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56 Cards in this Set

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What action is a symbol of receiving the gift of the holy spirit?
the laying of the hands.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
wisdom, understanding, right judgement, courage, knowledge, reverence, wonder, and awe.
Who is the minister of the sacrament of matrimony?
the bride and groom
The sacrament of anointing of the sick
the sacrament by which God's grace and comfort are given to those who are seriously ill or are suffering because of their old age.
The three sacraments of Christian Initiation
baptism, conformation, Eucharist
What is one of the sacraments of the service of communion?
Holy orders
the changing of the bread and wine into the body of Jesus
Pascal Mystery
the mystery that christ had to suffer and died to save us from sin and death to raise us with him to new life.
In the sacrament of penance, the priest extends his hand and says this...
"I absolve you from your sins."
In the sacrament of conformation, the priest does this with the chrism to show that the Holy Spirit is present...
the ceremony by which a man becomes identified with the apostolic ministry of the church
When you receive the sacrament of reconciliation, you are reconciled with...
God and the church
A turning away from evil is called...
During the rite of anointing the sick, the minister anoints...and...with the oil
the forehead and the hands
By Baptism, we share in the... of the faithful to spread the good news to the world by word and action.
God's call to the single life, the religious life or the ordained ministry
another word for priest
another word for sin
another word for penance
public worship of the church
the ordained minister of confirmation and love is called
The effort to make Jesus known and loved
a less than serious sin that weakens our relationship with God
Corpus Christi
the feast of the body and blood of Christ
mortal sin
a serious sin, knowingly and willingly committed
original sin
we are born with this sin and for that we suffer
Sorrowful Mysteries (5)
The Agony in the Garden, the scourging at the pillar, the crowing of the thorns, the carrying of the cross, and the crucifixtion
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
When our sins are absolved or forgiven
perfumed oil blessed by the Bishop
Baptism by dipping someone completely under water
a person who saw something happen
Who are the three ministers who receive Holy Orders?
Priest, Bishop, Deacon
Who are the two ministers of the sacrament of the Holy Orders?
Bishop & Pope
Name one minister of the church and explain two of his duties
Bishop: to minister of the sacrament of Holy Orders; to continue the apostles mission of leadership and serve in the church
What takes place during the celebration of reconciliation?
the sacrament of penance
Christ's ascension into heaven
the season begins on Christmas Day with the celebration of the birth of the son of God. During this season, we celebrate that God is with us.
All Saints Day
the witness of the saints; this season is a time to grow as followers of Christ.
Immaculate Conception
the belief that Mary was free from original sin from the moment she was conceived
At the last supper Jesus instituted the sacrament of confirmation
FALSE. The sacrament that completes the grace that we receive in baptism. It seals or confirms this grace through the seven gifts of the holy spirit that we receive as part of confirmation. This sacrament also makes us better able to participate in the worship and apostolic life of the church.
At the words of consecration at mass, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus
TRUE. The making of a thing or a person special to God through a prayer or blessing at mass the words of the priest are consecration that makes Jesus Christ’s body and blood present under the appearance of the bread and wine. People or objects set apart for God in a special way are also consecrated. For example, churches and altars are consecrated for use in liturgy, and bishops are consecrated as they receive the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders.
The priest is the minister of holy orders
TRUE. A man who has accepted God’s special call to serve the church by guiding it and building it up through the ministry of the word in the celebration of the sacraments.
Reconciliation is the sacrament that completes Baptism
FALSE. The renewal of friendship after that friendship has been broken by some action or lack of action. In the sacrament of penance and reconciliation through God’s mercy and forgiveness, we are reconciled with God, the church, and others.
Matrimony is a sign that gives a man or a woman the ability to love like Jesus
TRUE. The solemn agreement between a woman and a man to be partners for life. Both for their own good and for bringing up children. Matrimony is the sacrament when the agreement is properly made between Baptized Christians.
The first sacrament of Christian initiation is Baptism
TRUE. Sacraments of Initiation are the sacraments that are the foundation of our Christian life. We are born anew in Baptism, strengthened by Confirmation, and receive in the Eucharist the food of eternal life. By means of these sacraments we receive an increased measure of divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity.
The first sacrament of Christian initiation is Baptism
TRUE. Baptism is the first of seven sacraments, it frees us from original sins and is necessary for salvation. It gives us new life in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The celebration of Baptism consists of immersing a person in water while declaring that the person is baptized in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit.
In the Gloria, we promise God for simply being God.
The sacrament of matrimony is a sacrament of Christian initiation.
The sacrament of reconciliation washes away original sin.
In the celebration of Baptism, water represents new life.
The Catholic church celebrates how many sacraments?
Which Gospel story tells us about God’s forgiveness offered in the sacraments of penance?--Prodigal Son
A state of final cleansing after death of all our human imperfections to prepare us to enter into the joy of God’s presence.
The Assumption of Mary
Mary, taken body and soul, into heaven. Mary had a special relationship with her son Jesus from the very beginning when she conceived him. Catholics believe that because of this relationship she enjoys a special participation in Jesus’ resurrection and has been taken into heaven where she now lives with him. We celebrate this event in the feast of the Assumption on August 15th.
Which feast celebrates Mary’s ascension to heaven at the end of her Earthly life?
The Assumption of Mary
Which Gospel story tells us about God’s forgiveness offered in the sacraments of penance?
Prodigal Son