
how do synpathetic renal fibers act on renin
they are near the granular (intrarenal baroreceptors) and when b sympathetic fibers are stim they release renin
what is the fastest of the 3 ways renin is relased

*8when BP falls the renal SNS fibers sense it and release renin immediatly to restore blood volume via Na reabs
is renin stim or inhibited in hemmorage

1. macula densa 9flow in DCT_
2. SNS
3. Granular intrarenal baroreceptors (afferent art)

renin --> ang II --> ALDO --> na reabs
list in order aldo and renin
1 macula densa decrease flow
2. granular decrese pressure in afferent
3. SNS is activated

all 3 --> renin --> ang ii --> ALDO --> na reabs--> increase BV
what releases ANP? when
atria, when pressure is high

**thsi is the anti ALDO, promotes water loss
whaht does ANP do to the afferent/efferent art?
dilates afferent
constricts efferent

**this increases GFR so we can filter more NaCL
what increases NaCl filtration at the glomerulus ADH ALDO ANP

**causes afferent dilation adn effernt constriction
what causes the afferent art to dilate nad efferent art to constrict. what effect does this have

**increase GFR and NaCl filtered load

**released whn pres in atri ais high, works to decrease Bv
so ANP will increase filtered load of NaCl by increasing GFR by messing with the arterioles. will the NaCl be excreted or reabs. how
1. excreted! prevent reabs by...

**inhibiting ADH ALDO
**inhibit Na uptake at CD
how does ANP prevent Na reabs
1. block ADH and ALDO
2. Block tansport of Na directly at CD
what is the most important hormone regulating water balance
what cauess ADH release
1. increase in plasma osm
2. plasma volume decreases
does ADH affect NaCl secretion
**the independent regulation of Na and H2O is important
where does ADH act
it is released from teh peritubular capillay and binds to a basoleteral receptor in the CD cells.

this binding causes cAMP increase and aquaporins bind to apical side nad let water into the collecting duct for rebs
what does putting aquaporins on the apical membrane do
allows water to enter the CD cells so that is can be abs

**ADH (released when plasma osm increases or volume decreases)
we said that changes in plasm osm or volume wil lincrease the release of what horomoe? what are the specific things that happen
1. osmoreceptors in hypothalamus sense plasma osm

2, arterial baroreceptros sense changes in volume. (LARGE volume change required for activation)
what are the 3 things that happen when ADH is secreted
1. increase aquaporins on Cd to let H2O in for reabs

1. Na/K/2Cl transporters in the ascending thick limb LOH increase the corticomedullary grad

3. let urea pass through CD to also increase the corticomedullary gradient
what does ADH do to the corticomedullary gradiant? how? why?
increase hte gradient by...
1. stim the Na/K2Cl in ascending LOH
2. increase perm for urea in CD for recycle

**if we increase the gradient we can ?????????????
is ADH more or less sensitive to changes in OSM or volume
more sensiteive to OSM

Needs a LARGE change in volume to stim
normal OSM is ____ when OSM is 450 what hormone is abundant

**ADH, supersensitive to changes in OSM
can ADH help in hemmorage
sure thing! resonds well to LARGE changes in volume like a hemmorage

ADH will increase water retention in Cd, also will increase countercurrent multiplier by 1. increase Na/K/2Cl nad 2. increase urae recycling by increaseig perm of CD to urea
if you drink a TON of pure H2o will ADH be secreted

**you are diluting the OSM nad ADH responds to increases in OSM

**also the bV is increasing adn ADh responds to decreased BV

**by NOT reabs water at Cd we incerase H2O excretion
do ADH and ALDO usually work togeter or seperate
usually together, both work to icnrease BV
a decrease in plasma volume leads to what?
an increase in plasma osm leads to what
Volume: ALDO
what is clearance? what is OSM clearanve?
its the ml/min of a substance cleared from plasma

Its the number of osmotically active particles cleared from blood ml/min (usually 1-2)

what is the osm clearance

P 285
U 650
V 0.8
650 x 0.8/285

1.82 ml/min

**almost 2 ml of plasma is cleared from the blood every min

**normal is 1-2
what is a normal rate for OSM clearance
usually about 1-2 ml of plasma is cleared of osmotically active substances in a minute

what does it mean if OSM clearance is less than 1
you arent clearing as many osmotically active substances, water is going to be drawn into the blood. ie edema

**caused by decreased GFR, increased ALDO
if OSM clearance is decreased (less than 1) what is going on with GFR and ADH
GFR decreased
ALDO increased

**osmotically active substances arent being cleared nad they are drawing water into the blood

less than 1
what is the value of OMS clearance if water is being taken from the blood
more than 2, LTOS of OSM actively substances are being secreted and water follows those substances out

**decreased ALDO, diuretics,
what effect does increased ALDO, decreased ALDO, diuretics, and decreased GFR have on OSM clearnace
1. increased ALDO decreased OSM cl
2. decreased ALDO, increased OSM Cl
3. diuretics, increase OSM
4. decreased GFR, decrease OSM cl
what does it mean to have an increased OSM clearance
lots of OSM are being excreted nad water is following

**loose ECF fluid

**increased decreased ALDO, diuretics
what does aldosterone do to OSM clearance
increase aldo will decrease OSM clearance

decreased ALDO will increase OSM clearance
what does it mean when urine flow and OSM clearance are equal
urine is isotonic

*C = UV/P

when C=V urine and plasma are also isotonic
if urine flow rate (V) is the same as OSM clearance?

V more than Clearance
V less than clearance
same: iso

V is higher, water is lost from the body and urine is hypotonic

V is lower, water is added to the body and urine is hypertonic
when Urine flow is higher than the clearance of osmotically active substances what happens to the water being returned to the body and the tonicity of urine
whater leave the body, hypotonic
when urine flow is LOWER than the clearance of osmotically actice substances what happens to water returned from the body, tonicity of utine
water is returned to the body, hypertonic
formula for free water clearance
CH20= V - Cosm
what is clearance of free water
the amt of solute free water that is being cleared by the kidney in a minuet

Ch2o = V - Cosm
what does it mean when there is free water clearance of more than one
dilute urine

'solute free water is lost from the body"

Ch20= V - C osm
what does it mean when free water clearance is negative
that water is being retained, the urine is concentrated
to make a dilute urine what does free water clearance need to be? conc?
dilute: + free water clearance
conc: - free water clearance
What is free water clearance? what is teh tonicity of the urine
P osm 300
U osm 300
V 2
1, find clearance of OSM


Cho2 = V- Cosm

**the flow and C osm are the same, ISOTONIC
determine the OSM clearance and determine if the urine is conc or dilute

Posm 300
Uosm 150
V 4
C= 2

2. Determine the Free water clearance

CH20 = V- Cosm
C= 4-2
+ free water clearance, this means water is lost and urine is dilute
if clearance is - is NOT being CLEARED, duh, think about the terms
water is conserved, urine is conc

when free water clearance is + it means free water is being cleared adn uriune is dilute
what is the free water clearance

Cosm 1.5
V 2
CH20 = 2- 1.5


+ water clearance, water is LOST from the body
is water being lost or retained

Cosm 1.8
V 0.6

free water clearance is negative, water is NOT being cleared. water is retained, Conc urine
when ther is a hyperosmotic distrubance what does this mean
hyperosmotic relative to the ECF
volume expansion/contraction refers to an addition/substraction of water from where
the ECF

**terms like hyperosmotic also refer to the ECF as baseline
what is a hyperosmotic volume contraction?

*loose fluid, OSM of ECF increases

**can happen with DM incipidious
when you are dehydrated what happnes
hyperosmotic volume contraction

*loose fluid, become hyper osmotic

**DM incipidous
what does DM incipidous do? what is ADH like?
ADH is low, so not lots of water being reabs

**we have HYPERosmotic plasma, and dilute urine

**ADH can be low bc it cant be secreted (neurogenic,central, DM incip) or bc the kidney doesnt respiond (plasma ASH is high)
tell me about central Diabeted incipidous? homrome, tonicity of p adn u
example of hyperosmotic volume contraction. "dehydration' water is lost and the ECF concentrates

**ADH isnt secreted (head trauma) and so water isnt reabs.

**urine is dilute and plasma is conc
tell me about nephrogenic Diabetes incipidous? hormone? tonicity of P and U
hyperosmotic, volume contraction (ECF is hyperosmotic, volume is lost from ECF) "dehydration"

**the Kidney wont respond to ADH so water is not reabs.

*ADH levels are high, plasma is conc, urine is dilute
what is it called when you cant secrete adh, what about if your kidney wont respond to adh
secretion: central diabetes incipidous

response: nephrogenic diabetes incipidous

*in both cases there is a hyperosmotic volumic contraction (dehydration) no h2o enters the ECF so its conc and all of the water leaves as pee so urine is dilute
what will an Na load do to ECF osm and volume
Hyperosmotic, Volume Expansion

**teh increase in volume leads to increase ANP, increase MAP, and decrease SNS. this all causes Na to be lost and volume to decrease
what 3 things happen when there is an increase in plasma volume due to Na reabs
1. increase ANP (anti aldo)
2. increase MAP; increase GFR
3. decrease SNS, decreaserenin and ALDO

ALL lead to Na loss
when Na is taken in plasma volume ____. The ___ in plasma volume will cause loss of ______. The loss of ____ in return will do what to plasma volume ____
what does decrease SNS do in the kidney? is this the only way?
decrease Renin and ALDO release

total of 3 ways to alter renin
1. macula densa
2. intrarenal baroreceptors
3. SNS
what does ANP do
released from atria when increased pressure

**increases GFR to increase Na filtered load. Dilates the afferent art and constricts the efferent art
an acute water load can be called what? what happens
hyposmotic volume expansion

Excess free water --> decrease plasma osm --> decrease ADH --> decrease h2o perm at CD --> diuresis
when you drink pure water what happens to plasma and what hormone is affected
plasma osm decreases
ADH decreases
no water is reabs at CD
diuresis (pee dilute)
hypoosmotic volume expansion can be caused by what 2 things
1. drinking pure water
2. SIADH, inappropriate ADH. EXCESSIVE ADH
what is SIADH
inappropriate ADH

**EXCESSIVE ADH release,

**always have hypoosmotic volume expansion
SIADH causes chronic volume expansion of ECF what things result
well we are always having lots of volume with decreased OSM

**ALDO will be low bc we dont need any more water in the blood, so Na is lost. Hyponaturemia

**ISF eventually expands nad dilutes
so diabetes incipidious did what to ADH, what does the opposite
non repsonsive to ADH, (hyperosmotic volume contraction)

**SIADH, LOTS of ADH and the body responds (hypoospotic volume expansion)
low Na is seen in what disorder

**the increased ECF volume then decreases ALDO which caises MORE Na loss
name 3 things that result from increased water abs. this is seen in what disorder, what hormone
SIADH, high AHD levels

1. increased volume (-->decreased ALDO)
2. decreased OSM
3. Low Na
why is Na so important
1. major cation in ECF (135)
2. Determines volume of ECF
are changes in [Na] in ECF due to changes in Na or changes in water

(Bv depletion, water retention, water addition)

**na loss is normally isotonic
what is considered naturemia
less than 135
what 3 thigns can cause hyponaturemia
we know it hapens when con is less than 135, and its usually due to changes in water, not na

1. Loss of blood Volume: loose the blood and the Na, this stim ADH to increase H2O but Na reamins low

2. Free water conservation (SIADH)

3. Drinking TONS of water
why does a decrease in BV lead to decreased Na
we loose Na along with the blood

**then ADH comes and increases H2O but doensnt help with Na so Na is further diluted

**hyponaturemia is Na less than 135
what is hypernaturemia? what causes it? will it persist?
high Na (more than 145)
*water loss (diabetes insipidious)
* na intake

**increased Na stim thirst so we drink and dilute it down
what does Diabetes incipidious do to Na
cant abs H2O so we increase na, nyponaturemia (more than 145)
Diabetes incipidious
Na intake lead to what

**more than 145
**stim thirst to dilute it fst
when Na intake increases what 3 things happen
1. SNS decreases: decrease renin, increase GFR
2. ANP increases (increase GFR and filtered load)
3. Renin & ALDO decreases (decrease reabs)
what happens when Na intake decreases
1. SNS increases, increase FR
2. Decrease ANP
3. Increase renin, ALDO
how does urine enter the bladder
renal caylex and pelvis get full of pee and they stretch

stretch stim inherint pacemaker of SM

SM contracts it into the bladder
what role does the SNS play in peeing
1. Relaxes Detrusor
2. Contracts Internal Sphincter

**SNS inhibits peeing
what role does the PNS play in peeing
1. Contract detrusor
2. Relax internal sphincter

**PNS helps ya pee
what part of the ANS is active during bladder filling, emptying?
Filling: SNS
Emptying: PNS