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21 Cards in this Set

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The two parts of 4 Nephi
1-19: really good things that bring happiness
20-47: really bad things that bring unhappiness and wickedness
What are the things that bring happiness according to 4 Nephi 1?
Going to church
Equality/Law of consecration
No contention
What are the things that bring unhappiness and wickedness according to 4 Nephi 1?
"-ites" in the land
Many churches
Persecute the true church
Killing prophets
Secret Combinations
What was Mormon told in Mormon 1:1-3 while ten years-old?
He was told to remember everything and when 24 y/o, he would be able to retrieve the plates and keep the records
How to overcome pride:
Accept Christ
Don't deny revelation
Accept the gospel
Believe miracles
Be worthy
Be wise
Who wrote, found, translated, and abridged the book of Ether?
Wrote: Ether
Found: People of Limhi
Translated: Mosiah (son of King Benjamin)
Abridged: Moroni
How to obtain a blessing from the Lord as discussed in Ether 3:
Do everything you can first
Acknowledge weakness
Be specific
Ask with faith
Who is the author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon?
The Brother of Jared
Who transcribed the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon on to the Golden Plates?
What is the purpose of secret combinations and sacred covenants?
To unite people
How are secret combinations and sacred covenants similar?
They exist for power and gain
They work by signs, covenants, words, and secret things
They promise protection, family/belonging, and gain
How are secret combinations and sacred covenants different?
Combinations destroy/take away life, lie, are selfish, and work through fear.
Covenants give you eternal life, truth, and they work through love.
Explain the:


of Mormon
Life = Apostle, his plates = 1/100 of what was done
World = very wicked
Work = 1st battle at 15, general at 16, 1st victory at 19, retired at 51, came back at 64 (w/o hope)
Motivation = Love, Christ as anchor, labor, learn wisdom in youth
How do you determine Mormon's age?
Year - 11 = age
Mormon's Lament in chapter 6
To Lamanites
Know - don't fight or shed blood
Do - believe and be baptized
Judge - If you judge righteously, all will be well with you.
Moroni's instructions to Joseph Smith about the witnesses to the Book of Mormon:
Those who assist the work may be witnesses.
What is the Lord's message to the Lamanites in Mormon 7?
Accept the gospel, be baptized, and be saved.
Put down your weapons and don't fight anymore
What is the doctrine concerning Christ as a pre-mortal spirit?
He will look like us - with flesh and blood - but he's really a spirit
What is Moroni's message to the Gentiles concerning the pride of their hearts in Mormon 8?
Pride will enter into the hearts of the leaders of churches and teachers will become prideful.

It will lead to the downfall of the world - fires, tempests, vapors of smoke, etc...
What did Mormon and Moroni teach in Mormon 9 concerning Christ, revelation, and miracles?
Wo wo wo don't deny...
What did Mormon and Moroni teach in Mormon 9 concerning Christ, revelation, and miracles?
Wo wo wo don't deny...