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87 Cards in this Set

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- “devastation” or “destruction”
Shi’a (Shiites)
- A minority branch of Islam, which holds that Muhammad’s genuine successors descended from his son-in-law Ali. - “The Followers of Ali”
Angra Mainyu
- The opposite of Ahura Mazda, and he provokes lies and evil.
- “LORD”Hebrew name for God (true name). Is technically a plural term referring to “Gods”. Rarely used, as it is believed knowing somethings true name gives you power over it.
- “New Country(rural)” Neo Paganism has Pre-Christian values.
325 C.E.
- The first Council of Nicaea - they created a creed
- “Struggle” Struggle with self, struggle with self-control, and struggle with offensive Jihad - “6th pillar of Islam”
Yom Kippur
- Day of Atonement, the most sacred day of the Jewish year.
- “righteousness”; essentially “natural laws” meant to guide people
Martin Luther
- He wrote the 95 theses and translated language to vernacular. He helped in the Protestant reformation
- (Handed down) Mystical Judaism, transposing letters into numbers and it is as important as the Talmud for some Jews
Abu Bakr
- He is the first Rashidun. Was able to unite Arabia.
- The pilgrimage to Mecca and is part of the 5 pillars of Islam
- a mixture or collage. All religions tend to be either syncretistic or a Bricolage
- Follower of Rashidun - major Islamic group
- pact, treaty, or agreement - Promises that God made to Moses and a few others
- Islam’s unifying principal- Community/brotherhood: one god, one humanity, one people, one leader
- “Study” - Combination of the Gemara and Mishnah
- Members in the Mosque that help with the gathering of prayer in the Islamic faith
5 Pillars of Islam
1. Shahada: Major creed “There is no God, but God, and Muhammad is his prophet” 2. Salat: Prayer done five times a day 3. Seyam: Fasting done during Ramadan 4. Zakat: Alms giving, or tithing 5. Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca and Kabah
- Neo Paganism Celebration of the Spring Equinox (March 21st) Goddess of the Dawn, symbols are Rabbit and Egg a.k.a Easter
Cyrus the Great
- called the “anointed one” - allows the Jews to return home and rebuild the temple - Achaemaid Emperor
- Jewish Holy Text. First five books of the Christian Old Testament
- people from Persia - Member of a Zoroastrian religious sect in India
Adi Granth
- Arjan wrote them. “Original Collection.”
- “Mother, Maiden, Crone” A Neo-Pagan idea, symbol of the Celtic Triple Goddess, each thing is fertility
- (division) – an offshoot of an already established religion
Qur’an (Koran)
“Recitation”; God’s words as revealed to and recited by Muhammad; an authorized edition of the written words that appeared after Muhammad’s death. Contains 114 chapters known as Suras (“eminence”)
- The established Jewish state in Israel
- “Redeemer” 1. Born a virgin 2. Line of Zarathustra 3. usher in peace and righteousness.
: mystics who wear wool.
:A religious leader: specifically, one of the hereditary successors of Muhammad, venerated in Shiite Islam.
- Sub-section in Yasna/ Hymns are in ancient dialect and composed by Zarathustra
- The scattering of people or migration of people.
- Non-Muslim (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity) under Muslim rule. They were allowed a greater role in society.
Eastern Orthodox sacraments
- Eucharist, baptism, marriage
- Head of the state in Caliphate and a title for rulers of Islam.
Brit Milah (circumcision)
- Religious ceremony performed on 8 day old infants.
1054 C.E.-
The Great Schism occurred - splitting the Eastern and Western churches
- The story of Moses leaving Egypt and leading his people to the Promised Land (Israel) also, a book in the Torah, and Bible
Reform Judaism
Largest worldwide and founded in Germany
Tower of Silence
- Bodies are put in high places to be closer to God and the birds slowly decompose the bodies. Part of Zoroastrianism.
Milvian Bridge
- A major battle, and Constantine won the battle which made him the ruler of the Roman Empire.
- Jewish dietary guidelines that deals with Kosher and other unclean products.
- a tall tower of a mosque with balconies that the summons to prayer is shouted by the muzzin.
- Teaching people more about the Greek culture and language.
The Great Schism
- The Pope and Michael excommunicated each other; therefore, the Eastern and Western Christian religions separated.
- Fertility festival associated with Bel, the celtic god of the sun. Maypoles and today is May day
Jesus’ “real” name
- “Yeshua” or Joshua
- greek for passover, or easter
Synoptic Gospels
- Matthew, Mark, Luke- “to see together”
- The established Jewish state. Means “struggle with God” in Hebrew.
Ashkenazic Judaism
- Descendents of Germany and Eastern European Judaism
- “law” - Moral code of Islam and deals with topic economics.
70 C.E.
- destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem by the Romans
2 Types of Judaism
- Biblical and Rabbinical
Dominical Sacraments
- Baptism and the Eucharist
Dar al-Islam- Means
“The House of Islam”
- “Greek Old Testament” Translation of the Hebrew bible
- 8 seasonal turning point centered around Solstices and Equinoxes
- Greek title of Mary mother of Jesus
The possible “founders” of Christianity
- Paul, jesus, abraham
- Summer's end festival on October 31st. It is commonly known today as, Halloween
- “eminence” - A chapter within the Koran or Qur’an
- Ritual bath
- Supernatural spirits mentioned in the Qur’an who inhabit the unseen world (demons)
Days of Awe
- “High Holy Days” Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah
- It was the capital and center of governmental control. Today it is modern Day Istanbul, Turkey.
6 Pillars of Faith
- 1. Belief in one God 2. Belief in the books of God 3. Belief in the Angels 4. Belief in the Prophets and Messengers of God 5. Belief in the Day of Judgement 6. Belief in Al-Qadar
Id al-Adha
- “Day of Sacrifice”-celebrated on the 10th day of Mina. (Stone Throwing at Demons)
Wiccan Rede
- Relaxed Golden Rule that says to not harm anything or anyone. “Harm no one, and do what you will.”
Council of Nicaea
- they created a creed similar to “The Apostles Creed”
- The Islamic (Major) Creed. “There is no God, but God and Muhammad is His prophet.”
- “The Path One Walks” or All Jewish law. A. Laws from the bible, talmud, and customs. B. 613 Mitzot or “Commandments” binding for only the Jews.
“Extinction” Sufis spoke about the loss of self, and it occurs in mystical experiences.
- The “Separated Ones”- composed of “common people”-Top Jewish Officials, (Clergy) Rabbis, that had Jesus Christ arrested
- People who dwelled in the desert, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were written by them.
Possible Reasons for the Protestant Reformations
- 1. Corruption of the Catholic Church. 2.Political upheaval. 3. Technological advances 4. Economic upheaval
- “talk” or “speech”-stories and deeds of the Prophet - “Recollections and remembrances of his followers.”- Muhammad
Ahura Mazda
- The Supreme Being, “Lord Of Wisdom” in Zoroastrianism - only one god
- Religious symbolism
Four Rashidun
- 1. Abu Bakr 2. Umar ibn al-Khattab 3. Uthman ibn Affan 4. Ali ibn Abi Talib
- A Pagan tradition when during full moons people gather and have ceremonies.
Abrahamic Traditions
- Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Pesach (Passover)
- Commemoration of Exodus-Seder meal in Judaism
- Born into polytheistic Aryan culture with 3 classes. 1. Warriors 2. Priests 3.Merchants. He was brought before God and had visions/dreams
- These were priests and people who claim to be descendents of Zarathustra; also called mobed