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40 Cards in this Set

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Bible (in relation to Martin Luther)

Luther believed that if people believed in G-d people were saved → did not need to buy indulgences or even go through a priest. Religion should be based on the bible and not on church teachings and practices.


“Passes to heaven” offered by Church for $. you would buy these to go to heaven even if you had done horrible things and sinned. The church said that people could be stuck in purgatory (which is that place between earth and heaven and hell). Indulgences were supposed to be like express tickets out of purgatory into heaven. Only rich could afford . Poor thought church only served the rich.


Court against heresy (church court that went against heretics)


someone who publicly voiced criticism of the bible and church and gave very different views

Meaning of the word “faith

e. Meaning of the word “faith” → Faith= when you believe in something. For Ex: Luther believed that just having faith in God should be enough to send you to heaven, faith is just truly believing in your heart.

* we don’t need proof to believe in G-d

Ninety-Five Theses (what is it, where was it put, & why)

ist of the 95 complaints against the church that was hung by Martin Luther on Oct 31 All Hallow’s Eve, which was the night before All Saints Day on door of church in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517 listing all the things the church was doing wrong. This begins Protestant Reformation.


Luther believed that God knew from the start who would go to heaven and hell, no matter what they did.


When the Church sold church jobs and positions to the highest bidder (one way they gained money)

Vanities (what does the word mean? What are they?

Extra things you do not need but are luxuries, worthless pleasures (actually a mirror, wig, fancy costumes, make-up, art that wasn’t religious, classic books, musical instruments) Savonarola was against vanities like books that were not religious, he burned them. (bonfire of the vanities was when everyone through their vanities into a fire)

Blessed Bands

squads of children who spied on their parents and patrolled the streets, yelling at over dressed women and those who gambled. They were followers of Savonarola.


Arrabbiati- the angry

* Went to cathedrals and played pranks on the priests.


“the weepers”

Savonarola’s followers called “weepers” because Savonarolas sermons were so emotional that they cried (emotionally hard hitting)

followers of Savonarola → cried because they were so emotionally moved by his speeches

Church views on Copernicus and Galileo’s theories

-> Inquisition and what happened

Church said (and everyone had to believe) that earth was center of the heavens and all planets including sun rotated around the earth.

Copernicus was Polish scientist who said that earth was NOT the center of the heavens (1543), but he only used math, not telescope.

He dies and publishes his book, Church tries to ban his book, but too late, most have already read it.

Galileo, Italian scientist, used telescope to prove Copernicus was right. Galileo writes a book about his discoveries but tries to respect the church by making it a dialogue between three friends and calls it fiction. Church gets mad and he faces INQUISITION because what he says goes against bible but only gets house arrest.

Cosimo de Medici

good at politics

stopped wars by using diplomacy

first official of the medici

make them really richer

gave favors to peasant-> friends of friends

patron of the arts

love of learning

encouraged friends to borrow from his personal library

paid for students education

give back to community

Lorenzo de Medici

-Lorenzo was the grandson of Cosimo.

- Became head of Medici dynasty at a young age-20.

-Had life threatened in effort led by the pazzi family and supported by the pope-lost brother’s life. People rallied to avenge this tragedy.

-His opinion was valued and weighed in all government decisions though he never held public office.

-Kept peace through alliances-loans-gifts-bribes.

-Did not pay attention to business-almost collapsed entire empire.

-Prefered politics-and lost fortune by throwing lavish partying lifestyle.

-HUGE supporter of arts.-> patron non religious art -> went against what savonarola said


was against all vanities

took his ideas too far

against Humanism and non-religious ideas

hated leonardo because he thought that he was the reason for why florence did so many sins



make up


non religious books or paintings (obscene)



fake beards

fancy costumes



* horse races

Martin Luther

believed that faith was enough to get you into heaven = don't need to buy indulgences

believed that the closer someone gets to Rome, the further they get from G-d

you don't need a priest to connect to G-d

This means that since Rome is so sinful, the closer you are to sinning, the farther you are from god

believed that youre life was pre decided by god when you were born

translated bible into german (most common language) so it could be available to a wider audience


* In 1530 wrote book “on the revolutions of heavenly bodies” didn’t publish until almost dead → Church condemned book → his views go against the Church


Galileo read and was inspired by Copernicus’s book to learn MORE

Galileo “discovered” the telescope. He improved upon it significantly, but it was originally invented by Hans Lippershey

discovered that the moon was solid and other things about the planets

Leonardo da Vinci

Artist, scientist and engineer, humanist who bettered his state.

He was seized with the world around him, taking extensive notes and dissecting bodies.

He connected art with science, paying immense attention to detail and structure in both.

He painted with oil paints, and used many modern techniques. Painted mona-lisa.

He was interested in flight, studying birds and inventing items such as the mechanical lion, flying machine and the parachute.


Artist who worked whimsically (did things that intrigued him) and in secular topics-until influenced by savonarola to paint only religious topics.

agreed with Savonarola

pushed boundaries with art

used celebration of human body

Biggest patron was the Medici

After savonarola, was influenced and after that all paintings revolved around his orders → were dark and religious

What did Savonarola not approve of?

He did not approve of any vanities such as make-up and jewelry, and prostitutes and homosexuals. He also didn't like the ideas of humanism and any new ideas that didn't relate to religion.

How did Savonarola convince people to follow him?

he was a great public speaker and gave big seminars that made people cry. His speeches were so powerful and they brainwashed people into thinking that they should forget the ideas of humanism.

What occurred at the Bonfire of the Vanities?

Savonarola and this followers made a big bonfire. They threw books, and other vanities into the fire and burned them.

Why did the people eventually turn on Savonarola?

He disagreed with the pope and then excommunicated. An angry mob hung and burned his body.

How did the Catholic Church make its money?

* Made people feel bad if they didn't donate after Mass→ so the people donated which gave the church more money so they could spend it on themselves

Explain the corrupt practices of many Church members.

They drank

extravagant lifestyles

built very fancy churches and buildings

sold indulgences



priests and popes were not to be married and have families, but many had illegitimate children

Did little work

most were not educated+didn’t know much about the bible or even speak latin

What was the medieval view on the organization of the universe?

earth was in the middle and everything revolved around it

They believed that everything revolved around the earth and it was the center

What happened to cause the medieval view on the organization of the universe to change?

Galileo published a book on how the were wrong and the earth revolves around the sun.

What method did Copernicus use to make his discovery

cornucopious used mathematics to calculate the orbits of the planets

What did Copernicus say about the EARTH and the SUN?

Earth both revolves and orbits around the sun

What method did Galileo use to make his discovery?

Examine and observe

What did Galileo say about the EARTH and the MOON?

said that the moon was solid and like the earth had craters.

What invention is Galileo known for? Did he create it by himself?

Galileo is known for his telescope although he did not have the idea himself he made it all by himself.


Medieval: topic subject was jesus, mary, christianity, heaven, and hell, (all about religion) everything 2-d, flat, dark colors, tempera paint, largest object was the most important, no depth perception

Renaissance: subject topic its this world, nature, beauty, greek ideal of the human body, similar, 3-d, vanishing point, linear perspective, sfumato, chiaroscuro, and oil paint → 3 reasons

THings that illustrate this change: oil paint, linear perspective, sfumato, chiaroscuro (mona lisa)

Method of studying the world

Medieval: topic of study is christianity and the bible, mostly taught by monks or priests, only boys were educated (wealthy), mostly in latin

Renaissance: wealthy girls and middle class can get educated, humanist educated, philosophy, rhetoric, math etc., girls can get limited edj, studied greek roman texts

Things that showed this change: greeks of Roman texts, importance of humanism

Views of god and religions

Medieval: for poor they should persevere and push on in the hopes of a better afterlife in heaven. this life was only a way to get to heaven

Renaissance: this world is worthy of study & should be enjoyed, social mobility

became open to other ways to connect to god

Things that showed this change: growth of cities and trade gives gives new ideas of religion

“Experience never errs it is only your judgment that errs in promising itself results that are not caused by your experience.”

mistakes don't matter as long as you learn from them as known as learn from your mistakes.