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255 Cards in this Set

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The 1st Great Awakening was during:
mid 18th century
Revivals in Great Awakenings refers to :
i. Substantial religious gatherings
ii. Still happen today
iii. Collective, nation-wide rejuvenation of Protestantism
Evangelicalism is:
conversion experience
The Emergence of evangelicalism refers to these points:
i. Evangelicalism- conversion experience
ii. It is the more conservative Christianity
iii. Conservative in morality
iv. Evangelicals will talk about being born again
True or False Evangelicalism is not more conservative than Christianity?
False it is more Conservative.
2nd Great Awakening was during
turn of 19th century
Ecumenism refers to:
dialogue among Christians denominations (different Christian churches)
True or False: The Catholic Church has participated in Ecumenism as apposed to the Protestant Church not Participating?
False, only Protestant denominations participate, not the Catholic Church.
National Council of Churches occured:
During the Year 1949
National Council of Churches was
consortium of Protestant churches, talk about differences and similarities of the denominations
In addition to the National Council of Churches there is also:
There is also a World Council of Churches
Since 1960, there has been:
Decline in mainline Protestants; More and more people are leaving the more traditional denominations like the Lutheran church or the Methodist church
Religious Right refers to:
right-wing political, religious, and social movements, very defined by politics, it’s a broad term
Christian Coalition is
is one such group of religious rights, mobilizes other Christians depending on political views
Mega Churches are:
churches that has more than 2,000 members
Prosperity gospel refers to:
one of the things that we see with the mega church phenomenon is the connection between Christianity and consumerism e.g. Starbucks in the church and a church next to a mall
In Mega Churches the idea is
If you’re rich, God loves you, and the richer you get, the more blessed you are
Pentecostalism was first formed:
In Topeka, Kansas by Charles Fox Parham who felt baptized at a revival by the Holy Spirit
Eventually Parham meets:
William Joseph Seymour, an African-American pastor in L.A.. Seymour in 1906 begins a series of revivals called the Azusa Street Revivals and last until 1909
Most Pentecostal Revivals occurred amongst:
Poor African-American and Latino groups.
The Storefront Church was:
A church that didn't resemble traditional churches. Often in Neighborhood.
Two Distinguishing Features of Pentecostalism is:
Testimonies- conversion experiences of God
Speaking in tongues- possessed by the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, often happens in Pentecostal churches
True or False: The Pentecostal church is the slowest growing of the Churches:
False, its in fact the fastest.
Spanish Catholicism has claim to this church:
Spanish Catholic church in St. Augustine is the oldest church. It was the first Christian Arrival.
The first wave of European immigration during the 19th century were:
Catholics from Ireland, Italy, and Germany. It effectivly changed the face of Christianity in the U.S.
Second wave of Immigration during the 20th century were:
Latin American, large reason was the annexation of Mexico
Annexation of Mexico was:
During 1848 Mexican Catholics living in mexico suddenly became part of the U.S.
Parish level:
every day life of Catholics
Ethnic parishes:
ethnic Catholic churches examples of these are Cubans in Miami, Italians in Philly, and the Irish in Boston.
Parochial schools
development of Catholic education
Dorothy Day refers to:
Journalist turned social activist, included Peter Maurin founded Catholic Worker Movement in 1933, Started a house of hospitality in NY and then farms. Provided food for poor communities.
Catholic Worker Movement refers to:
a. Catholics gathered together
b. Anarchists
c. Don’t really believe in technology
d. Non-violence
The Vatican II was
I. Global conference of bishops
II. Symbolizes the Catholic Church engaging the modern world, in society
III. Occurred from 1962-1965
IV. John XXII “let in fresh air to the windows of the Church”
After the Vatican II reforms in the Catholic Church were
a. Before, priests would not look at the audience so they moved the altar from the back to the front so that the priests would face the crowd
b. Before, mass was in Latin but they changed it to the vernacular
c. Before, Catholics did not read the Bible but it encouraged Catholics to read the Bible, Bible should belong to everyone
Our Lady of Guadalupe refers to:
I. Apparition in Mexico 1531
II. Discovered by: Juan Diego
III. Feast day December 12
IV. Patroness of the Americas
In the Present Day, the Aztec Empire would be located...
In Mexico and some of Central America
When did the Aztec Empire Peak
Peaked during the 13th-16th century
True or False, The Aztec Empire was very peaceful, and didn't like to go to war?
False, They were very war like and Aggressive. They were the oppressors of the region.
Aztian to the Aztecs was:
A Mythical birth-place of the Aztecs.
Tenochtitlan was:
a. Former capital of the Aztec empire
b. It is present-day Mexico city
c. The Spanish built on top of their capital
Nahuatl was:
The Aztec Language
True or False: The Aztecs had an extensive Written Language and didn't rely on Oral Tradition as much?
False: The Aztec Language was Oral Tradition and Hieroglyphics.
Hernan Cortes was:
the great Spanish conquistador that defeated the Aztecs
Cortes attempted to conquer the aztecs in order to:
spread the word of christianity. He killed the Aztecs for Jesus and believed he was doing gods work. Additionally, gold was a main factor
True or False: The Aztecs would absorb the gods of the tribes they conquered?
True or False: They were the only indigenous people in Mexico and the tribes they conquered were not in mexico?
False, there were other indigenous tribes in Mexico
True or False: The Mythology of the Aztecs was very small and underdeveloped?
False, they had a rich Mythology
The Site of the Catherdral in Mexico was....
the exact site of the primary temple of the aztecs
True or False: The Spanish never fully conquered the Aztecs?
False: The Aztecs were physically, symbolically, and religiously conquered. All Sacred spaces for the aztecs were taken over. Happened all over Mexico
True or False: The Spanish believed the Aztecs were equal to them?
False, there was debate whether the Aztecs were really Human Beings.
The Aztec Gods were
Dualistic, meaning they had male and female characteristics.
In terms of names, the Aztec Gods had
3 names: a general name, a male name, and a female name
Aztecs believed that the cosmos were divided into what 3 regions?
Heavens, the earth, and the region of the dead.
True or False: Region of the Dead is the Dead that has ascended into Heaven
False: The region of the dead is the the Dead that has NOT ascended into heaven
The Aztecs considered the Gods to be:
Fluid, in the sense that the way they revealed themselves had no limit. They could move throughout history.
According to the Aztecs, Ometeatl was:
Considered the Father and mother of all of us. The God of duality and god of our souls.
How many Calendars did the Aztecs use?
I. 2 Calendars
a. 260 day calendar- more ancient
b. 365 day calendar that we use was also used
c. They ran simultaneously
In terms of Balance, the Aztecs Believed:
In Cyclical Balance
a. The world exists in cycles
b. It is a cycle of creation and destruction
c. The Aztecs lived their lives believing that they would be destroyed
d. When the Spanish arrived, it was thought of as the 5th reincarnation of the world
True or False: The Aztecs didn't believe in Human Sacrifice?
False: It was an honor to be sacrificed because if you were worthy you would go to heaven after.
Teomicqueh is the Aztec word for:
Name of the Sacrifical Victim
True or False: Offering of blood was another type of sacrifice?
True in fact the blood sometimes came from captured soldiers.
Tonalli is the Aztec word for:
Destiny; they believed their destiny was pre-determined and could be revealed to them.
True or False: In terms of Death, the Aztecs believed there was one place you could go after you died?
False; they believed there were several places one could go.
In terms of City States in the Mayan Empire,
There were many city-states and there were 4 or 5 different centers
True or False: The Mayans had one leader?
False, there was no one leader.
In terms of Geographic span, the Mayan Empire was seen in these Countries:
Present-day parts in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador
True or False: The Mayans had a uniformed Language that they all spoke?
False; There were 40-50 Mayan languages, and 25 different Languages were spoken.
What years were the Mayans Prevalent?
Peak 250-900 BCE, though as old as 1800 BCE, they peaked before the spanish arrived.
When did the Mayan Empire Collapse?
After 900
Why did the Mayan Empire Collapse?
The simple answer is we don't know, Mayans caused so much deforestation and destroyed the ecosystem around their cities and so they had to abandon their cities
True or False: After the fall of the Mayan Empire, we lost all traces of Mayans?
False: Mayans are alive today
a. Culture and language is still prevalent
b. Ancient religions are still practiced, especially in Guatemala
What year did the Spanish arrive?
Spanish arrival in 1519
Began knocking down each city-state
The Last Mayan city-state fell in?
1698 (Lake Peten-Itza)
In the end what could one consider the Mayan Legacy?
Known for their mathematics, astronomy, and calendar
What is the Popul Vuh?
I. Mayan bible
II. Emerges from western Guatemala
III. Transcribed by Quiche scribe in 1555
Under Mayan Cosmology we have what kind of understanding of time:
I. Cyclical understanding of time
a. World we live in will ultimately be destroyed
The Shaman was:
a. One that could be spiritually possessed by the gods
b. Different from the priest
Priesthood refers to those:
In charge of rituals in the temple.
According to the Mayan's their view of the realm is similar to whom?
There is a heaven, the earth, and a realm of the dead- similar to the Aztecs
True or False: They would blood-let
True, they would Cut themselves quite deeply and let their blood out as an offering to the gods
According to the Mayan's Numerology is important because:
a. Because of mathematics
b. Reading numbers and significance of dates
c. Looking at stars
2012 is important to the Mayans because?
II. Mayan-long count calendar ends
a. It ran for 2,000 years and it stops
b. There is no calendar after that continues
True or False According to the Mayans The calendar resets at 0- cyclical time
True or Flase: The Mayans believe that in 2012 the world will come to an end?
False: 2012 is not an apocalyptic end of the world.
Define the Word Voodo:
a. Refers to any African-based religious practice in Haiti
b. A ton of religious traditions of tribes in Africa can be called Voodoo
True or False: What Hatians call voodoo is generally not african religion but rather practices in the religion?
False: What Haitians call Voodoo is generally African religion grouped together. A certain set of religious practices that identify them
What does the terms Serve the Spirits refer to?
The term is used by most practitioners of voodoo use this term to describe that they practice it
According to Voodoo; the serpent is considered:
The Most powerful of any animal in the voodoo religion
True or false: Within Voodoo, dancing is not very important:
False: Within Voodoo dancing is very important. Dance brings together the human world and the spirit world.
Initially Voodoo was a religion of the Slaves but gained a negative view point because:
It was viewed negatively because it was the religion the Slaves observed while attempting to defeat the french. It starts to become negatively stereotyped of witchcraft
According to some; practicing of Voodoo was seen as a way of
rejecting the french colonialism.
The Hatian revolution was
a. Haiti is the only successful slave revolt in this hemisphere
b. It has an extremely strong impact on the other religions we will study
c. Slaves started to get more organized
In Hati, when the slaves defeated the french it set off this chain of events:
a huge wave of fear spread to the other colonies in the Caribbean

Success of the revolution made the Europeans contribute more to stereotypes of voodoo
True or Flase: Hati was the leading producer of cocoa?
False: They were the leading producer of sugar, however after the revolution their production stopped.
After the Hatian Revolution, what was spain's reaction to the lack of Sugar?
c. Spain starts to increase sugar production in Cuba and millions of slaves were brought to Cuba to accomplish that
d. There were crack downs on the African populations in other colonies
e. Many slaves created communities in rural areas where Voodoo really started to develop
During the years 1805-1860 how did the Vatican respond to the Hatian Revolution?
a. Remove all Catholic priests from Haiti
True or False: Roman Catholic elements were incorporated into Vodou despite lack of Catholic presence
True: a. Slaves were baptized before they reached the land of Haiti or were baptized right when they arrived so they were expected to be Catholic
b. Slaves would do many of their Voodoo practices in secret
In Hati, Slaves would pretend to worship Catholic images, but really they were:
worshipping their own gods behind Catholicism
Francois Duvalier also known as Papa Doc was
a. President from 1957-1971
b. Employed certain Voodoo priests into his secret police
i. Destroyed the image of voodoo as the spirit of resistance
c. Haitian and Vodou Diaspora
i. Was such a tyrant that many practitioners fled to the U.S.
Jean-Claude Duvalier a.k.a. Baby Doc was
a. President from 1971- 1986
b. Lives in exile in France
c. Was also a tyrant and is responsible for why there is such a strong presence of Haitians in the U.S.
Voodoo Religion would be considered:
I. Decentralized
a. Very difficult to study
b. Comes from various African tribes
c. A lot of diversity within Voodoo practices
True or False: There is one Voodoo Leader and a council of voodoo leaders
False: d. Not one Voodoo leader or one council of Voodoo leaders
True or False: Voodoo does not have a strong written Tradition
True: It was passed through ritual and oral tradition.
In Voodoo, ritual dance is:
Fundamental to Voodoo rituals and spiritual possession
True or False: The Origins of Voodoo can be traced back to South Africa?
False, its origins are divese and not one region can be pin-pointed.
Gran Met is:
The Good God
Wangas and gardes are:
a. Ritual objects that are said to protect you and ward off evil forces
b. Wear or carry on you as a form of protection
c. Sometimes they are an identifier
d. Sometimes people believe they are used to transmit negative energy
a. Center of your life if you are a Voodoo practitioner
b. Practitioner’s relationship with your lwa
c. Servant to your lwa
Lwa serves as mediators between:
the Gran Met and you, there is never a direct connection/ relationship with the Gran Met. More than one Lwa can possess you
Rada vs. Petwo
Rada are the sweet-tempered lwas they have their roots in africa where as Petwo are bitter Iwas and have their roots in Hati; emerged from slave experience.
Konesans are
Ritual knowledge you gain as you initiate yourself in to Voodoo
Ounfo is
a. Voodoo temple
b. Usually has a pole in the middle
c. Lwa descend down the pole to possess practitioners
Ason is a
sacred rattle that you dance with
I. In voodoo mounting refers to :
a. Act of possession
b. Part of your relationship with lwa
II. Head Washing in Voodoo refers to
a. Different herbs that are put on your head to open yourself up to possesison
b. Ritual before you are initiated
III. Memory and possession
Usually you don’t remember what happens when you’re possessed
IV. Initiation
a. You must be initiated to become a priest or priestess
b. You do not have to be initiated to be possessed
Danabala is:
Most powerful of the lwas, also the oldest. His Animal was the snake. He Enjoys eggs and his color is white
Who was St. Patrick?
St.Patrick was an individual chosen by Danabala because he had power over snakes.
Who is Danabala's wife?
His wife is Ezili( represented by the virgin mary)
True or False: The Voudo Calendar follows its own dates as apposed to the Jewish or Catholic Calendar?
False: It follows the Catholic Calendar
True or False: Food and Animal Sacrifice are part of rituals but not Alcohol and drumming?
False: Alcohol, Food, animal sacrifice, and drumming are part of rituals.
What did Lwa depend on for survivial?
Depended on Rituals for survival. They need humans to survive and humans need them to survive.
What reasons attributed for the arrival of Cubans in the United States in the 19th century(pre-castro)?
i. People going into exile because they fought against the Spanish for independence
ii. They worked on the tobacco plantations
Who was Vincente Martinez Ybor?
Initially he had a large plantation in Key West that was all about producing tobacco. His first plantation burned down so he made another plantation in Tampa, Ybor city to be exact
True or False: The Cuban Population was not seperated; they lived with one another as Cubans.
False: Cuban population was separated because black Cubans lived with African Americans while the white Cubans lived with the whites
Within the white Cuban community a lot of societies and organizations were
established to preserve Cuban identity
Because of the segregation between Cubans Black Cubans living among African-Americans began to
identify themselves as African-Americans instead of Cuban
Detail the first wave of individuals who came to the United States from Cuba post 1959
a. Lawyers, doctors, and others with degrees, mostly white, came
b. Came right after the success of Castro’s revolution
c. They really identified themselves as exiles
True or False: Those who left Cuba after Castro's Revolution left hoping to never return.
False: They only thought they would be here for 5 or 6 months because they believed that Castro’s government would be overthrown They realized soon that it would not be a short exile
Detail the Mariel Boat Lift of 1980:
a. Castro let a significant amount of Cubans that wanted to leave, leave
b. Racially mixed population, not primarily professional, not educated as well as the first wave
c. They were falsely stereotyped
I.E. scarface
True or False: Historically Cubans and African-Americans have a solid and working relationship?
False: Historically they have a terrible relationship. In the 80s riots insued because of interracial conflicts. No longer the case in Miami.
Initially individuals left Cuba for Politcal reasons however:
Later, people left because of economic reasons
True or False: Over 10 million cubans have arrived in the United States?
False, over 1.5 million cubans have no 10 million.
Cuban Exile are those:
individuals born in Cuba who are living here because of political exile
Cuban-American are those:
individuals born in the U.S. but are of Cuban descent
What is considered a national site for Cubans:
a. La Ermita de la Caridad is considered a national site
b. Linked to community rather than to land
c. Cuban-American world is community and not land because most will not visit their homeland in the lifetime
Was the Catholic Church strong in Cuba?
No, Catholic Church in Cuba was institutionally weak. Didn’t have many priests to handle the large slave population
The majority of priests were cities and the majority of slaves were on plantations
True or False: Catholicism is part of Cuban culture but the Church is not
True or False: Cubans in the United States are not very connected to the Catholic Church:
False: Cubans in the United States are Very connected to the Church
La Caridad del Cobre stands for
Our Lady of Chairty of Cobre
Who was Juan Moreno?
was a royal slave, owned by the crown
What's the relationship between Juan de Hoyos and Rodrigo de Hoyos?
They were indigenous Brothers.
What happened in the 1st 15 years of the 17th century
Juan Moreno and the Brothers Hoyos discovered the Statue of La Caridad del cobre, as accounted by Moreno in 1687. Story was recorded in 1703
What is the apparition story?
a. They were in the Bay of Nipe, gathering salt
b. They saw an object in the distance floating in the water, a statue that said I am the Lady of Charity and she was dry
c. Image was taken to authorities in Cobre
D. Captain Sanchez de moya made a shrine for her.
What kind of Community was Cobre?
Cobre was a Royal Slave Community
What is the image found in the water according to the apparition story?
Spain is the same image found in the water
True or False: Individuals continue to see La Virgen de la Caridad as simply ordinary after the shrine is made:
False: After the shrine is built, miracles become associated with her.
What Symbols are associated with La Caridad del cobre?
a. She is not a statue
i. She is a stick with a head and a dress
b. Started as a slave devotion
i. Spanish moved her away from the slave barracks after the stories of the miracles started
True or False: She was pleased when the spanish moved her?
False apparently she became mad.
During the War of Independence what did the Cuban army do?
Most of the Cuban army was black, they painted La Caridad on their uniforms; she became a symbol of independence.
True or False: Unlike in Islam, there were no pilgrimages made to La Caridad's Shrine.
False: Th ey would make pilgrimages to her shrine to ask for miracles.
What did the Veterans of Cuba eventually ask of the Vatican?
Veterans ask the Vatican to make her the patron saint of Cuba
How did the Vatican Respond to the Veterans Wish?
They changed the Story of La Caridad. Rodrigo lost his name because now they refer to the men as the Los Tres Juanes. She appeared to a white man, a black man, and a racially mixed man. Additionally paintings of her were changed because her skin becomes lighter and lighter.
Who is Oshun?
Associated with Our Lady of Charity, her name means source of life. Associated with rivers and fertility.
Detail Osuhn's arrival in cuba
a. Went to Cuba when she saw her children being enslaved
b. Her sister is Yemaya, the orisha of the salty waters
c. The story is that she asked her sister to lighten her skin and straighten her hair so that she can be with her children and also convert the Spanish
What do Practitioners think of La Caridad in relation to Oshun?
They see La Caridad as another reprisentation of Oshun.
La Ermita de la Caridad statue
arrived in Miami in September 8, 1961, replica was smuggled out of cuba and to miami
How did the Catholic Church wish to represent La Caridad?
a. Catholic Church wanted to build the shrine for her
b. It is the 5th most frequented pilgrimage site in the U.S.
c. It was used to correct any misconceptions of La Caridad and Oshun
d. The color yellow is Oshun’s color but in this Catholic shrine of La Caridad, yellow is a big deal
In protestantism, when was the first Great Awakening?
It was during the mid 18th century
Explain and Detail what Revivals are
i. Substantial religious gatherings
ii. Still happen today
iii. Collective, nation-wide rejuvenation of Protestantism
Evangelicalism could be detailed as
i. conversion experience
ii. It is the more conservative Christianity
iii. Conservative in morality
iv. Evangelicals will talk about being born again
When was the 2nd great Awakening?
Turn of the 19th century
What is Ecumenism?
It was the National Council of Churches and was conducted in 1949. dialogue among Christians denominations (different Christian churches)
True or False: The Catholic Church has participated in the Ecumensim.
False: Only Protestant denominations participated.
What exactly happened at the National Council of Churches?
consortium of Protestant churches, talk about differences and similarities of the denominations
In addition to the National Council of Churches there is also
The World Council of Churches
True or False: There has been an increase in mainline Protestants since 1960
False there has actually been a decline, More and more people are leaving the more traditional denominations like the Lutheran church or the Methodist church
What does Religious Right refer to?
Religious Right refers to right-wing political, religious, and social movements, very defined by politics, it’s a broad term
What does the Christian Coalition refer to?
is one such group of religious rights, mobilizes other Christians depending on political views
Regarding United States History, why did Europeans immigrate to the United States?
They left in order to avoid religious persecution. Religious Freedom was fundamental and important to the founding fathers.
True or False: There was a majority religion in the first 13 states.
False: There was no majority religion in the first 13 states.
The authors of the Consitution were
A combination of Christian and Catholic Christian rhetoric and ideas entered into this. Some were deists (someone who believes in a higher power, however, don’t believe in organized religion). Some were atheists
True or False; the authors of the constitution wanted there to be no separation between church and state?
False: They advocated strict separation
a. This idea stretched across the board
b. Unified the authors despite their different religions
What does Article 6 under the constitution state?
no religious test can legitimize office; We cannot marginalize or validate one’s role in office based on his or her religion
What does the First Amendment state?
no law against the establishment and free exercise of religion; There can be no “official” U.S. religion Government cannot interfere with a person’s religion
What was the Reynolds vs United States about?
in 1878 it was a polygamy case. It detailed the free exercise clause which applies to beliefs not practices.
What does the 14th ammendment state?
I. 14th Amendment (added in 1868)
a. Other laws applied to federal government
b. This amendment dealt with state interference
Why was the 14th amendment added?
the 14th amendment was added because state laws attempted to interfere with religious beliefs.
What was the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?
In 1993 Protection of religious freedom of lesser known religion. Big victory of small religions, it affirmed their status
In regards to the Freedom Restoration Act, what happened in 1997?
The Supreme Court Invalidated it.
What was the Religious Liberty Protection Act?
In 1997 the act was brought up in order to reinstate freedom of religious groups. In 1999 it passed in the house, although it never went to the Senate or President
What as the book that Robert Bellah Wrote?
Bellah Wrote the Book Civil Religion in which it stated that Religion-like elements connected with the American political system. Even though we as a country have religious freedom, the US has a pervading Christian Ethos
What Occurred in the case of the Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye vs the City of Hialeah
It was a legal dispute in 1987. Hialiah passed laws banning animal sacrifices. Ernesto Picardo wanted to practice Santeria in Church. Leased land to build church
As a result of of Picardo's Santeria Church what happened?
Garbage wasn't picked up by the city. Only building to lose power on the block. Pamphlets detail his church as Satanic. Protestan churches protest this church. Humane society interfers and informs Santeria they are abusing animals.
What was the city council's reaction to the Santeria Church?
on June 9th, council accused them of being a cult to life 1st ammendment In 1987 ordinances passed prohibiting animals being slaughtered unless zoned. Allowed police free reign to investigate cruelty claims.
What was the Santeria Church's Reaction to the City Council's ordinances?
on September 24th, Church filed suit saying their religious freedoms were violated. Accused the city of Harassment. Stated that these laws were specifically passed towards them. District Court claimed otherwise and found in favor of the city. Court of appeals affirmed ruiling
Eventually what was the Supreme Court's reaction to the City of Hialiah Vs. The Santeria Church?
Accepted it for review in 1992 and in 1993 ruled ordinances were unconstitutional. a. Practitioners, not only church, allowed to perform animal sacrifice
b. Able to have a public religious space
c. Religion recognized as a religion, not a cult
True or false: The Santeria Church still exists today?
False it does not
What do practitioners of the Santeria Religion think of the name?
They do not feel its the most appropriate name because it emphasizes the catholic religion too much. Translates into way of the saints.
What kind of religion is Santeria?
Santeria is a Yoruban religion
What are the Yoruba?
The Yoruba are from western Nigeria. Their Empire collapsed in the 1500's.
True or False: The Yoruban religion is no longer prevalent?
False: Its still prevalent although Christianity and Islam are more prevalent.
What does Lukumi mean?
term used by Spanish to create a category to talk about slaves in a region, includes Yoruban slaves in Cuba and slaves from around the region
What does the Term Regla De Ocha state?
Ocha is the short term for Orishas, its the offical name of Santeria.
What is the Significance of Cuba in the Santeria Religion?
Its predominantly a Cuban Religion. Everyone who practices Santeria is Cuban or black.
Explain the Genocide of the indigenous.
a. There were 100,000-200,000 indigenous people in Cuba
b. Within 60 years, the population dropped down to 5,000
i. Result of genocide, suicide and diseases
Explain the Slave Population in Cuba:
Estimated that 1 million slaves were brought to Cuba. For the majority of the colonial period, the slaves outnumbered the Spanish. There was fear that the Spanish minority couldn’t control the slave population
Slave trade peaked after the Haitian revolution in the 19th century
True or False: Cuba was one of the first Spanish Colonies to abolish Slavery?
False: They were one of the last.
Cabildos refers to:
Religious Brotherhoods usually organized by tribal nations, permitted by Spanish Government, also described as a mutual aid society. A social network, taking care of the sick, paying for funerals and supporting one another.
What was the spanish view of allowing slaves to keep their tribal identification?
If they allowed slaves to keep their tribal identification, they were less likely to identify with the other slaves from Africa and less likely to mobilize over ethnic lines.
Spanish and Portuguese wanted to keep distinct tribal groups
What is Baile?
a. It’s a dance
b. Cabildos would have dances and the Spanish allowed them to happen
c. The dances were really religious rituals
True or False: The Spanish created structures and spaces for individuals to dance because they wanted to support their religion?
False: They didn't realize it was in support of the Cabalidos religion
What does Los Reyes Magos refer to:
It is the most important day according to the Cabildos. It was a day of feasting
True or False: The Cabalidos did not hide african deities behind Catholic images lie the voodoo
False: They hid the African Deities behind Catholic images.
There were 3 types of Afro Cuban religion including
i. Las Reglas Congos
II. La Sociedad Secreta Abukua
III. La Regla de Ocha
Describe Las Reglas Congos:
a. From the Congo region
b. Palo Monte- in this religion, slaves would make dolls or images of their slave masters and would drive nails into them
Describe La Sociedad Secreta Abukua:
a. Very secretive
b. Very few scholars have been able to write about their rituals and practices because they do not allow outsiders at all
True or False: La Regla De ocha is the least important religion:
False it is the most important.
Describe the Major Beliefs of La Regla de Ocha:
I. Mix of Yoruba religion, Catholicism, and Espiritismo
a. You must be baptized Catholic in order to join
b. Espiritismo- belief of spirits and the belief of communicating with them, involves mediums and séances
What is Olodumare:
a. Most popular name for the God in Santeria
b. Has no human attributes
c. Created all of us
d. Entirely detached from humanity
e. There is no priesthood, temples or shrines to this god because it would limit its power
What is Ashe in Regards to Olodumare:
Olodumare’s life force and presence
Who are the Orishas?
I. Superhuman beings or spirits
a. Like the lwa, they are not God but they are above us
b. They are elevated from humanity
c. They come directly from Olodumare or they are people from the past who were elevated
True or False: The Orishas are Objects of Worship
True they have shrines and attributes and personalities.
Describe the Concept of being a child of an orisha:
a. All human beings are children of a specific orisha
b. Only a few are called to serve the orisha
c. It is not a missionary religion, but an orisha calls you to the religion, to convert
What is the relationship of Orishas in Cabildos:
Every single orisha has a Catholic image associated with him or her
True or False: In Nigeria there are 200 Orishas?
False, there are over 400
True or False: In Cuba there are over 400 Orishas?
Flase: There are only 30 and only the most popular survived, many were lost because of context changes.
Who was Chango:
a. A warrior king
b. Colors- red and white
c. Associated with lighting and war
d. Carries a sword and a double headed ax
e. Associated with St. Barbara
Who was St. Barbara:
i. She was the patron saint of the Spanish army
ii. She carried a sword and wore white
Who was the Orisha Oshun?
a. Colors- yellow and white
b. Image appears over water
c. Associated with rivers or sweet waters
d. Associated with La Caridad del Cobre (Our Lady of Charity)
i. She is the patron saint of Cuba
Describe the Orisha Babluaye:
a. Associated with St. Lazarus
i. Image of St. Lazarus that is found in the Gospel of Luke
ii. on crutches, has sores, and has dogs at his feat
b. Is the deity of sicknesses and skin diseases
In terms of Religious Practices describe the use of Spirit Possession and Drumming:
a. To be initiated is to become a priest or priestess, under the orisha that has called you
b. You can only be possessed by one orisha
c. Every orisha has a different drum beat
d. You play the drum beat of an orisha to call it down
True or False: Animal Sacrifice was done consistently.
False: It was something that wasn't done everyday, it was only done on the feast day of an orisha or done for need.
Describe the importance of Home altars:
a. Very important
b. There can be various altars
c. Have a mix of everything
i. Catholic images
ii. Colors of specific orishas
d. Every altar has a soup tureen and that is where the orisha is
True or False: Spells were an intrical part of Afro- Cuban Religion:
False: not part of the authentic religion, more for those who dabble.
What is the Significance of Initiation:
- is ordination
a. The priest or priestess that initiates you is very important
i. Seen as a family
ii. Called your godmother or godfather
Santero/as are:
a. Practitioners are referred to as so
What is a Babalow:
- a male high priest
a. Highest level of initation in Santeria
b. Only for men
What is the Botanicas:
where you get the supplies for ritual
a. At some, you get a spiritual consultation
What is the Relationship of Roman Catholicism in regards to Santeria:
a. Is contested in Santeria
b. Some want to get rid of Catholic elements
c. Some people believe that it is a different religion from the Yoruban one and they want to keep the Catholicism
True or False: Before WWII there wasn't a lot of Jewish Immigration to the U.S.
a. Pretty significant amount of people
b. 1880-1920
Describe the Holocust:
a. 1933- Hitler became German chancellor and head of the Nazi Party
b. Massive immigration after the Holocaust
c. 12 million people were killed in the war, half were Jews
i. The rest were Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the disabled, prisoners of war, and political enemies
What was Hitler's Ideology:
a. Notion of the mythical Aryan race which was revolting
b. Theory of racial classes did not only apply to Jews
c. Mythical Aryan race was superior
d. Thought that European Jews had conspired against Germany
When was Isreal Established?
Came after the Persecution in WWII
What is Zionism:
The Jewish Desire for a Jewish Nation, a lot of diversity within the definition
What was the Balfour Declaration?
a. Issued in 1917 by the British government
b. After WWI, Britain received control of Palestine and allowed for the limited immigration of Jewish populations
i. Large involvement of Europe in the Middle East
c. The U.N. voted to create the state of Israel
True or False: The Biggest Centers of Judaism are the U.S. and Isreal
a. 6 million in U.S.
b. 5 million in Israel
True or False: The Jews have a polytheistic view of God:
False: Monotheism
True or False: The Jews believe that the Messiah has already come?
False: They believe the Messiah will come someday

a. Messiah- anointed one
b. Came from the practice of anointing the king when he was elected
Describe the Sabbath:
day of rest that sanctifies the week
a. How one recognizes the Sabbath varies depending on which branch of Judaism one is a part of
b. Meant to talk about the restrictions of the world of labor and the world of rest
c. Came from the Book of Genesis because God takes a day off after making the world
What is Rosh Hashanah:
i. Jewish New Year
ii. Pay off your debts and starting anew
iii. Recalls the creation of the world
What is Yom Kippur:
i. Day of atonement (lamenting one’s sins and making it right)
Describe Sukkot:
i. Harvest celebration
What is Hanukkah:
i. Feast of Dedication or Feast of Lights
ii. Commemorates when in 165 B.C.E., the Second Temple was re-dedicated
What is Passover:
i. Commemorates when the Jews fled Egypt as told in the Book of Exodus
ii. Seder- the memorial meal that is eaten
What are the Dietary Practices of Jewish People:
a. Kosher- ritually correct
b. It varies depending the branch of Judaism one is a part of
c. E.g. Meat and dairy products cannot be mixed
d. E.g. pork and shell fish are forbidden
What is the Characteristics of Sephardic Jews:
a. Located primarily in southern Spain
b. Also moved out to other parts of the Mediterranean later
c. The name distinguishes the language used
d. Ladino- Spanish mixed with Hebrew
What are the Characteristics of the Ashkenazic Jews:
a. Jewish populations that came from central Europe
b. Yiddish is the language associated with this population, almost German mixed with Hebrew
Describe Orthodox Jewish People
i. Most conservative and traditional
ii. Males and females are separated in temple
iii. Only male rabbis
iv. A lot of distinctions in gender roles
Describe Conservative Jews:
i. Emphasis on tradition but they are a little more open to change
ii. Some social roles have a little more openness to change
iii. Origins: Germany
Describe Jews who consider themselves to be Reform
i. Attempting to modernize Judaism
ii. Origins: Germany in 18th century
iii. Allows for women rabbis
iv. Men and women sit together in temple
v. Service is conducted in the vernacular and in Hebrew
Explain the Reconstructionist aspect of Judaism:
Marked by an openness to secularism (more of the world)
What are some stereotypes of Native Americans:
Team Mascots( Redskins and Braves)
a. Not everyone feels the same about this issues
b. Overwhelmingly Native Americans are not pleased; but some say it is what it is
Describe the stereotype on Indian Casino's
a. The rich Native American, and that they are getting all these benefits and no taxes