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65 Cards in this Set

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Ahura Mazda
Zoroastrian uncreated god; good
Ahriman (pahlavi)/ Angra Mainyu (Avestan)
Zoroastrian evil spirit; tempted Zoroaster/Zarathustra to renounce his faith in Ahura Mazda
17 psalm-like compositions written by Zoroaster/Zarathustra, and treated as 5 groups embedded in a larger collection of liturgical hymns called the Yasna, which is part of the Avestan scriptural collection devoted to Ahura Mazda as lord
cllection of books (similar to the Bible) which contains details of Zoroaster/Zarathustra Spitama's life and legends written centuries after his lifetime, some written in the 9th century CE
Judah Maccabee
the leader of a revolt o resistance fighters (which was partly an intra-Jewish civil war) in 166 BCE; Hasmoneus's son and Jonathon's father
Hasmonean Dynasty
Greek, started by Hasmoneus who was a priest who started revolt; everyone killed an animal or paid to have it killed for Zeus (msot were willing to do so, because Zeus was just another name for god, but Jews would not because Zeus is not God)
"lord", the Canaanite storm god who rode on a storm cloud, sometimes depicted as son of El and either the brother or lover of Anat
Babylonian Exile
began in 586 BCE when Jews were deported from Jerusalem to Palestine; lasted until 517 BCE when Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon and let the Jews go back to Judea to set up their 2nd temple
Rosh Hashanah
the Jewish new year festival, generally occurring in September 10 days before Yom Kippur
2 different groups of loyal Jews: those who resisted Hellenism militarily in 2nd century BCE Palestine, and the mystically inclined followers of the Baal Shem in 18th century Poland
Orthodox Judaism
Jews that follow the Torah very closely, speak Hebrew at services, follow Kosher rules, believe Moses wrote the Torah
Reform Judaism
don't follow the same rules as Orthodox Jews, are not Kosher, have services in English
Jewish rededication holiday
Conservative Judaism
don't want to be Orthodox, but follow Kosher rules and believe that Moses wrote the Torah, services in Hebrew, discovered by Mordicai (rabbi in the 1920s) who thought conservative was too conservative, but didn't like reform Judaism
2nd Temple Judaism
began in 516 BCE when Cyrus started the Achaemenid empire and let the Jews go to Judah to rebuild their temple
take literal meaning, upper class, don't believe in an afterlife
People who lived in Canaan, were more civilized and culturally advanced than the Israelites, worshipped Ba'al
Identified as the sicarii (secret assassins); wanted full on revolt which happened and ended at Masada, they killed each other by drawing lots then the last killed himself so that the Romans couldn't take over
have colonies, rituals, are strict about laws, apocalyptic community
Achaemenid Empire
559 BCE to 331 BCE, stablished by Cyrus the Great, Zoroastrian, kings were known to recognize other deities besides Ahura Mazda, no reference to Zoroaster as a prophet, Behistun Inscription in Iran
Cyrus the Great
established the Achaemenid Empire in 559 BCE, ended the Exile
Alexander the Great
conquered the Achaemenian Empire in 331 BCE, in charge of Greek soldiers, from Macedonia
The Seleucids
One of the Greek dynasties that descended from Alexander the Great's generals, from Syria, Antiochus III was on the throne in Antioch in 223 BCE, eventually gained control of the Ptolemies (the other dynasty that descended from Alexander)
Rabbinic Judaism
Jews who worship in synagogues since the Temple no longer exists, has rabbis isntead of priests because priests taught in the temple and rabbis teach in synagogues
Zoroastrian heresy; Zurvan is god of infinite time and he is the father of Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu
lived between 2200 BCE and 1800 BCE, from Ur, God told him to go to Canaan, was Abram before God renamed him Abraham, his wife was Sarah, in Assyrian empire, God's 2nd covenant was with Abraham and stated that Abraham's descendants would be numerous, started circumcism, his sons were Isaac (with Sarah) and Ishmael (with Hagar), was the first prophet and the founder of Judaism
means "hear"; the creed of Judaism, "Hear, O Israel, The LORD is our God, the LORD is One." Deuteronomy 6:4
his story is told in Exodus, was Hebrew, pharoah's daughter found him in river, he became leader of Israelites, shepherd in desert, burning bush, his brother Aaron's staff becomes snake, also uses staff to do God's miracles, 10 plagues on Egypt, parts the Red Sea, he and the Israelites wander the desert for 40 years, 10 commandments and the Torah (laws and history) on Mt. Sinai, lived to be 120 (limit of human age), took a miracle into his own hands so God put curse on him so that he could see Jordan (the promised land) but then he died, his covenant with God was to keep His commands and he and the Israelites would be blessed
talked to God through dreams or visions, received a message about covenant, usually are kileld or persecuted, write in a formula similar to a poet; some examples are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nakum, Jonah
God's name, pronounced Yahweh but Hebrew is written with no vowels
J is pronounced Yah as in Yahweh; came first based on the way he talks, writes about heroes and cities in the South, from Judah, descended from Aaron (Levite)
E is for Elohim; from Israel, writes about people and places in the North, descended from Moses (Mushite) because he was mad about Aaron's golden calf
D is for Deuteronomist; wrote Deuteronomy and laws which were left in the temple with the Ark
P is for Priestly, when JEPD was combined it ruined P's intentions
Kosher; no split hooves, only fish with scales, can't mix dairy with meat, get birds' eggs when mothers not looking; healthy and humane
deities or worshipful beings in Zoroastrianism who were seen as Ahura Mazda's heavenly host
to Indian's this means gods; to Avestan's this means demons/evil
the founder of Zoroastrianism; birthdate between 6000 BCE and 600 BCE, Author of the Gathas, "Father of astrology and magic", had a revelation from Ahura Mazda at age 30, tempted to renounced his faith by Angra Mainyu
Hebrew word for God, translated into English by entirely capitalizing LORD or GOD
God; Ba'al's father in Canaanite and ancient Israelite religions
believe in an afterlife, don't believe in colonization or sacrificing to Greek gods, believe in oral Torah which was written down during Exile and known as the Talmud
Balfour Declaration
passed in British government in 1917 stating that Jews should have a recognized homeland, but didn't happen because WWI broke out in 1918
Yom Kippur
Jewish holiday of atonement
Simon Bar Kochba/ Bar Kosiba
Jewish revolt from 132 CE to 135 CE, contained strong messianic voertones, the man they called messiah died in battle
Norouz/ Nowruz
Iranian and Zoroastrian new year; set out dishes or small quantities of 7 items whose Farsi names all begin with the letter "s" in their homes which are a devotion to the seven Amesha Spentas (personified qualities: good mind, order, domiinion, devotion, wholeness, immortality, and the holy spirit)
sea monster
sphinx-like, statues act as throne seat for God, guardian creature at gates of Eden, on top of Ark and used to communicate with God
722 BCE
Assyrians attack Northern Israeli tribes and unsuccessfully attack Judah
586 BCE
Babylonians conquer Judah, and the Babylonian Exile of Jews from Judea to Palestine begins
517 BCE
Cryus takes over Babylonia, end of the Exile, beginning of 2nd Temple Period
70 CE
fall of 2nd Temple
1948 CE
May 8th or 9th- Israel is declared official country and war is declared on Israel
Why was Moses unique among the prophets
God talked directly to him
How did the Babylonian Exile influence Judaism
Zoroastrian influence caused them to believe there is evil in the world, concept of Satan
Possible explanations for kosher laws
not cruel to animals, humane, healthy
The characteristics of a prophet
talked to God through dreams or visions, received a message about covenant, usually are killed or persecuted, write in a formula similar to a poet; some examples are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Nakum, Jonah
The stages and development of Zoroastrianism as a clearly defined religion (Achaemenid Empire, Sassanid Empire, and Late Antiquity/ Early Middle Ages)
Achaemenid Empire- inscriptions about Ahura Mazda, no reference to Zoroaster, sign of Zoroastrianism, Magi are Zoroastrian priests
Sassanid- Zoroastrianism is state religion, more fire temples, Avestan scriptures and texts
Early Middle Ages- Islam takes over in Iran so Zoroastrianism dies out, some Zoroastrians move to India and do well there because they aren't in caste
The major differences between the J-Writer and the E-Writer
J from Judah and wrote about people and kingdoms from the south and descended from Aaron.
E from Israel and wrote about people and places in the North and descended from Moses (Mushite) because he was mad about Aaron's golden calf
Canaanite religion's influence on the Ancient Israelites
ideas of evil- Satan
Possible evidence in favor of the historicity of the book of Exodus
Moses's name is egyptian, was born poor became rich and went back to being poor which is usually the opposite so they wouldn't have made this up, 10 commandments were written as a Suzerian contract which is similar to ruling parties at the time
The 10 Commandments
1. No gods before God
2. No idols
3. Don't swear by God's name
4. Keep the Sabbath holy
5. Honor your parents
6. Don't murder
7. Don't scommit adultery
8. Don't steal
9. Don't bear false witness
10. Don't covet
Jewish holiday that celebrates Esther; kids dress up (similar to halloween)
Jewish holiday of booths which originates in grain harvest; make a hut/house in yard
Jewish holiday that originates in fruit harvest
lasts 7 days, seder plate, no leavend bread in house