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71 Cards in this Set

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Priest of Israel-- has a number of sons that serve as priests under him
Son of Hanna
Lives with Eli
Becomes a legitiment priest of Israel
*Last judge & 1st prophet
"Seen as that father figure again"
Military deliverers or gorilla leaders that save the people, then turn into policemen etc.
Sea Peoples
Philistines / 1200 B.C. / Destroy Hittite Kingdom
(Philistines) One of the Sea Peoples / Repulsed & defeated, move to Palestine and become the Philistines, build cities along Palestinian coast (Gaza), use iron weapons
One of the greater judges of Israel / belonged to the tribe of Manasses / early judge who is known for defeating the large Midianites with an army of 300
Observation of Joshua 21: 43-45
The Lord gave Israel land, delivered enemies into their hands & gave them rest
Major Judges
Othniel, Ehud, Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson
Heilsgeschicte (Historical Pattern)
Sacred history; "holy history"
Sin, Servitude, Sorrow & Supplication, Salvation
Three Leading Characters of I and II Samuel
Samuel, Saul, and David
Samuel: "the name of God" "his name is God" "heard of God" - founder of the school of profits
Saul: "son of God" "ask of God"
David: Son of Jesse, man considered after God's own heart, red hair, light skin, more written about him than anyone else besides Jesus, served his generation
One of the Sea Peoples / Repulsed & defeated, move to Palestine as Peleset then become the Philistines / build cities along Palestinian Coast (Gaza), use iron weapons
Man after God's own heart, political, military, takes the throne by right not by conquest (the throne of Israel) / captures canaanites -- Jebusites taken over, renames Jebuse to Jerusalem
Known as a great decisive King
Nephew to King David, made captain of David's army, David tells Solomon to have Joab killed
Hiram of Tyre
Gives and provides craftsment to Solomon / Solomon ensures a relationship with him
Two Outstanding Achievements of Solomon
1. Legendary Wisdom
2. Built the Temple
Four Famous Contributions of Solomon
1. Wisdom
2. Wealth
3. Wives
4. Temple
King of North, organized the work teams, disagreed with Solomon and flees to Egypt, 10 tribes call him back and he takes over these tribes
King of South, Solomon's son, who will eventually rule, has a meeting at Shechem and asks the tribes what he should do to be successful (unlike his father)...dont tax etc.
Kingdom of Israel
Northern Kingdom, 19 kings, 0 approved, 10 tribes, fell to Assyria in 722 B.C.
Kingdom of Judah
Southern Kingdom, 20 kings, 8 approved, 2 tribes, fell to Neo-Babylonia in 586 B.C.
Very militarized & contradized in certain areas, took out the 10 northern tribes, but did not take out Judah and Southern Kingdom
The term used for Syria, sometimes noting the captial of Damascus & retitled Aram-Damascus
King of Northern Kingdom of Israel, rules 22 years, strengthens kingdom, walked in the ways of Jeroboam, expanded internationally invaded Moabites
Son of Omri; marries Jezebel
Daughter of the King of Tyre/Syden; Ahab's wife
Commands a draught for 3 years, confronts prophets of Bao, goes down to Mt. Horeb and has a meeting with Yahweh there he is granted a vision of God then returns to land of Israel where he does 3 things
Different kind of character, more passive, can do all the miracles that Elijah did, guardian of Yahwehist faith
Amos-"the great reformer"
"To lift a burden" Not a professional prophet, 3 different occupations- shepherd, herdsman, cultivator of sigamore figs
Isaiah-"the messianic prophet"
Son of Amoz, influenced Southern Kingdom, 740-700 B.C., the book is the largest book of prophecy
King Hezekiah
of Judah- Son of Ahaz, repaired the damage caused to the temple by his father, inspired his people to seek and serve the lord
Holy & righteous by God
of Moresheth, "who is like the lord", preached his message at the same time as Isaiah
"Law Court" Words
Case, Controversy, Contend, Plea
"God strengthens" Son of Buzi, 1st called in the 5th year of the exile (593 B.C.), 1st prophet to preach to the people without the temple or the promised land
To develop a different perspective on life, Yahweh is changing their interiorness so that they will renew their love & their relationship with the covenant
Jeremiah (his parables)
1. The Boiling Pot 2. The Ruined Sash 3. The Potter & the Clay 4. The Broken Flask 5. The Good & Bad Figs 6. The Bonds & Yokes 7. The Deed of Purchase 8. The Stones in the Clay
Oracles of Consolation (Ch. 40-66) - What book?
Images of rebuilding & restoring, emphasis on central ideas of the book of Isaiah
Central ideas of Isaiah
God is the Holy One of Israel, Yahweh uses foreign rules & nations as instruments of punishment & will in turn punish evil that those nations do in excess, Yahweh makes his home in Jerusalem & on Mt. Zion from there his salvation goes forth
Jewish Diaspora
(Dispersion) Jews are dispersed & they influence their culture
Short Outline of Ezekiel
Oracles against Judah & Jerusalem before 586 B.C., Oracles against foreign nations, Oracles of hope & restoration for Judah
King of Judah (S. Kingdom) He discovers law, the spiritual model, and he impresses upon the Southern Kingdom the Mosaic Model
Jehoichin's uncle, put in place after he is taken out, *Last King of S. Kingdom 598-587 B.C.
Term "day of the Lord"
A reformer who brings Jerusalem to rebuild the temple
Governor and Cupbearer (tested the wine to make sure it wasn't poisonous), allows for the rebuilding of the walls
King of the Persians--539 B.C. Great Enlightened Persian Ruler
Leader (early) that emerges from this relationship, Prince of the divinic line, A number of jews are able to return back with him 538-536 B.C.
Psalms- "Piety movement"
Very religious, deal with pain & how you trust God, how generous are you with life and wealth
Wisdom Literature Books
Approach to life with its gains and losses. A way of living out in a deliberate rational way through their devotion to God (Israelites)
Brief characteristics of Old Testament Wisdom Literature
Concerned with everyday life & how to live well, does not appeal to revealed truth, claims its authority lies in tradition & observation, rooted in reverence and commitment of God
Solomon, principle writer, the greatest "how to" books, "To know wisdom and instruction, justice & equity..."
Ecclesiastes meaning
"the preacher or teacher"
the part to which Jonah sought refuge when the Lord asked him to go to Ninevah located in modern day Spain
Sent to Nineveh, about 780 B.C., Shows that the plan of Yahweh is bigger than the Hebrew people
Capital of Assyrains, Jonah sent to preach here
Part of the Ketuvim (Hebrew) or "writings" out of the Tanakh (author unknown), Hadassah-- Esther's Persian name
Uncle of Queen Esther, most scholars think that he is the author of this book, Raises her as his own daughter as part of the Jewish exile in Babylon then under Persians
Wife of Xerxes, makes her disrobe in front of a dinner party, she refuses, put her back in the Haram with the other women--> has a beauty contest, finds Esther she is now the number 1 wife
Called an Agagite in the text, important official, made all the officials bow to him, but Mordecai (being a Jew) would not bow to him, executed
Feast of Purim
"Pure" or festival, end of Feb. early March, celebrates the saving of the Jews by Esther & Mordecai
The Holy Scriptures, name used in Judaism for the canon of the Hebrew Bible
Jews were taken through 3 separate deportations to Babylonian Empire/Kebar River
4th of major prophets, tells romantic stories called "court tales," tells about young hero who lived under great danger in Babylon, visions to predict newer kingdoms, greeks, etc.
Apocalyptic Literature
Chief characteristic is the revelation of some secret about the future, unveiling or revelation
Alexander the Great
Greeks, defeats Darius
The successor state to Alexander the Great that is located in Egypt
The term used to define the radical philosophy, history and culture of the Greeks after Alexander the Great. Influenced the then known world by its language of Koine Greek
The Greek version of the Old Testament, translated Tarshish as carthage