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82 Cards in this Set

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Who was the second son of Abraham? Who was this son's mother? What was Jacob's nickname? Where does the word "Judaism" come from?

Isaac. Sarah. Israel. The Tribe of Judah.

Tell where each of the following groups of Jews comes from:




Ashkenazi- Germany and Eastern Europe

Sephardic- Spain, Portugal, and N Africa

Mizrachi- other Middle Eastern countries such as Yemen and Iraq

Explain the two different ways of being Jewish. When is someone no longer considered a Jew?

1. Jew by Birth- a person is Jewish if their mother is Jewish. Reform Judaism says a person is Jewish if their mother or father is Jewish.

2. Jew by Choice- A gentile can convert to Judaism by studying Jewish Tradition with a rabbi and going through a conversion ceremony

Name and explain the belief of ancient Jews that set them apart from all other ancient peoples. According to the Hebrew Scriptures, what is the expression that describes that nature of the eternal God?

Monotheism- the belief in one, supreme, personal God who is the creator and sustainer of the universe. "I am who am"

How does Judaism view history?

God creates history, acts in history by establishing covenants, and is the goal of the history. History is thought of as linear (from beginning to an end), not cyclical

Who was the Jewish prophet who led the Exodus? According to many historians, about when did the Exodus take place? What is the meaning of this event? Where did this prophet receive the Ten Commandments?

Moses. 1250 BC. To allow Israelites to return to the land of their ancestors. Mount Sinai.

Who destroyed Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem? In which year?

Babylonians. 586 BC.

Who destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem? In which year? Which part of the Second Temple area is still standing which serves as a place for Jews to pray?

Romans. 70 AD. The Western Wall.

What is the name of the movement which began in the late 19th century CE to create a Jewish homeland in the Middle East?

In which year was the modern country Israel created?

Give three reasons why the modern country of Israel is important to many Jews.

Zionism. 1948.

1. It is the land of the Bible.

2. Land of security (the law of return in light of the Holocaust)

3. It is the only country where Jews live as a majority

What does the word "prophet mean? Name three Jewish prophets. According to the Prophetic Principle, what is the prerequisite of political stability?

Someone who speaks for God.

Joshua, Isaiah, Jeremiah.

Social Justice.

What are the Hebrew names and their meaning of the three divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures? Because of the name of these three divisions, how do many Jews refer to their scriptures? Give the names of the five books that make up the first division. How many commandments are mentioned in the first five books of the Hebrew Scripture?

Torah- teaching

Nevi'im- prophets

Ketuvim- writings


Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy


According to many modern biblical scholars, what are the names of the four sources of the first division and some of the second division of the Hebrew Scriptures, and about when were they written?

P Source- 500 BCE

D Source- 600 BCE

E Source 700 BCE

J Source- 900 BCE

What is the meaning of the Hebrew word "Messiah"? What are two different biblical meanings of the Messiah? What is the difference between the Jewish belief and the Christian belief about the Messiah? How do modern Jews disagree about the Messiah?

Messiah- "anointed one"

Political-religious king or someone who would bring about God's rule on earth

Jews- one part- hasn't happened

Christians- two parts- half happened

There can't be a Messiah because there is still war and violence in the world.

What is the Talmud? What does it contain? What are the names of its two major parts, and when was each completed?

Written version of the Oral Law.

It contains commentary on the commandments of the Torah and sayings and stories of the ancient rabbis.

Mishnah 200 CE

Gemara 600 CE

What are the three major branches of modern Judaism, and why are they different from each other? Give two examples showing the difference between various Jewish groups concerning different interpretations of living Jewish tradition.

Orthodox- believe written laws in Scripture and Oral Laws in Talmud should be followed in any age.

Can NOT drive on Sabbath

Do NOT accept homosexuality

Conservative- believe written laws were from God but oral laws were not.

Can drive on Sabbath only to Temple

Do NOT accept homosexuality

Reform- believe written and oral laws can be updated and modernized.

Can drive anywhere on Sabbath

Do accept homosexuality

According to the Jewish dietary laws in the first section of the Hebrew Scriptures, what are the three conditions for land animals to be considered kosher? What are two things that water animals must have to be kosher? Which two kinds of food cannot be eaten at the same time? This custom comes from the rabbinic interpretation of which sentence that is repeated three times in the first division of the Hebrew Scriptures?

1. Has a split hoof

2. Chew their cud

3. Are domesticated

1. Has fins

2. Has scales

Dairy and Meat

"You shall not boil a kid in its mother's milk"

The Sabbath


Beginning of the Year

Rosh Hashanah

The day of atonement

Yom Kippur

Feast of the Tabernacles


Rejoicing of the law

Simchat Torah

The Festival of Dedication




Holocaust remembrance

Yom Hashoa

Feast of Weeks


"Hear O Israel! The Lord is Our God, The Lord is one."


Leather boxes on forehead and arms


Doorframe box with scroll inside


Prayer shawl


Hebrew for peace and wholeness


Hebrew for mending or repairing the world

Tikkun 'olam



dietary laws


laws written in Scripture and Oral laws


Sect of Orthodox Judaism


Ritual circumcision

brit milah

adulthood ceremony for boys

bar mitzvah

adulthood ceremony for girls

bat mitzvah

Wedding canopy


Seven days of mourning


Small hat worn


Seven branched candlestick


Star of David

Mogen David

What and when were the three stages in the separation of Christianity from Judaism? For each stage, give the question that was answered in the negative by Christian leaders.

1. Council of Jerusalem- 50AD. "Must a Gentile become a Jew in order to become a Christian?"

2. The Writing of the Gospels in the Christian Scripture- 70-100AD. "Does Judaism remain a path of salvation after the death of Jesus?"

3. Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire- 4th century AD. "May a Christian observe any Jewish practices?"

What is meant by the "Deicide charge" of early Christian teachers?

They held Jews responsible for the death of Christ

What is meant by the "supersessionist teaching" of early Christianity?

Judaism is no longer a valid religion because Christianity replaced it

Besides the deicide charge and the supersessionist teaching, what are three other elements of the teaching known as "Christian Anti-Judaism"?

Jews are a:

1. Blind people

2. Demonic people

3. Wandering people

Give three examples to show that the Nazis' anti-Jewish legislation and their treatment of the Jews were not original.

Christians first said:

1. Prohibition of intermarriage with Jews

2. Not allowed to eat with Jews

3. No new synagogues can be built

What were three incredible lies that some medieval Christians told about Jews in order to justify the torture and murder of some Jews by some Christians?

1. Ritual Murder

2. Host Desecration

3. Well Poisoning

Give three recommendations that Martin Luther made in a sermon in 1543 about what should happen to Jews in Germany so that they would no longer live in ghettos but be assimilated into Christian society.

1. Their houses should be ravaged and destroyed.

2, Their rabbis should be forbidden to teach.

3. They should be forced to perform hard manual labor.

What is the name of the late 19th century forgery that has since been published around the world which blames Jews for trying to take over the world?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

What are the three major themes of Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf?

1, Versailles Treaty

2. Hatred of International Communism

3. Hatred of Jews

Name the six death camps which the Nazis established for what they called the "Final Solution." In which country were they located? Why were they located there?







Poland, because it had the largest Jewish population.

Approximately how many Jews were murdered? What percentage of European and Russian Jews were murdered? What percentage of the world?

6 million

Explain the three causes of the Holocaust

1. Nazi "racial" antisemitism2. Nazis defined "the Aryan race" as the master race.3.The Nazis taught their racist ideas in German schools, creating "Hitler Youth"

Who was the pop of the Catholic Church during the Holocaust? Explain the controversy about how he responded to the Holocaust.

Pope Pius XII.

He never publicly embarrassed the Nazis even though he knew what was going on.

What does the Second Vatican Council's "Nostra Aetate" teach about Jews and Judaism?

1. Rejected supersessionist teaching

2. Rejected the Deicide charge

3, Condemned antisemitism

What are three things that the 1998 Vatican document "We Remember: Reflections on the Shoah" acknowledged?

1. The many centuries of Christian antisemitism

2. The sins of many Christians in the Holocaust

3. Those Christians who protected and rescued Jews in the Holocaust

What are three lessons of the Holocaust?

1. People must speak out against the blasphemy of "historical revisionists" who deny the Holocaust

2. An International Genocide Bureau should be created

3. Need to enforce "Responsibility to Protect"

What was the main message of Rabbi Jesus of Nazereth? What does this mean?

"The kingdom of God is at hand." This is the time of peace, love, and justice for all.

Which language did Jesus speak? In which language were the books of the Christian Scriptures written? What are the names of the four gospels? When do most scholars believe each was written? What do biblical scholars mean by "synoptic problem" and the "Q" Source?



Matthew (80 AD)

Mark (70 AD)

Luke (80 AD)

John (90 AD)

Synoptic problem is explaining why the synoptic gospels (matthew, mark, and luke) have many stories in common.

Q- emphasizes the sayings of Jesus

Which two gospels in the Christian Scriptures have stories of Jesus' birth? In which town do these stories say Jesus was born? Why? Give three differences between the two infancy narratives.

Matthew and Luke.


Following the prophecy from Micah.

1. Matthew written for Jews, Luke written for Christians.

2. Matthew emphasizes Joseph's dreams, Luke emphasizes Mary's dreams.

3. Matthew does not mention baby John the Baptist, Luke does mention him.

For early Christians, what did the Greek letters for "fish" stand for?

Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior

How was Jesus' life and teaching different from these groups of Jews:





Sadducees- Jesus was a religious liberal and wanted change.

Essenes- Jesus traveled throughout Israel preaching and teaching.

Zealots- Jesus preached the love of enemies

Pharisees- Jesus emphasized God's compassion and forgiveness of sinners.

What are the two kinds of stories about Jesus after his death that produced the Christian Church and its Christology? What does the resurrection of Christ mean, and what does it not mean?

1. Jesus' tomb being found empty

2. Appearances or visions of Christ to his followers

It meant a total transformation from the physical to the spiritual.

It did not mean political conquering.

What are some differences between the way many non-Christians view Jesus and the way Christians view Jesus?

Prophet, Rabbit, Divine incarnation

Explain the Christian belief in the Trinity.

What did Gnosticism deny?

What is the name of the creed written in 325 AD that defined the Trinity?

It was written in order to counteract which heretical teaching?

What did this heretical teaching deny?

One God can be experienced as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

It denied the humanity of Jesus.

Nicene Creed.


It denied the Full Divinity of Jesus.

In which year did Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire? How did this change Christianity's teaching about war?

380 AD

Many Christians then followed the "Just War Teaching"

In which year did Christianity split into the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church?

What is the Latin word that Western European Christians added to the creed that defined the Trinity?

What does it mean in English?

Give three other reasons for this Great Schism.

1054 AD.


"and from the Son"

1. The authority of the Pope

2. Latin Vs. Greek

3. Priestly celibacy vs. Married clergy

Why did Martin Luther criticize the selling of indulgences?

What do Protestant Christians mean by "justification by faith alone"?

He said it would give Christian the idea that they could buy their way into heaven.

A person is saved only by their faith in Jesus Christ.

According to Roman Catholic Christianity, who is the earthly leader of the Church?


What is meant by "papal infallibility"?

The Bishop of Rome (the pope)

Peter, leader of the apostles, was the first bishop of Rome.

The Pope alone has the authority to teach without error, but only on matters of faith and morals.

How many books are in a Catholic Bible?

How many books are in most Protestant Bibles? Why is there this difference in numbers?

Name four books that are in a Catholic Bible which are not in most Protestant Bibles.



7 others written during the Greek period of Jewish history on top of Hebrew Scriptures.



1st Maccabees

2nd Maccabees

Name and describe the two basic ways of interpreting biblical stories.

1. Literalist- sto

2. Contextualist-

Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:


Martin Luther

Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:



Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:



Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:



Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:

the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)


Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:

Jehovah's Witnesses


Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:

the Church of Christ, Scientist

Mary Baker Eddy

Know the names of the people who began the following Christian groups:

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What is the name of the book added to the Bible by these people?
Joseph Smith

The Book of Mormon