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34 Cards in this Set

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Who did Paul write to?
Churches, Collegues or co-ministers, friends
Why did Paul write?
to thank people, enouragement, stay in touch, solve poblems, to meet emergencies
Why Paul did not believe that his letters would not be arond after his deat?
occasional letter for an immediate occasion, Thought Jesus would return in his lifetime, thought h present age was coming to a close
Reason's for Pauls continued influence today.
answers to problems, an example of encouragement, his morale teachings, his idea of Christ, used to determine heresy and false teaching
Paul 4 name's and definations.
Saul = small, Apostle to the gentile= called to spread the gosple to the non-jews, a slave to Jesus Christ= accountable to no-one but Christ, Least of the apostles= considered an outcast by other apostles
Paul influnced by two types of literature.
wisdom literature = deals with indivual nad everyday life, ethecicl rathe tha teological, deals with happiness; Apocalytic literature= gives hope to those in bondage, theological rather than ethical, deals with righteousness rather than happiness
Where Paul and stoyics agree.
both use illistrations from athletics and war, both want their reader to enure, both concerned with ethics, both place duty to God above all else, both called dualists
where Paul and Stoyics disagree.
God, providence, and suffering
why did Paul and Stoyics disagree about God
Stoyics saw God as impersonal law, Paul saw God as personal through Jesus
Why did Paul and stoyics disagree about providence?
stoyics see what happens to you as luck, fate, or chance ; Paul sees it as God's involvement in our lives
why did Paul and stoyics disagree about suffering?
stoyics would say to avoid people who are suffering, Paul says to suffer with those suffering
what are the two sources of information about Pauls life?
his own letters, Book of Acts
Why Pauls Roman citizenship was important?
Education, Freedom to travel, Had legal rights ( fair trial, right to appeal)
Paul's 4 languages and why necessary.
Hebrew= to study old testament, greek= able to read old testament in greek, Latin= caus he was a Roman-catholic, Aramic= used with his mother (natve tounge)
What was Pauls trade or profession?
Why Paul prosecuted the church?
he believed they were makig fun of God
What was Pauls conversion experience?
he did not change God, he changed the way he related to God, through the gospel instead of the law
why is Pauls conversion significant?
1) much of te persuction ends 2) Paul became a believer 3) he was called to preach to the Gentiles
Pauls two visits to Jerulem....when and why?
1) 3 years after conversion= to recieve informtion about Jesus 2)14 years later= to settle an arguemet of what was needed to be a christian
Pauls thorn in th flesh
1) seizers 2) eye trouble 3)malaria 4) peter and the boys 5) wife and kids 6) sexuality
4 ways Paul got his information about Jesus.
1) during his days of persuction 2) visits to Jerusalem 3) Ananias' letters 4) personal revolution
Charterstics of Pauls letters
Dictated, signed by Paul, delivered in Hand, wrote in greek
what did Paul say about celibacy?
Rather you be celibat if it is a gift from God, Mariiage is a remedy for sexual immorality
what did Paul say about divorce?
only in case of adultry, when a believer is married to a non-believer and the non-believer wants to leave
What did Paul say about spiritual marriage?
living togeather with out having sex......too much temptation
what is the criteria to judge if something is a gift from God.
1) it lifts Jesus up, or the indivual 2) is whats eing said meant to build-up or ter down
charteristics of the nature of the church
Christ rules, God is praised, spirit dwells, God's will is revealed, God's gift's are received
charteristics of new life in the church
no lying, anger is ok, earn an honest living, give to the poor, use only words that build up, Dont make the holy spirit sad, love and forgive
What are the two parts of the Book af acts?
1) deals with church's established by Peter and the boys, 2) deals with church's established by Paul
main points of the Catholic epistles
God's revalation hrough Jesus is complete, Jesus is the mediator between us and God, Believers are to practice acts of charity, we should be examples of behvior to the world, keep alive the hope for the second coming
contrast in Jesus when it comes to the gospels and revalation
in the gospels Jesus came to forgive sinners, Revalation Jesus came to punish sinners
charteristics of the book of revalations
History is divided into 2 periods of time, Humanity is divided into 2 groups, no human effort can change God's mind, Afterlife
How is history divided in time in revalation?
the current wicked time, and future age of perection
How is humanity divided into 2 groups in the book of revalation?
majority of people walk in darkness, miority are faithful an will receive salvation