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152 Cards in this Set

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A theological virtue, a gift from God; the habit of responding positively to God
- Faith is a theological virtue
- Faith is a gift from God
- Faith is an authentically human act, by which we trust God and his love
- Faith is the beginning of eternal life, the experience of friendship with God
- Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit
- God is the beginning and end of our faith
- Faith is a human act by which we completely trust God
- Faith is certain that God is in control of our destiny, and he knows what is best for us
- Faith is our freely chosen habit of responding positively God
The one and only Supreme Being who always existed and who will always continue to exist; there are three Persons in one God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
The spiritual principle of humans
Ones calling or destiny in life
God’s communication of himself and his plan of loving goodness throughout history; Scripture and Tradition together make up the one source of his revelation
God’s written word, composed by human authors and inspired by the Holy Spirit
The living and authentic transmission of the teachings of Jesus in the Church
A solemn promise, or agreement, made between two parties; the word means testament
A savior sent by God to redeem people from the power of sin and everlasting death and to restore them to God’s friendship
A process of continuous change from a simple form to a more complex form. As a theory of the development of life forms. Evolution includes the idea, for example, that apes and humans have a common ancestor
The theory that the Genesis story in the Bible is literally true, that god created the universe and everything in it in six days out of nothing
The belief that there is no God
The belief in many Gods
The believe in only one God
Worship of a false god
The mystery of three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) in one God.
Created beings who are pure spirits with intelligence and free will, but without bodies, who act as God’s messengers
The responsibility God gave humans to take care of the earth and everything in it
Original sin
The first decision by humans to disobey god. All people (except Jesus and Mary) are born with original sin, a wounded human nature that is tempted to choose wrong over right.
Ten commandments
The ten fundamental moral laws given by God to his people and recorded in the Old Testament
The official public prayer of the Church through which Christ continues the work of redemption through the Church’s celebration of the Paschal Mystery
An effective sign, establish by Jesus and given to his Church, by which God shares his life through the work of the Holy Spirit
The sacrament of new life in God and of incorporation into the Church performed with water and the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”; the first Sacrament of Initiation
A Sacrament at Service of Communion, the sacrament that celebrates the sacred covenant between baptized man and woman who promise to be faithful to one another until death. Marriage is ordered to the mutual love of the spouses and to the procreation and education of children
Worship and honor given to God as Creator and Sustainer of all that is
The good news- the message of Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. In the New Testament of the Bible, there are four Gospels- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John- four accounts of Jesus’ life, teachings, death, and Resurrection
Name that means “God saves”; Jesus of Nazareth is Savior God sent to redeem people from sin and eternal death
The Anointed One, the Messiah, Jesus Christ. As Messiah, Jesus restored all people to communion and friendship with God through his life, death, and Resurrection
The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, while remaining God, assumed a human nature and became man. The Son of God became true man while remaining true God.
To restore to friendship. Jesus reconciled all people to God through his life, death, and Resurrection
The announcement of the angel Gabriel that through the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary, though a virgin, was to be the mother of the Son of god, who would be called Jesus. The Church celebrates the feast on March 25.
Immaculate conception
The Church teaching that God favored Mary be preserving her from all stain of original sin from the first moment of her conception.
The Church teaching that, at the end of her life, Mary, body and soul, was “taken up” into heaven. The church celebrates this feast on August 15.
A revealing or showing after Jesus’ birth, God revealed to people other than the Jews, represented by the magi, that Jesus was the long-promised Messiah
The event in which Jesus reveals his divine glory to his Apostles. This event prefigures or points to the Resurrection of Jesus
Kingdom of God
God’s reign of justice, love, and peace
Jesus’ eight teachings about the meaning and path to true happiness which depict the attitudes and actions that followers of Christ should have and the way to live in God’s kingdom today. They describe the way to attain the eternal holiness or blessedness to which God calls all people.
Suffering servant
According to Isaiah, the one who would unjustly, but willingly, suffer and die for others
Intense suffering for another, out of love for that person. The passion of Christ refers to the suffering and death of Jesus Christ out of love for humanity.
God’s raising of Jesus from death to new life
Paschal mystery
The events involved in our redemption: the passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus
God’s saving activity in Jesus in freeing humankind from the bonds of sin and eternal death; the word means buying back or ransoming
The serious sin of showing contempt or lack of reverence for God and his name
A form of capital punishment by which a person was tied or nailed to a cross; the death of Jesus on the cross
The taking up of the risen Christ to heaven
Second coming
The return of Jesus Christ as King and Judge at the end of time
An offense against God that causes a rupture of communion with him, wounds our human nature, and injures solidarity with others
Mortal sin
A very serious wrong that is contrary to God’s law. The effect of mortal sin- if not repented- is eternal separation from God
Venial sin
A less serious wrong that weakens, but does not destroy, our relationship with God and other people, or a serious wrong done without full knowledge or free will
Holy Thursday
The Thursday before Easter. On this night, the Church celebrates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper of Jesus.
Good Friday
The Friday before Easter; the day Jesus died on the cross for our redemption
Easter vigil
The opening liturgy of the Easter celebration, held after rundown on Holy Saturday, during which salvation history is recounted and adults are initiated into the catholic Church
What are four descriptions of faith?
1-a gift from God
2-it’s the beginning of eternal life
3-it’s a choice that everyone makes individually
4- when you fully trust God with all your being
Explain what the term theological virtue means.
The ways God wants us to live.
What are four ways that God takes the first step to let us know that he is there and that
-through the bible
-through the people
-through actions
-through history
What is revelation?
-the way God makes himself known to us
-through revelations he expresses his plans and communicates to us
What is the Bible? How many books does it contain? How are these books arranged?
The Bible is the written word of God, inspired to humans by God. The Bible contains 73 books and is divided between the Old and New Testament. The Old Testaments is about the Israelites and the covenant God made with them to protect them, it contains 27 books. The New Testament is 46 books and contains the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Which books occupy a central place in the New Testament? Why?
What do we mean when we say that God is the author of Scripture?
God inspired humans to write the Gospel, which is what we mean when we say God is the author if Scripture.
Why must we be careful about the way we interpret the Bible?
The Bible is similar to the story of the blind men and the elephant, because we need to look at the overall meanings of the stories rather than focusing on all of the details
What task of the Apostles does the Church continue? What is one way the Church does this?
The Church preaches the gospel to every generation and one way is known as the creed.
What are the names of two Christian creeds? How are they the same and different?
Apostles Creed: written about the intentions of the apostles (shorter)
Nicene Creed: said at mass, longer, mentions apostles, talks about baptism, written by council of Nicaea in 325
Similar: summary of our beliefs
What is the relationship between faith and human dignity?
Human dignity is the respect that all people deserve because they are made in God’s likeness and faith is the way we show our respect and beliefs of love towards God.
What is prayer?
A prayer is the tool that helps the relationship between you and God grow. It is a dialogue between you and God.
What are five different types of prayer- explain?
Praise- joy filled response to God
Adoration and Blessing- respectful praise of God’s awesomeness
Intercession- petitions for others
Petition- asking God for help
Thanksgiving- prayer of gratitude
How can the Catholic faith be best described: polytheistic, monotheistic, or atheistic? Why?
Monotheistic-because we believe that there is only one God
What are the six traditional attributes of God?
What are additional attributes of God?
Do these attributes adequately describe God? Why?
These attributes attempt to describe God and help us understand a little more what he is like, but they don’t adequately describe him because he is always more than humans can describe; he is incomprehensible and a mystery.
What does it mean to say that God is Father?
We proclaim that God is the origin of everything and that he has authority over everything he has created. Secondly, we express our faith in God’s fatherly care for all his children. Thirdly, we witness to the fact that he is the father of his only begotten son who is the son only in relation to his father.
What does it mean to say that God is Son?
He is the second Person of the Trinity who took on human nature and became man. He became one like us in all things except sin.
What does it mean to say that God is Spirit?
That God is transcendent, beyond all possible experience and knowledge. He is greater than us; he is outside us. He is personal, that is, united through love with all of creation. This is the God we find in loving relationships with others. He is immanent, in other words, embedded with creation. God is within us. We identify The Holy Spirit as the God within and believe that he dwells in the entire Church and in each baptized person. We recognize that he is a personal being that opens us to the gift of faith.
What are the first three commandments?
1-I am the Lord your god; you shall not have strange gods before me.
2-You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
3-Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day holy.
What do the commandments tell about humans’ relationship and obligations toward God?
They show that humans must put God before anything else and that we must love him with all our heart, soul, and mind.
How does Baptism celebrate God as Trinity?
It does it by baptizing the children in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In addition, the water represent God as the father, who created water at the beginning of life; the candle reminds us that Jesus, God as the Son, is the light of the world; and the person being baptized is anointed with the Holy Spirit.
How does Marriage celebrate God as Creator?
It does because God created man and woman for a sacred partnership that reflects his relationship with humankind and the union between Christ and his Church. Through marriage, the bride and groom share in God’s own creativity.
What is a prayer of adoration?
It is a prayer of worship and honor given to God. They affirm God as Creator of all. There is an acknowledgement of respect, honor, and reverence of him who is the Creator from the one who is created.
How does belief in God affect a person’s life?
It causes the person to be humble because they will never forget their place before God, they will live every day with a sense of thanksgiving for the gift of life, they will recognize the human dignity of all people that comes to everyone through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will accept their responsibility to take care of the world, and they will trust God in every circumstance.
What does the name Jesus mean? What does the title Christ mean? What does the title Son of God mean in reference to Jesus? What does the title Lord mean?
Jesus means “God saves” and Christ means “the anointed one”. The Son of God means that he is truly human and truly divine. Jesus became the son of God when he was baptized. The title Lord means you are professing his divinity
What are the four Gospels that are included in the New Testament? Why are there differences, and sometimes contradictions, among these Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the names of the four Gospels. These Gospels are not an accurate retell of Jesus’ life but are rather a profession of faith.
What is the Incarnation? When does the Church celebrate this mystery of faith?
The Incarnation is when God became flesh through Jesus. The Church celebrates this mystery of faith on December 25.
According to the Catechism, what are four major reasons that the Son of God became human?
To reconcile us with God
To show God’s unconditional love for us
To be our model of holiness
To make us partakers of the divine nature
As told by the writers of the Gospels according to Matthew and Luke, what were the major events in the childhood of Jesus?
Jesus’ true birthday is not on December 25 but it is the winter solstice and the first day of the Roman calendar. Jesus was born in a stable and circumcised 8 days later. Jesus and his family later fled to Egypt to avoid persecution.
What are the four key points Jesus taught about the kingdom of God?
-While the Kingdom of God is fully realized at the end of time, it is fully realized in Jesus and present today.
-God calls everyone to enter the Kingdom.
-To enter the Kingdom of God we must put our faith into action.
-We gain access to God’s Kingdom through the Church
What are miracles? What are the four types of miracles that Jesus worked?
Jesus performs miracles to show God’s love, it is a sign of God’s power and presence.
- Healing Miracles –ex: Healing the ten lepers
- Exorcisms – ex: Jesus heals a possessed person
- Raising of the Dead – ex: Lazarus
- Nature Miracles – ex: calming the storm
What were the Gospel writers showing us about Jesus when they wrote about the Transfiguration?
They were showing us how Jesus acknowledges his divinity and humanity. Jesus reveals his divine glory to the Apostles in the Transfiguration.
What is the basic outline of the Liturgy of the Word at Mass?
First Reading: Old testament or Acts of the Apostles (assembly sits to receive the word)
- Responsorial Psalm: Sung in Reflection on First Reading
- Second Reading: New Testament Epistles or letters
- Alleluia and Gospel Acclamation(Assembly stands in praise and reverence
- Gospel
- Homily
- Nicene Creed and general intercessions (the liturgy of the word ends)
What are the four steps to use when praying with Scripture (lectio divina)?
- Read a specific scripture passage, especially from the Gospel- put yourself in the scene.
- Meditate in a quiet place: Ask yourself what is God saying to me in this passage?
- Pray by simply talking to God: Respond to God’s message
- Act: How is this passage calling me to think or act in a new way?
What are the Beatitudes?
- The foundation of Jesus’ message and of the Christian life
How was Jesus a different Messiah from what many people were expecting?
The Jewish people were waiting for a messiah who they thought would be a rich and powerful king or military leader. Jesus was not what they expected because he was a suffering servant.
Why did certain people want Jesus to be put to death?
The Jewish council accuses Jesus of blasphemy or showing contempt for God, and for that Jesus is sentenced to death.
How does each passion narrative present Jesus?
All of the passion narratives show that Jesus’ death was part of God’s loving plan and that he was the long promised Messiah. Matthew presents Jesus as the suffering servant. Mark presents Jesus as the mediator between heaven and earth. Like presents Jesus as the righteous one who is persecuted and later vindicated by God. John presents Jesus as the Passover lamb.
What is the Christian attitude toward suffering?
Christians believe suffering is a part of being human and that it can either cause one to turn away from God or can bring one closer to God and help make their faith stronger
What happened at the Last Supper of Jesus?
Jesus shares the traditional Passover meal with his Apostles, family and friends just before his death. In this meal, known as the Last Supper, Jesus establishes a New Covenant.
What does Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gethsemane tell us about the faith of the Apostles?
The Apostles were not fully faithful, and they fled. Judas betrayed Jesus.
Who is to blame for the death of Jesus? Why does the death of Jesus not justify anti-Semitism?
Because we are all sinners, we must each assume responsibility for his death. The redemption Jesus won applies to all people in all history, not just those who live on earth after him
What does the Apostles’ Creed mean when it says that Jesus was buried and descended into hell?
Jesus went to hell to free those who lived and died before him. He went to “open heaven gates”.
How do the Gospels try to show us that the Resurrection of Jesus was a historical event and not just something the Apostles made up?
Jesus’ Resurrection is a historically verified New Testament account. Jesus appeared to the apostles and there were witnesses.
What is the Ascension of Jesus? What does the Church believe about this event?
Jesus ascends into heaven. This event is known as the Ascension, and it marks Jesus’ entrance into heaven.
What are the capital sins? What do these sins tell us about human morality?
Capital sins are attitudes or tendencies that lead to other sins. It tells us that human morality is not based on external actions alone. It also includes a person’s inner attitudes and motivations
What are the four main events of Holy Week? What does the Church celebrate at these liturgies?
Holy Thursday = Last Supper + institution of the Eucharist
Good Friday = passion and death of Jesus in the cross
Good Saturday = Jesus’ time in the tomb
Easter Vigil = Jesus is the light of the world
When does the liturgical year begin?
What are the two types of time?
Chronos- time that we measure
Kairos- God’s special time
What does the liturgical calendar help us do?
It helps us celebrate the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus
What are the churchs five seasons?
Ordinary Time
Advent color and symbol
Advent wreath
Advent theme
A time of waiting
for the Messiah
preparing for Christmas
final judgment/Second Coming
Christmas theme
The birth of Christ
The incarnation
Ordinary time theme
The public ministry of Christ
Lent Theme
Easter Theme
New Life
Advent Prayers
Good Deeds (toy drives)
Christmas Prayers
Acts of Kindness
Ordinary Time Prayers
Discipleship following Jesus’ teaching in the routine of everyday life
Lent Prayers
Easter Prayers
Sharing our life with others
MSB birth when and where
She was born in Joigny, France on December 13, 1779.
MSB family life
She had a brother, Louis, a sister, Marie, a mom and a dad. Her brother Louis was 11 years older than her and so he educated her. Marie was only 2 years older than her. Her dad was a winegrower and was very educated in nature. Her mom was very educated intellectually and therefore she also educated Sophie.
What subjects did Louie teach her
He taught her religion but then he took her to Paris to learn math, Latin, French, and Spanish.
Why was Louie imprisoned
He was imprisoned for studying to become
Lifestyle in France when MSB went
French Revolution
Motto of msb
Courage and confidence
Father Varin
Father Joseph Varin was a Jesuit who had to start a community of women devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to prayer and sacrifice, and destined to educate girls. He was Louis Barat’s close friend.
Mission of group
The mission was to make known the revelation of God’s love whose source and symbol is the Heart of Christ.
When did msb and her friends consecrate themselves to the sacred heart
They consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart on November 21, 1800.
First school
Who brought Sacred Heart to the New World? when
St. Philippine Duchesne brought the Society of the Sacred Heart to the New World on May 29, 1818.
Msb death
MSB died on May 25, 1865.
How many foundations had been made in how many countries? What are some implications for this?
122 foundations have been made in 16 countries. These foundations are welcoming many people and even if some did fail there are many others that still spread the word of God.
Under what circumstances was msb born
premature and frail.
Occupation during French rev
Sophie was a seamstress and later became an excellent embroidress.
When did she discover her devotion to the sacred heart
Sophie discovered her devotion to the Sacred Heart when her brother was released from jail.
What is RPD known as
Heart of the Oak
Where was rpd born
Grenoble france on august 2, 1769
What class was rpd part of
Upper class
Who taught rpd
Her mom and tutors
Family background of RPD
8 brothers and sisters
Mother was very religious
1781 Philippine and her cousin Josephine were sent to a boarding school- St. Marie on High
Life before MSB
Excelled in academics
She loved the Visitation nuns spirituality
Prayed before the Blessed sacrament with the nuns
Parents found out she wanted to become a nun- removed her from the school
Rpd’s return to convent
At 17 she was betrothed to a man selected by her dad
She convinces her Aunt Marie to take her back to the convent to visit the nuns
Refuses to leave
1788Received habit and veil
1789 French Revolution closes her convent
She has to go back home
Philippines nurses the imprisoned priests and the sick and poor
Why did rpd go to us
When the bishop of New Orleans, William Du Bourg, requested nuns for his huge Louisiana diocese, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne came to the US
1818She arrived in New Orleans
RPD + journey to US
Set sail March 21, 1818
70 day journey
Once they were stopped by pirates
It was a stormy bad trip
Boat= Rebecca
Once in US
Bishop Du Bourg found the nuns a modest wooden house - First convent of the SH in America
September they opened doors to 181, free school for poor girls
Shortly a day school opened girls slept in mattresses on the floor
Many challenges with languages
RPD + # of schools she is founder of
Founder of 18 schools of the sacred heart
First school in America
First school in America in city of St. Louis 1818
When was rpd canonized
Canonized in 1989
Sugar Creek Kansas
At age 71 she went to Sugar Creek to work with the Pottawatomie
Could not learn the language so she sewed and cooked
She was a risk taker
She was called the Woman who prays always
When did RPD die
Died on November 18, 1852 at the age of 83
Where did RPD spend her last few years
Her last years were spent at St. Charles