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6 Cards in this Set

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Reliability of an item is the ratio of the true score to the total (true + error) score variance

The greater the error the lower the reliability
Internal Consistency Reliability:
Split Halves Reliability
* Split scale in half (randomly) such that each part of the scale has half of the items.
* Compute the total score for each half based on the items.
* Calculate the correlation between the two total scores. This is the split half reliability

Cronbach’salpha is equivalent to the average correlation of ALL possible splits
Internal Consistency Reliability:
Internal Consistency Reliability:

…*The proportion of a scale’s total variance that is attributable to a common source
…* α = 1-error variance
= 1 –ratio of unique variance to total variance
* 0 <= α <=1
Cronbach’sAlpha Derivation
Adjusting for number of terms:
alpha= k*(Sum of all covariancesijfor
k-1* (Sum of all covariances i≠j)+ Sum of all variances)
Reliability Guidelines
* …Alpha should be .70 or higher (.60 for exploratory); however many researchers insist on a stringent cut-off of .80 (Robinson et al;
Clark and Watson)
- Exceeding .80 is of little utility to internal consistency or content validity …
* Inter-item correlations of
- .30 or better (Robinson et al)
- .15-.50 in general and .40-.50 for narrowly defined constructs
* …Number of items for narrowly defined constructs (i.e. 4-7 items)
Composite Reliability
Should be > .70 (Hair et al)