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50 Cards in this Set

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What did Constantine rename his capital?
What was Constantinople's previous name?
What does Hagia Sophia mean?
Saint of the Church
What defensive structure preserved Constantinople for centuries from invasions?
a series of walls along its western edge
What was the language of the East and the original language of almost the entire New Testament?
What was the importance of the Codex Justinianus?
it was used as a basis for developing canon law
What heresy said Chris possessed only one nature and was supported by Empress Theodora?
Who was considered the last great ruler in the Roman tradition?
Emperor Justinian
Who was Justinian I's wife?
What is an Icon?
a 2-dimensional image of Christ, Mary, or the Saints
Four elements in an icon
vegetable, animal, mineral, human
people who preserved and venerated icons
what does iconoclast mean
Image breaker
In 726, this person declared that all icons were occasions for idolatry and ordered their destruction
Emperor Leo III
Who established the Carolingian dynasty
Pepin the Short
On what day was Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor and by whom
In 800 by Pope St. Leo III
Charlemagne was the first to receive this title
Holy Roman Emperor
Who were the Saxons
band of pagan tribes who lived in NE Germany
What did Charlemagne contribute to the Western European culture
The Carolingian Renaissance emphasizing education and art
most influential scholar of the Carolingian Renaissance
why did Patriarch Ignatius of Constantinople refuse Holy Communion to high official Bardas
because of rumors of Adultery
when was the Great Schism
The two major cities of the Eastern and Western Churches are
Constantinople and Rome
Symbolic relationship between the Patriarch of Constantinople and the Eastern Emperor
Under which Patriarch did the Schism occur
Michael Cerularius
Fillioque is Latin for
and the Son
three modern popes that have tried to heal the Schism are
John Paul II; Pope Paul VI; Pope Benedict XVI
what event precipitated the Great Schism
mutual excommunication
who delivered the disastrous papal reply for excommunication in 1054
Cardinal Humbert and Frederick of Larraine
Factors contributing to the Schism
Politics; Papal Power; Practices
Title of the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Ecumenical Patriarch
what year did charlemagne die
who succeeded Charlemagne
his son Louis the Pious
What did King Louis do that contributed to the downfall of the Carolingian Dynasty?
he divided his kingdom among his three sons
what is feudalism?
A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.
what is a vassal
a wealthy landowning lord
what is nepotism
the appointment of family members to important posistions of authority
where are the vikings from
first abbot of the Cluny Monastary
St. Berno
what was the special privelegium to the Cluny Monastary by Pope Benedict VIII and why was it important
He let them be free from the authority of kings, bishops, and nobles, and they were to only answer to the papacy. This is important because it freed them from the troublesomeness of feudalism
who reunited the Holy Roman Empire
Otto I, the Great
Who was the first pope to preach on the crusades
Pope Bl. Urban II
lay investure controversy
controversy between the church and state over who could appoint bishops, secular or religious leaders.
Under whose Papacy was the lay investure controversy adressed
Pope St. Gregory VII
document that ened the lay investiture controversy
Concordat of Worms
what HRE did penance by standing barefoot in the snow outside a villa to seek a return to the Church
Henry IV
who was the martyred English Saint who defended the Church's right to appoint bishops against King Henry II
St. Thomas a Becket
What other monastery movements began in the eleventh century
the Cistercians and the Carthusians
who was the Cistercian monk who was so influential to bishops and popes of his time, it was called the....
Age of St. Bernard
who founded the Carthusian monks
St. Bruno