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24 Cards in this Set

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Wisdom traditions
place emphasis on activity of the human being & its requirements for the attainment of salvation
- covers Indic monotheism
Prophetic traditions:
place the emphasis in activity of God (not on human agency) and the act of revelation of himself and his will through the act of prophets
- covers Abrahamic monotheism
- prophet = someone who speaks on behalf of
- divine action of self revelation through the prophets
prophet = someone who speaks for God and points towards the future actions of God and his dealings with the world
- points to events which will transpire by the initiative of God by his dealings w/ human beings
- can be an act of God, the deposit in which God conferred onto the prophets and the community around the prophet
- 2 meanigns of the same reality
o act of God and that which is commited to the prophetic community
o for example the Torah = revelation of God in the 2nd sense but not the first sense
hebrew scripture for God (YHWH)
- God identifies itself as being itself
- The one beyond all categorical definitions but encompasses all limited beings
God according to judaism:
we are limited creature who need to account for the possibility of our limited existence by the
- understanding of something limitless beyond ourselves and why that understanding understanding our own limited existence
In Ethical Monotheism:
God = personal subject who speaks to the world and has a will for the follower
• Indian philosophies see God impersonally as a metaphysical chronological
• Concept of God as a universal category
In creation:
creation as understood as centered upon human beings as itself called the participate in the convent bt God and humanity
- God made the heavens and the earth, salvation is in heaven, still apart of creation
o Don’t hae to assume there is a heaven, but either way Creation indicates that we should be involved in this world
o Conceived of salvation not in terms of denying the goodness of creation (the world and the heavens)
in human existence:
human being is the image of God, humanity has dominion over the rest of creation – not an arbitrary rule over creation but an extension of divine providence (looking forwards and pervading for with care for)
Acting in image of God:
relation with divine self-position, the way in which God himself deals with world, God as exemplar as man, can’t see man as exercising – love of dominion
Moral Freedom:
Moral Freedom: called to participate in a covenant, and in that covenant, are moral prescriptions
- we are called to fulfill that prescriptions
- the ability to respond to the call of God to participate in this covenant is freedom and the ability to reject it or not to fulfill the conditions set down by god is Sin
In History:
in religious traditions that don’t have concept of trancendenc ewith god, there is no possibility for concept of history for that which is and that which should be to diverge
- that only comes in a cosmology where God is not detached but to be distinguishable from the created order
- which given this moral freedom and sin, there is the possibility for divergence
- karmic order – depends on one’s own moral legency
- transcendence of God – can think of a dominion in which God is not absolute – because free beings can act with sin and move away
- transcendence gives room for humanfreedom and sin and possibility of history as conceived as the relationship that which is and that which ought to be that is brought about by God
- allows for prophetic tradition that can speak for future action of God that can restore creation to its fullness
In Morality:
convenant that we obey
ten commandments: obligations of human being towards God, and oligation to human gods
- thou shall have no other god but me
no worshipping idols
- thou shall not speak the Lord's name in vain
- thou shall not murder
- thou shall not steal
- thou shall not covet neightbor’s wife
- thou shall not commit adultery
- thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbour
- thou shall honor they father and mother
613 commandments:
The prescription found in the first 5 books of Moses (the Torah) Found in the Torah (law instruction)
- i.e. Rules for sacrifice, rituals, clothing for priests, etc
- Rules about food consumption, many diff rules
In Justice:
That which is in line with God's will
Wrote down the 10 commandments
Called people to return to the covenant
Freed the people from slavery in Egypt.
Created the Torah, the Hebrew bible.
Prophetic Guilds:
Ecstatic charismatic communities
o 3 sets of texts in Hebrew bible: the Torah (law and instruction, previously putatively written by Moses), the prophets (nivene??), the writings
o 2 categories of prophets
Individual prophets who directed their energies and writings against kings and individual deviations away from the structures of covenant.
Writing prophets:
Those who had critical attitidues towards the kings to Israel as a whole (instead of drawing attention to the descendents of the king, they drew attention to the descendents to the jewish community as a whole)
o Speaking for Go – drawing attention to them drawing short of the covenant
o 2nd is of them proletically (speaking forward) to the advent of justice
In suffering:
3 moments in history of Judaism (2 kingdoms Israel and Juda)
- lost tribes of Israel – they were spread out by the assyrians
Assyrian Conquest:
Babylonian Exile:
the two tribes was carried off the Babylon , conquering of the southern kingdom
- and then supplanting of Babylonian reign by the Persian reign (Cyrus) who by agent of God allowed the Jews to return to Israel
o only certain elements of the upper classes was taken into captivity
Persian restoration:
Cyrus the Great
In Messianism: Messiah
the anointed one, who has been blessed by God and given the instruments, to call repentance and restore the true dominion of God in Israel

doesn’t have to be a suffering one
o different types in jewish tradition
o the anoint